Calling all married fags

Calling all married fags

Pic related

Does this fuck shit actually happen in a marriage? If it does, I am going to go out of my fucking way to never get married. And you should get divorced.

if you find a girl who acts like that you'll find out before you marry her.

then you don't marry her.

you marry the girl who doesnt do that shit.

Not all women are the same, autist.

If you married to that shitty human being you deserve this. Idio.

Good point

> don't generalise people, user
While you lump me in with autists. For shame, user. For shame.

Dubs of truth

No. If my wife does have any dreams like that she usually only says something along the lines of "I had the weirdest dream last night where X happened" and that's the end of it.

Well the thing that made me start this thread is the people on my facebook with all seriousness. Even if they don't actively do it, they clearly think this type of shit is okay.

Marry a black woman, Sup Forums.

Yeah, a strong, independent, lesbian black woman.

Nothing could go wrong.


At least she didn't dream about fucking other guys and tell you all about it.

Wow, that post has scorn written all over it. Did you get cucked, user?

Been divorced.
>married 8.5 years
>started off long distance relationship
>1st2 years were great bc we basically didnt know each other apart from spend 2-4days a month together so it was kinda like a new relationship
>after thatshe because super spiritual and really selfrighteous about the way we have lived
>tried forcing me to go to church 3 times a week
>tried making me stop drinking any alcohol
>while away on business trips she was fucking a friend
>shouldve left earlier but stayed cuz im an idiot.
>had baby boy
>best thing in my life but made the divorce infinitely more complicated

Hey look, us men being simple and rational. Good job.

>Durin divorce meet buddies cousin
>hot as shit an super cool
>dermatology nurse makin decent money and not a free loader like ex
>moves from atl to colorado to pive with me
>2weeks later... Pregnant
>had baby girl last june
>getting married in september

I swore off marriage after divorce but i just needed to find the right one

Wrap before you tap. Child support is a sonofabitch

It happened to me once. I didn't apologies or buy her shit. Instead I waited for her to get her head back, and then I planted the "mental picture". Usually, if I want my wife to dream of something, I find ways to plant it in her head with a picture. What did I plant in her head? The real me killing the dream me. What happened? The asshole dream me ended up dying a few nights later in her dreams and I had to deal with her being sad at the thought of my death. Since then, no more asshole dream me in her dreams. So the question is, are you ready to kill the dream asshole impersonating you?

Did she pull the spiritual ahit after you were married, user? Cos seriously, you coulda used that shit to your advantage. Especially if you're an Americunt. There's still some states here where domestic rape is disregarded. Plus you could have endlessly quoted 2 Timothy 2:12 if she tried to say anything to you.

probably happens with faggots. Never had anything even remotely happen like this.

What in the fucking fuck shit are you talking about, user?

no, marriage doesnt cause it. insane bitch cunts cause it. being a pussy boy causes it.

A man with a bad wife has only one person to blame; himself.
You're supposed to check them out first.
The willingness to fuck you is not a good indicator.

We're playful about this. "I had a dream about you where you were getting with some other girl." "Well maybe you shoulda helped me more often" (married code for sucking my dick.) I'll do the same to her "I had a a bad dream about you, you couldn't buy groceries cuz you were buying your male coworker presents... you should try and make it up to me today by making lunch because that was really thoughtless of you.." etc.

Just fun ways to broach real topics.

What the fuck? This is amazing. 10/10.

How do you plant something in her head though? If its just a picture wouldn't pretty much anything get planted? Teach me your ways user.

Yes, my wife tried pulling that shit on me once. Once....

Then I basically told her to fuck off because I don't play bullshit games like that and if she doesn't like it she can eat my ass.

I've got a good marriage because we communicate very clearly and I told her on our first date if she starts trying to play bullshit girl mind games I'll beak it off immediately.

Just don't put up with shit and make sure that's clear up front and this stuff doesn't happen.

She was raised baptist but before we were married she seemed completely cool. But thats what you see in a long distance relationship, only the good. Around year 3 of marriage she went churchy. I dont mind that but she would preach to me about how alcohol will ruin our lives blah blah but 2 weeks later she'd be at the bar getting shitty with her friends. Hypocritical bullshit

Every woman has her weird shit and if she doesn't she'll develop some in time.
This is the wonder of women.

Still could have won with 2 Tim 2:12. That's new testament shit so she couldn't have pulled the OT argument out of her ass.

>Does this fuck shit actually happen in a marriage?
Don't stick your dick in crazy. Do not marry a moody bitch.

