How many of you guys got a professional title/currently studying to get one? What is it?
Pd: image unrelated
How many of you guys got a professional title/currently studying to get one? What is it?
Hold the door.
Define professional?
My title is Web Developer but I don't know if that counts.
MD in progress.
Im a raw material handler. not even making a joke.
It could be anything as long as it is certified by an educational institution.
Captain Faggoto isn't a title it's a nickname
BBA in progress
If u have enough experience i think that could count
Master Electrician and BS in EE also a notary public but that is pretty much nothing.
registered process server
I'm a marine biologist.
Good choice buddy
school is for losers
Certified Professional Cheese Pizzamaker
>his face when
Mr Scientist I guess. Studying biochemistry/microbiology.
I've got 3 more semesters 'til I start studying for my CPA
CPA designation
Meh, just means I can "sign off" on shit and charge more $$
I work in a factory that handles a lot of extremely corrosive and explosive materials. Had to go through a hazmat program and the DOD come and checks on us pretty often.
@ what part the notary public? It is mostly to help expedite things when I'm work with real estate agents and the local county.
Nice, that was one of my options. But ended choosing chemical engineering instead.
I second at Kay I was a "jewelery consultant and diamondtologist" I have had literally 0 formal training aside from meetings and pow wows before opening.
Title means nothing
U are right, but check also
so who made him do it?
How do you like being an electrician? Run me through a usual day. I am thinking of studying for it.
creeper mccreeperson
MD as of 2 days ago :)
How do I get into an apprenticeship?
Just now while I was working, I took a shit, while on the clock.
Professional shitter.
A professional door crosser
I'm a JD. Just got the Bar passage results a week and a half ago!
Congrats mate
Bachelor's businesses degree. Train Conductor
thanks man, it's been a hell of a process
What's a jd?
I have my official Breast Inspector license. It gets me soooooooo much pussy
Well I'm honestly not out in the field that much these days, I work for a commercial solar company as an engineer so I mostly draw up and certify site plans.
It depends on what sort of work you want to do. The company I am part of is part of a larger contracting firm and we have about 100 journeymen and ~30 master electricians and I don't really keep track of apprentices since my company has 0. I know a bit about regular "home and commercial" operators as well let me know what sort you want.
Best way is to get get a certificate or associates of applied electrical technology. That will get you some ins with local companies if you did it right and if not you have 1-2 years worth of skills and training to make people want to take you on. Your state might also have programs for people wanting to enter into technical trades especially if you live in a big defenses state with a national lab.
Anyone else studying to become a Medical Lab Technologist?
BBA here from a state U, looking for PhD if I ever stop being poor
Environmental Engineering Tech, and Civil Engineer (6 months till P.Eng)
Bachelors in medicine, bachelors in physics, finishing masters in physics.
Go for a scholarship, dreams take balls and effort to accomplish, mate :)
>Pd: image unrelated
Tits are always related you dumb ass.
Where did you get enough time to study that much?
also, what's a bachelors in medicine?
Here's in canada, we typically call that a doctorates, know...being a doctor?
not really "professional" like you probably mean but it's something. Got a kick out of signing documents with it after my name like the first week after I got my license but the novelty wore off quickly, especially since it's not really that prestigious.
What about those union apprenticeships? I heard that they take you in and pay you while you learn?
Not the same system of degrees. Doctor corresponds to the highest level of superior education, in some countries, medicine bachelors are called doctors because of a custom, even though it's not really correct.
Depends on the state you are in. I personally don't work with unions. Though from my understanding of it you are looking at 4-5 years as an apprentice with a union before your can take your journeyman exam, slightly slower than fastest you can do it. You would get payed while you were apprenticed minus union dues but the benefits would likely be better. You would be bound by union rules for jobs such as a quota system for work.
I think that counts tho
so are you a doctor, or a medical doctor or neither? I'm confused. Here, you can have a doctorate in anything...and people technically call you doctor if you have a PHD in music (but those people who demand to be called doctor with their joke of a phd are bitches), and then there are real doctors who get a doctorate of medical sciences. Until you get that, you aren't allowed to put the M.D. before your name.
