Checking in.
Thank you from saving us from GET IN HERE guy.
what a delightful dragon
Uh, you're welcome I guess.
He's not your guy, friend.
I'm not your friend, buddy!
But is he that buddys bro?! I need to know that
He's not your buddy, guy.
I'm not your guy, Friend!
I'm not your buddy, guy!
Wow that belly is so fucking awesome! Usually only shark grills have that kind of belly but this I like
I'm not your friend, buddy!
Ha, I just found out Tim the Enchanter is #2 on Time's Top 10 Most Beloved Wizards.
I think stronk is the term?
Strype is really good at drawing muscular girls.
"Soon" I too shall have aspired to that level of bellyhood. Soon being, realistically, atleast after summer, perhaps during the latter half.
Heya Fluff.
Show your current body.
Heya Charles.
Hey man, how you doing?
Hey Eight. Are you feeling better than earlier?
Yo, what's up?
Just watching motovlogs like I always do. What are you up to?
Im nothing noteworthy yet. But just you wait and see. All my efforts in regards to this will bear fruit. Im pretty convinced of it.
If I'm distracted enough, I suppose.
How are you?
Enjoying the Sunday night!
So you guys want to fuck foxes and sharks?
Cool man.
I'm just hanging out right now. Nothing noteworthy. Didn't do much today but I probably should have.
Well, that's good I guess. I hope it'll get better before the night is over.
Not much dude, hanging out with the guys. Not much else I would rather do
Hell yeah dude. Back to the grind tomorrow
What guys?
I'll be looking forward to it then. I'm starting to look pretty good myself, can finally (kinda) see my abs. Keep at it, brother.
Yum, that sounds real friggin' delicious and soft and all.
Damn, uhm you might actually make me more bi/gay than I'd like to admit. Hawt!
You guys
+1 -15
>So you guys want to fuck foxes and sharks?
*anthropomorphic ones, yeah.
Wait, you don't?!
>Not wanting shark grill
You're weird dude
Oh ok. Thought so, just didn't want to presume too much!
Sounds like a crappy weapon.
>Jurassic Bark
I intend on it, it's kind of a big commitment.
Theres nothing wrong with that. Least not from my perspective.
It's my best offense against shitposts and spam.
Luck of the Fryrish for me. Can't even with my issues with my brother.