>Aussie vegan climbs mount everest to; 'Prove vegans can do anything'
Cant make this shit up
>Aussie vegan climbs mount everest to; 'Prove vegans can do anything'
Cant make this shit up
Just googled it, she actually got pretty far
AMS can affect anyone for any reason. Her mistake was not quitting after being afflicted.
They got to the top didn't they? It was coming back down that killed her and three other people, right?
>Australian "woman" and vegan
Good one less of the pretentious shrill gits to worry about
sounds like you're mad about not being Australian or having a hot Australian girlfriend
worse than fedora tippers or feminists
>doesn't know about vegan body builders
Nice try you ignorant fucks
Should have fed her to a group of pigs. Let the realism wash over her soul knowing that while she may have wanted to spare them, they'll gobble her up in no time at all.
This is now a get thread
Also, check em
>Body builders
>Implying they're not 99% based on artificial substances
a lot of mma fighters are also vegan
Good, one less stupid ass vegan in the worlds.
You mean like VeganGains? Ha
She scaled Kilimanjaro previously and died of Oxygen loss. The result of death wasn't related to veganism. People insinuating this are incredibly dishonest.
Check em right here
only a womanz could Sup Forums this retarded
fail fag
Hang on, so she has died twice? what are you saying, broski.
And point is?
Realistically vegetarianism will be the future. I'm not a vegetarian or even close, I hate those pretentious upper middle class faggots.
With that said though, as droughts worsen our ability to produce meat is going to be a lot less than what it has been in past years. If genetically engineered meat isn't a thing in the near future, we may not go completely vegetarian but we will have to cut back on consumption of meat pretty drastically.
People die on everest all the time.
You're not really up on logic, are ya op...
fuck off global warming fag
I should have been more specific. She scaled Kilimanjaro successfully in the past, and died on Everest because of Oxygen loss.
Another non-vegan also died on the same trip due to the altitude sickness, but people will ignore this because of misinformed memes. washingtonpost.com
on /b we still live in 1930
Na I'm good
Its not about whether veganism was the cause. We all know it probably wasn´t, at least not the only one. Its about the irony of the situation and the keks it gives us, which you would have noticed if you didn´t have a fucking stick up your ass.
That wasnt the point. Are you vegan or something?
The point was she had to go be all "durr Im vegan and vegans can do this" and then she died anyway.
RIP and no disrespect, but still, you have to see the irony here.
so? There are like 5 deaths on the everest per year on average
Yeah she has proven that Vegans can do everything. Even dying of stupidity.
That's probably the case for some of you, but I have seen many people try to attribute the cause of death specifically due to "lack of nutrition."
Sorry if I got a little overzealous. Anti-veganism is so prevalent on the internet that it's hard not to be a bit defensive. I'll try to be more tactful in the future.
As he's dying he looks into his wife's eyes. His last words
>I... I just wanted you to know that... I... I am a vegan
>Cant make this shit up
I think you just made it up:
Makes no mention of her dietary habits
>she suffered severe altitude sickness.
>her husband, who was also suffering altitude sickness
>They have successfully summited other mountains, such as Denali in Alaska, Aconcagua in South America, which is part of the Andes mountain range.
They've done Kilimanjaro and numerous other mountains as well, certainly they were not novices.
> altitude sickness can strike anybody, whether you're inexperienced or a professional mountaineer, without any notice, and there's really nothing you can do about it either
even with quads you're way off. her mistake was obviously not eating any meat, eggs or dairy products
Sup Forums, a collection of useless, underachieving, fuckwads hypocritically criticising and mocking others with the guts and drive to push themselves and make something of their lives..
OP, you're a fucking ass hole and you'll die alone without a tear shed for your loss. Sooner the better as far as I'm concerned.
Yours sincerely,
A confirmed carnivore.
top kek
>implying body builders could climb mount everest
they are training for aesthetics and to look good, not to be the strongest they possibly can.
lol clearly her death wasnt related to her veganism, im not even vegan and thats obvious.
>she climbed other mountains before
>other people who died with her werent vegan
that would be like saying if one of them was gay "durr im gay and gays can do this" its not relevant
also thats not irony at all
this is irony:
>one of the founders of north face dies of hypothermia
Shit, i may stand corrected, however after browsing several news reports, 's is the newest, and the only to make any reference to her being vegan.
White Knight detected.
even just from her face she looks like an opinionated cunt
>vegans can do anything
>vegans can't eat meat
>This triggers the vegan
chickens and pigs eat scraps and garbage
moving on
I wonder what her last words were?
>woman tries to climb seven summits
>literally one of the most dangerous and difficult physical challenges that exists
>many people die every year attempting each of these daunting mountains
>one of them happens to be vegan
Damn I was hoping it was Freelee the banana girl
She forgot to activate her almonds.
The amount of antibiotics it would take to keep a pig healthy living off scraps and garbage would be pretty ridiculous and raise the price substantially. The amount that is already used while they are being fed grain is pretty concerning. I hope there's an easy solution like that but I doubt it and I wouldn't really want to eat meat from an animal that has lived off nothing but rubbish.
It doesn't count if you don't make it back down again. Climber creed.
Trip dubs don't lie
Too be fair everyone dies on Everest if they stay up there long enough.
It's were millionaires go to die.
Fuck vegans.. Now they can see you must consume the soul of animals in order to succed!
are you even reading the thread
Only a handful of retards claim that it was DUE to veganism. Most people just see the irony of "person belongs to [category of people], claims [category of people] can do [act] but dies doing it"
>Random person tries to climb everest to "prove they can climb everest"
Wow, the irony.
Many people die climbing everest, niggers, women, vegans, meat eaters.
The only thing that would be proved is that rich people can do anything ;)
Everybody who successfully climbed Mt. Everest was a meat eater
your point is invalid
Wonder Twin Almonds Activate.
those retards, they mustve died because they were niggers, women, vegans, and meat eaters
The difference is that she had to be all special snowflake "Im vegan and vegans can do everything" about it.
If she would be a random vegan climbing mt. Everest without making special snowflake statements youd be right, and nobody would give a shit.
Now it is irony which is recognized by the majority of posters ITT, except for you because youre being butthurt for some reason.
Please point me to the meat eaters that stated "Im carnivore and carnivores can do everything" before climbing mt. Everest
I kek'd
Haha, most who climbed everest were Buddhist sherpas. You're point is not even a halfway justified assumption.
Buddhists aren't vegans
ahh it hurts my eyes
Why would a carnivore have a motive for doing something like that? It's not as though there's a significant cultural stigma, generalizing carnivores as weak and malnourished.
lel, i read that article earlier
No one realized the idiocy in this post?
Media make her a special snowflake. If it was a handicapped person trying to prove themselves and then die, (most) people wouldn't laugh at them or blame them.
Also there's no point for meat-eaters to prove that carnivores can do anything, because first of all they're omnivores, and second almost everyone eats meat.
yeah at least thousand a day amirite user?
fuck off you faggot bitch. cuck.
Not necessarily, you're right. But many are vegetarians. This thread would look exactly the same if it was about a vegetarian woman.
>Media make her a special snowflake
No, SHE said she was doing the climb to dispel notions about vegans being malnourished.
I get trips checkm
So she died because she was malnourished?
Roids confirmed satanic
Perhaps in this specific thread, it's only a handful of people, but you would have to have some very selective sight not to notice general misconceptions about vegetarianism and veganism. I've seen articles about this story on news sites with comments specifically decrying her lack of nutrition with over 400 upvotes.
Thankfully you realize that this is moronic, but it is certainly not uncommon.
top kek