Ryuko best gal
Ryuko best gal
Fucking excuse me?
Ryuuko. Best. Gal.
>dem pajamas tho
How do you think you could ever top this perfection? You fucking faggot.
u wot m8
I have an extra ryuko if anyone's interested
Did I stutter?
Stay mad friendo.
Ryuko's got mad moe stats. No competition
If that garbage is what you call "moe" than sure.
you guys have shit taste
my nigga
Kill la kill hentai thread
this is my ship guys
How about no
>all these posts
>not one of Ryuko squirting semen out of her ass
everyone wins
I have a Ryuko pillow cover I never bought a pillow for... idk it wasn't even a waifu thing I just really think that outfit is sexy as hell
where's popplio?