What do you guys think of my girls body? What do you like best. Rate please and I will post more depending on interest and responses. Also if there's something you don't like please be honest
What do you guys think of my girls body? What do you like best...
Solid 8/10
Pretty nice. BUT your a faggot till timestamp
her nails look like legos, wtf?
It's personal preference but way too thin... Nice puffy nipples tho
Nice and tight bod. Arms are a warning sign though. You can see she's already carrying to much fat there. She'll be overweight in 2 years.
Any asshole pic?
Best ass pic I have at the moment...
I'll see if I can get one
very nice
I would smash the everloving shit out of that tiny little pussy.
9/10 Would fuck hard and ask for more
Shes fuckin hot dude. Shes got a nice rack, you got any shots more from the front?
thats a good tuck back job there
How am I supposed to time stamp a pic that was sent to me? Your a fucking idiot
you screen shot the pic with a time stamp you stupid fucking white trash cock taking in the ass faggot
Here's a full frontal pic you guys wanted. Please continue with your comments and be as descriptive as possible for more. What's her best features and what could use work? Rate
are you a faggot and tech illiterate? you mom must be so proud
Yea and that's why there are 13 different posters.
REKT faggot.
faggot cant even timestamp
There is nothing that needs improvement, that is an amazing body.
I'd hatefuck the shit out of that fucking pussy while sinking my face in those fucking tits.
Nope, lame.
Knees ?!?!?!? :S
Op here. Due to the negativity I am going to wait until there are more posters and responses. Be back in 25 minutes if the thread is still alive and will post more
You're so wrong Sir..
Don't like her fingernails.
But seriously -- awesome dude. Congrats!
Lets see more puss and feet
Maybe he had a gender reassignment surgery and he wants people to say what parts the docs fucked up on
I think the doc fucked up on his Tits and puss. They look terrible. Don't come back op. Save room for other threads
Hot except the Photoshop on one of the thighs. It's pretty bad
very nice. good tits. not a bad ass. would like to see more pussy and a better shot of ass. maybe bent over?
Def not photoshopped
fat upper legs , ugly waist and broadback
not even talkin about the sausage fingers
dump it or cut her hands
Bullshit. Look at them closely. It isn't that subtle. Look at the stomach, groin, knees, thighs. Oh, and underboob on the one pic
ignore the negativity theyre just assholes. post more
Look at the knees on the full frontal one. Especially the right one
Op back again. Here's a screen cap from a vid of her ass. Sorry about the quality
faggot still cant time stamp........just kill yourself faggot nobody will notice
What's her shoulder/back routine. Jelly tbqhfam.
this neckbeard expects anyone to believe his sorry astrofag stories of actually leaving the house and meeting a girl who will let his obese blob of a body smother her nightly