Come home from work, walk into your son's room. See this. Wat do?
Come home from work, walk into your son's room. See this. Wat do?
I don't have a son
nothing because I'm not sticking around with a kid, bitch
Kick the faggot out
Tell it to lock it's door next time, FFS we're not animals.
Sell him
ask him to leave.
"Are you winning, son?"
I don't have a son so I'd probably just make him suck it.
penetrate its poop cervix
Ask 'em how the hell they got money for a boob job but not for rent, the fucking freeloader
Impregnate her
Congratulate him for landing a babe like Kalindra-chan
Don't fucking say "it's", you moron. That's a horrible thing to call a human being.
It's "its". "It's" means "it is". Jesus.
Wonder why kalindra-chan is in my son's room and he's nowhere to be found.
Then i'd probably suck kalindra's dick and fuck her in the butt.
continue his sex ed
good luck on the prostate exams
I hate when my wife's son does this shit.
>Well, it figures, you're MY kid after all
69 then 86 it's ass to the curb
Wonder what this white bitch is doing in my son's room.
I smash i aint gonna lie
inseminate the boipussy
Try to figure out how I suddenly got a son that's close to my age.
I don't have a son, but my wife does
1. Tell him to get dressed and lock his room if he's jerking off next time.
2. Have a serious conversation with him - if he's over 18, and want to live in my house, he's gonna play by my rules - none of this CD shit here. He can do it on his fried's house for all I care, but here, he'll behave properly or GTFO!!
3. If he's not over 18, punish him with chores after conversation ofc. And if his behavior continues, punish him by talling his schoolmates and teachers that he's a trans sisy bitch ... you know he needs understanding from his peers ....
i just reported this, have fun in the pokey, faggot.
Ask the trap if they want me to fuck them in the ass or mouth.
Can I please please please get sauce on this?
well, it's my son and I didn't know he has tits?