How do we fix Africa, Sup Forums?

How do we fix Africa, Sup Forums?

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The plague.


I don't know, but the first step is the first world stop to exploiting their natural resources and the companies stop using slave and child work.

Build a giant fucking wall around the entire continent. Break the wall down after 200 years or so and they will all be dead

Start making them are slaves. Teaches them work ethics are the value of a hard earned dollar

>implying the new owner gives them any money

Choose one or the other

Go back in time and prevent the US from looting Libyia for EU payoffs

Sink it.

You should ask Bo Burnham. I heard he knows a thing or two about it.

Fascism fixed Italy, why not the niggers?

Authoritarian capitalism that invests in public infrastructure and education. Like China and Korea.

bomb it all and start over with white people

Ship as many copies of this film to them so that they can understand how a civilised society should function
>there is no other way


Remove the africans

That reminds me...

its simple

remove nig nogs

Like this

Haha good joke, but I think OP is serious

Its simple, we kill the bad man

That's actually very deep.

Nuke it. Blame it on isis. It is the only way to save humanity from self destruction.

First we send in a UN led army to take control of the continent, we get every obese person in the world and turn then into soylent green. We use this as food for the starving African population, this also solves the strain on countries health services created by obese people.

We get every drug addict in the world that clearly won't ever change their habits and have them work the diamond mines in Africa. Using the profits from this and the money saved from not having to pay for health care/welfare/benefits for obese people and drug addicts, we rebuild Africa into a country with running water for all, food for all and healthcare for all.

The countries of Africa are made into individual states of the New Africa we've created, we then move all aids infected women into one state and all aids infected men into another until a cure can be created or they die out. The other country will be governed over by a democratically elected African. During the transitional period the UN led army will stay in place to ensure stability. We use this time to find all African war criminals, their followers, rapists, murderers, those who have married children or encourage this practice. We then have all these people in public executed and aired on African national television to send a message. Once the African army is established the UN army withdraws. Africa is then free of aids, hunger, lack of water and all the people who continued the killing and exploitation of the African people.

The internet has attributed that quote to like 50 different guys. I can't even believe it's legit anymore.

>Docile animals

Old people put the biggest strain healthcare of anyone. Fat people die younger and save us money, so send the elderly and fit freaks.

More Ebola.

what? you think that money comes out of nowhere? where do you think that all the richness of the first world come from?

I'll give you an tip, the chocolate that you eat comes from this nice guy right here who take it to you.

Niggers should thank us. Think how terrible their lives would be if they still lived there.

Super Ebolachan

Tbh everyone should be put in a death camps at 50. Also every violent criminal should be killed. Also every person with an iq below 90 should be killed. Also every person with a genetic disease should be killed.

Democracy, education, freedom from economic exploitation, and decentralized socialism.

Yeah he's right, we turn all those people into food for the Africans while they get their infrastructure sorted out. Once it's all sorted then we send the Africans those people listed as a slave labour force in exchange for diamonds and exotic animals. This makes up for slavery, gets rid of our undesirables and plus we get diamonds/cool animals.

>every person with an iq below 90 should be killed

IQ is a relative measure of intelligence. If you killed everyone with an IQ below 90, the absolute intelligence corresponding to IQ 90 would increase, and there would be more people to kill. Eventually, you would kill almost all humans.

Probably hand over control off its resources to African companies. Stop sponsoring dictators for the sake of good trade deals. Worst comes to worse, build a wall around it and throw in some guns. See who comes out on top.

Basically though just completely leave it alone. Yes bad people will come and set up new governments but that's how every country got started. After a few generations the atrocities will be forgotten and the shit will settle so long as their is a stable leadership. The problem they have now is western influence doesn't give new governments the time to actually settle because they see the shitty clusterfuck every developing system has and say that's not right and so they shake it up again instead of just letting it be and settling naturally. They keep trying to civilize overnight which just leads to more clusterfuck

1. Kill all of the nigs there.
2. Repopulate it with actual human beings.
3. Wait a generation, and all will be fine.

We turn you into food for the Africans for asking questions. SOYLENT GREEN IS ANONFAGS

>How do we fix Africa, Sup Forums?

Kill all the niggers for starters.

I hope he washed before touching it

IQ is measured as an average so after you've killed almost half the population of the world, the same percentage of the survivors will still have a IQ of 90 or lower.


probably not

>the same percentage of the survivors will still have a IQ of 90 or lower

Actually that's not true, since IQ would no longer be normally-distributed (you cut off the tail, lol). But yes, you would always have more people to kill

We don't. It's not our continent, or country. There are very few people who actually want to learn, and live there. Otherwise, it's just not going to progress.

Found the autist edge lord

Couple problems.

1. The cost would be trillions. Would rather spend it on the extermination of furries.

2. Africans are crafty af. Reverse Engineered lawnmower helicopters exist you know..

3. They could just smash the fucking wall down like they did to the rest of the half-decent attempts to save the Country.



Nuke that shithole.

>implies fixing africa is possible

Plot twist: they develop the most advanced civilization in human history. They discover the answers to all the questions of the universe and its existence while creating the perfect Utopian society.

In your dreams, nigger.

then again...

People like to blame 19th century colonialism for Africa's problems, but really the Cold War might have been more harmful.

Dirty nigger

>implying anything in Africa needs fixing

also, I check your 1492

Africa shouldn't even be considered a "continent". It's a baren shithole filled with failed attempts of evolution. Their only purpose in this life is to piss and shit to fertilize the soil they ruined hundreds of years ago. It's a never ending life cycle of loud stereo music and de-appreciated culture. In my opinion, let the Monkeys play with their ak-47s. Eventually one of them will get shot.

Let them all die off, stop trade completely.

purge niggers, give it back to nature.

build wall

Rhodesia tried to, then the cucks of the west financed and supported "freedom" fighters.

probably yes if you are referring to hygiene if you are referring to moral I cannot answer.

amen to this. then once they're all dead, come back in and colonize it, correctly. without an indigenous population to appease and all the rich natural resources to exploit.

Stop sending them shiploads of free food every time theres a famine. They will never stop breeding like rabbits, to end starvation gotta do mass sterilization.

This, and almost quads

Africa will fix itself, sometime in the mid-late 21st century. When Niger, Namibia, South Africa start ramping up Uranium production and realize they don't need to sell it to white people anymore.

Will never happen, nigger. You dirty apes will be the scum of the Earth till the end of time.