Even the logic of NT scripture cannot get through the blind irrationalities of bitter cunt.
James 1:69

Trips of truth, maybe, but I'll always fall back to the STFU women bible quote cos if believers are allowed to cherry pick, then so am I

this is tolerable behavior easily dealt with, much better than marrying one with food issues that will gain 100 pounds in 5 years and blame you for making her gain weight and then divorce you and take the house and make you pay support, after three years of lawyer fees. make sure you check her out for food issues first. has she just lost a lot of weight? stay away. do you like em chubby? watch out, they dont stay just chubby, they become land whales.

Sounds like you are speaking from experience user.

Jesus christ, user, you got some hate for the fat women.

I may be lonely at times, but I ain't desperate and wouldn't end up in your situation.

Doesn't seem like hate. If he doesn't like his women fat I don't see the problem with that.

I don't think it's an issue to prefer women to not be landwhales either. It's hiw user put it. You could have replaced it with 'Fat women OH FUUUUUUUUUUCK ALL OF THAT FUCK YOU LANDWHALE FUCK FUCK FUCK' and no one would have noticed.

She'll usually wake up mad but shell be sucking my dick right after, so no

I mean I don't agree, seems hyperbolic. But people getting lazy with their bodies as they get older is pretty common from what I've seen.

you dont even have to be married for this to happen.
happens all the time.

Dont worry you fat fuck nobody wants you anyway

Its a meme. Your feeding a meme made by neck beards who live in their moms basement you miscreant.

OP here. Fucking kek.

> feeding a meme by posting it on Sup Forums
You are literally retarded.

Yes yes yes. Evil pussy monsters bleed every month for a week but don't die.

Faggot detected

>Be married to girl I've dated for four years
>Things are a little rocky, no biggy though
>She flips her lid, cheats on me, then leaves me for the same guy
>Blames me for everything
>Still tells everyone I demonized her over her actions
What the actual fuck is wrong with women, and why do we marry them?

If you're married to that shitty human being you deserve this and should kill her and then yourself. Idiot.
> fix'd

>cheats on you
>forces you to go to church


How did you find out she was cheating?

>I've got a good marriage because we communicate very clearly and I told her on our first date if she starts trying to play bullshit girl mind games I'll beak it off immediately.

if only I did this with my ex, but trust me now I will

Gah, my wife loves FACEBOOK. I spent just enough time browsing it with her to prove every single fact on her feed was lies and bullshit- we looked theM up on snopes and wiki together. She's a lot less gullible now (she was always rational though, just naieve, I don't know if fixing crazy is possible.)

this guy is 100% right
ex had anorexia shit before, tried to fix her, everything was perfect, anorexia came back without any reason, and won vs me, I'm single now

qt has food issue, just run

No. That guys a fag. My wife has dreams of me cheating on her and she gets pissed, and ive had the same and I get pissed. There nearly lucid, but there just fuckin dreams we know they ain't real.
Dont go around with some bimbo

getting married is for christfags and retards. just asking for her to steal your house, money, and kids after cucking you in your own bed

Ok op, I'm going to tell you why this is ACTUALLY a thing.
People will demand things for reasons on a level of logic you are willing to accept. If you are a weak minded, desperate tool, and you're willing to accept sucha stupid fucking reason to buy her things, she'll use it, over and over. She wants flowers, and to be fawned over, what she needs to do to make you do it will vary based on your desperation.
My wife is "mad at me" for something in a dream, I laugh, and tell her she's being a fucking idiot. Guess what? that never ever happens again. Why? Because I've demonstrated I'm not so desperate for her approval as to accept horse-shit.

Tl;Dr: Women are like children, and will take the shortest/easiest route to get what they want. If you're so weak as to accept made up BS with no logical backing and give her what she wants, she'll repeat it until the end of time.

Sounds like I don't have anything to worry about then.

I call out bullshit constantly when I'm dating someone, even in the honeymoon phase.

Can't tell you how many times I pissed off a girl cos I told her she was acting like a bitch.

Better to do that then let those problems persist. If you don't like something you should say it straight up before it fucking magnifies and multiplies.

Same here. I've made it perfectly clear that I don't play stupid games with my GF and I call her out on it every time she tries. She gets really pissed at first when I call her out and it can be pretty ugly for a few hours but she always ends up apologizing the next day.

The last big fight we had was a few days after the new star wars came out. I just called her on her shit, went out to my favorite mexican restaurant and got myself some fucking enchiladas and a few beers, then went and saw the new star wars. By the time I got home she was already asleep. She was crying and apologizing for being a cunt the next day.

yes yes it does. she had a dream one time that i cheated on her. havent heard the end of it

Alpha as fuck dubs

Gamma as fuck dubs