Dear 15 year old user

Dear 15 year old user

Fuck that bitch then avoid her like the plague. Don't let her ruin you. Smoke a little less weed. Don't worry about your dad. He's a big boy he can look after himself.

Also, Sam has come out as gay so your bet's gonna come in. We fuckin' knew it. Other than that spend less time playin vidya games and more time fucking prime young bitches instead of being whipped by a psycho, and maybe start being less of a lazy asshole.

Sincerely user

Stop being such a fucking faggot.

semen covered female for attention

Life doesn't get better. It just changes slightly. Don't get your hopes up kid.

Dear 15 year old me
Don't use Sup Forums. It'll ruin you.

>twf nobody on Sup Forums is even 15 yet

>tfw dubs

Special doggo of inner reflection and self improvement to encourage more stories

>ravioli ravioli give me the formuluoli

hold on to the dicks you suck, theyre special

Dear 15 year old me... think before fucking 25 niggers in the school bathroom....


gordon bump

dear 15yo. me,

You are going to, and have gone through, a lot since always. These hard years, and the few left to follow, are however needed so that you can achieve the few connections, links, and events you have to go through.
Grin and bear it, mah boy, everything will turn out ok. Everything that happened happened on purpose. And your own purpose, is massive.

Your 30yo you

Ps : Forget about love and sex. I know you crave for it, but it's truly nothing that much vital. You will be disappointed, so quit worrying about it. It will come to you at pinpoint time.

good reply bro. Moar like this

I like to hear a little snippet of someone's life instead of just old recycled content on Sup Forums

Dear 15-year old me,

Choose a physics major instead of engineering, play a bit less vidya, and forget about girls, it's not worth it. Also, your country sucks, just leave it after college.

The art thing doesn't work out, Start writing instead.
Stop looking at so much porn.
You get banned from league of legends in 4 years so don't waste your time playing it at all.
Try to actually stick to exercising and quit drinking that shit.

also get the computer instead of the xbox it breaks anyway.

>I wrote this knowing full well that nothing will change.


Lottery numbers for the following couple years, one for every month or so:


stop smoking weed right now. you will be much more of a likable person to be around, and not so autistic in demeanor as result. Never, ever try roxicet 30's, you'll end up with a Layne Stayley tier heroin addiction and lose basically everything after having over 200,000 to your name.

don't fall for the college meme, and don't visit Angela's parents in July 2011 or you'll end up in a car wreck that fucks up your knee, back, and neck.

if you quit drugs now, you will be alright. please avoid opiates and benzos.

Don't just settle for the first semi good looking girl that is interested in you, love and show your mum more respect, she won't be here for much longer, just stay at home 17/09/11. Pick at better uni course, and lay but not least, cut your hair you fucking faggot

that reminds me, avoiding benzos is something i definitely need to add as a p.s in my letter


your insulin therapy is wrong and your doctor is to blame for being sloppy. do your research on how long a shot covers and do the math. also lantus is a good idea. janet is right about silke, but if you want to go through with it it's fine. you will be scarred for life but it might be worth it.
you have more game than you might think. grow a beard when you hit 19-20, it suits you.
expect change, you will continue to hate looking back. most expectations will turn out true, happy and sad ones alike. also you will become kinky as fuck

You are young don't just stay home and do nothing. Go out and stop being an autistic loser, talk to people so you don't end up as person who spends all day on anonymous board bitching and moaning of how much of a loser you are, but not doing anything to improve yourself because you given up.