It's complicated. It is okay to call someone who studied medicine "doctor", because of the origin of the word. But for all the other careers, it is required to get the PhD degree.
Ph.D. in chemistry
JiZZUS Christ gibe sauce
Nice. I'm looking forward to become a chemical engineer :D
Got that image from another thread actually :/
Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert - Route/Switch specifically
Cool, did cisco itself give you the professional formation?
Had to past the test, cert comes in the mail. It basically says "pay this muthafucka 200k/yr"
I've heard from an M.D. doc once that other professions with PhD's that can be called 'doctor' usually just do it among their peers in their fields. I agree if there's someone with a PhD that isn't a M.D. who introduces themselves to other random people as 'doctor' are just stroking their ego. I'd probably let psychiatrists and psychologists slide though. I think they're required to do M.D. rotations anyway
only one of them is...the one that's allowed to prescribe drugs. The other is a glorified babysitter.
And I guess I've never even heard of someone doing pre-med as a bachelors. I'm more used to people doing their bachelors in whatever (bio/chem/general science) then doing medical degree following that. It's like an eight to ten year process here for general practioner I think. Plus extra time if you want to specialize.
Microbiologist here. Got certified as a Clinical Lab Scientist. Did that for 2 years, now i'm doing a Ph.D. in virology specializing in vaccine research and development.
That ego thing is quite common tho. But I think it's not that bad, all that effort people put on their education must be returned as satisfaction with the word Doctor before your name.
I don't know if that counts, but M.Sc. in Progress here
How good is the job opportunity in the field?
Master in which science bro?
I got a buddy who's daughter is into that. She got a full ride for her doctorate.
Lots of hours at a lab. I bet it is very gratifying to perform exactly what you studied for
As a CLS, pretty great. Got a job offer still while in the program during my clinicals. 20k sign in bonus as long as I signed for 2 years, which I did. As vaccine R&D the opportunities seem great. I personally want to work for the CDC .
Molecular Biology
If your are not with a union you won't get paid as an apprentice?
That's great man. Must be fun to be a lab scientist
Now that depends on the company you're working for
How hard is it to find jobs?
Are you an electrical engineer with a bachelor's in electrical engineering or an electrician? Is there a difference between the 2? Or is electrician colloquial for an electrical engineer?
Do you need to have any other computer education like computer science? Or you can just get that certificate without anything else?
Wow, many biology or health related professionals in this thread. That's cool bro, must be hard tho, good luck
Surgical nurse here
BSN murse working on my MSN in CA. Bitches love me, and I've got so many other fine ass RNs, Techs, and transporters wrapped around my cock it isn't even funny. Making six figures a year only a few years in doesn't hurt either. I fucking love my life, best career choice I ever made.
Electrician could be a colloquial way to call an electrical engineer, but it's quite rare
Lmao, well played man
Dentist + dental specialty degree
test engineer
CS degree
tryna get into software engineer or jd
Neuroscientist 2 years
Depending on where you are, Engineer is very protected. Canada Professional engineers have successfully sued Microsoft over their use of the word.
Power engineers are the only people who can get away with calling themselves engineers in Canada, without have an engineering degree, and necessary experience.
An electrician is definitely not an electric engineer.
I was a staff sergeant but now I'm a neet living with 100% VA and ssdi.
Was an Explosive Detection K9 Handler.
PhD, DDS, MD, DMD, DO. All doctors. All worked their ass off to earn the title.
As an MD, I tell people I'm a physician.
Nuerosurgeon, took so long to get there
Motorcycle Mechanic/Technician
honda/kawasaki/suzuki certified
PhD - technically a doctor
DDS - Doctorate of Dental Sciences
MD - Medical Doctor
DMD - ??
DO - ??
And yet, can't spell neurosurgeon.
Doctor of Orthopedics
DDS and DMD are really the same thing.
DO is Doctor of Osteopathy