White people are the scum of the earth
White people are the scum of the earth
White pigskined faggot
What is with this "white incest" meme? White countries have the lowest levels of incest in the world. Inthe us alone, blacks are 4 times as likely to fuck am immediate family member as are whites.
Whatever tho. Shitskin op is just going into tard- rage
What is with this "black incest"? Black countries have the lowest levels of incest in the world. us alone, white are 4 times as likely to fuck am immediate family member as are blacks.
Whatever tho. pigskin like you is just going into tard- rage
I wish I was white
Niggerhate thread?
Niggerhate thread.
What a perfect world without white people.
cancerskins are the scum of the earth
What is the meaning of X/A ratio?
all pigskins are cowards
I saw a statistic that placed it at 1 girl in 10 admitting that they had sex with their fathers in central African countries.
If your claim was true 40% of white girls are having sex with their dads.
Stay mad shitskin
white people doing a shit job
you mad pigskin?
A pigskin is a football
I love being white. It's such a great feeling being able to look in the mirror every morning and realize my hair doesn't look like dried pubes. I love how much diversity us white people have; We have all kinds of different hair colors and eye colors. And our hair is almost always smooth and long if we choose to grow it. Sometimes I think the niggers are just jealous. The most beautiful white woman will always outshine the most "beautiful" black woman.
lol fukin wite "people" lol smh
Fair enough. I certainly am. Still better than being a nigger though.
Only because we have effective and mostly non-corrupt law enforcement.
In all of africa and most of asia you can do whatever you want as long as you pay your policeman to look the other way.
Most importantly, I love how triggered the nignogs get when I express how great it is being white. I don't blame them for being angry, white is right.
Yes, of course its bait. Most threads are. So what?
99.9% of girls have sex with their dads
American hate thread?
At least we're smarter than you
This tbh fam
>people are the scum of the earth
There, I fixed it for you.
Who ever arrested these people is attempting to falsify racial statistics. I call shenanigans!
Probably done by jews. Niggers arent sneaky enough.
More like
I think technically hispanics are considered white
Muh dick?
Bernie. No. Just a cheep excuse for your world view.
yep I hate them too. but I like to fuck them.
Are there actual black people who visit Sup Forums?
Little dick white bois detected
Everyone in this thread is fucking stupid.
The whites, the blacks, nobody is spared from the sheer retardation that has commenced. You are literally the scum of the earth. Aliens will hold you people as the reason they want nothing to do with our species.
I fucking hate all of you.
I don't mind that you hate us. I only ask that you express your hatred by refusing to come to the stable and prosperous countries we create for security and economic benefits. If you really want to go above and beyond, you can stop using our language, refuse to use our inventions (you're using our electricity, computers, data networks, and possibly wireless lan right now). You can also refuse oppressive white medical treatments and food grown using advanced white farming methods. While living in your native African/South American/Asian/Australian locale, please be sure to lobby your local government and ask that they make sure that you are not affected by any distributions or benefits of white foreign aid money. It must be so hard benefiting from our superior countries and our race's unprecedented misplaced altruism. Through these steps, you can free yourself from white oppression. May this good advice mark the last time a white person ever triggers and oppresses you.
So, Are we just gonna keep having these threads?
I'm fucking tired of your stupid race bait threads.
bend over Bernie
Kill yourself, mate. It's the only way you can escape this madness while proving once and for all that you're too good to live among us.
>OP only knows English
We trained you well, nigger... you're almost a real person!
is this literally the only thing you can think of
Thanks for the glorified 'kys', mate.
>white equivalent of 'muh dick'
I would guess that would hurt.
"on average, the vagina is 3 to 4 inches deep during un-arousal periods, although some women have a vagina that is around 5 to 7 inches deep"
Pretty sure you meant to say Jews
Frankly, i think parts of this would be beneficial.
Africas reliance on foreign aid is one of the factors that make their poverty permanent. Why make clothes when everyone is wearing old shit from the wealthy world? How do you make a profit?
The only country that actually benefits from foreign aid is Israel and that is only because they spend it on the military.
I am a Bernie. I hate everyone, the idiots (Muh dick) and those who troll the idiots. My IQ is Puddin
it was a hurricane, the dumb niggers had a weeks notice to leave and they didn't
it's not hate, it's science
Did someone say niggers?
The ones that are smart enough to crack their neighbors wifi password.
X/A ratio is used for sex determination in a specimen. 1 means female, 0.5 means male.
So bonobo and a black dude will INDEED get about 1, and european chick will get 0.5.
Except, you know, a bonobo female, black woman, or a female FLY will also get about 0.5. This has nothing to do with genetic relatives.
Unless this fuckwad is making a point that white men aren't REAL men and are pretty much pussies, which would explain why both white men and women worship black cock.
Also there are, and have been black Europeans for centuries, and similarly there are plenty of white Africans, so these categories are far from scientific in the first place.
Holy Fuck, rat faced looking motherfucker
Oh, so there aren't any then?
> a third world disease that exists solely because white colonialism is fueling constant war, poverty and dictatorship in African countries by buying minerals from warlords
> gee, that will show them!
I remember back in the day before smartphones and Comcast and other ISPs started providing wireless gateways, niggers would plug their modem directly into their game consoles.
My almonds are so activated
Get in here
You're still inferior slaves, yes.
European kings and queens are literally the product of incest.
This is now a get thread