FUCK YES. So I secretly know this girl's iPhone password and today I managed to have a long time alone with her phone...

FUCK YES. So I secretly know this girl's iPhone password and today I managed to have a long time alone with her phone. I went in there straight into her photos gallery and found tons of nudes.

That is all. I just needed somewhere to rejoice

Dump the pics you fucking nigger

Why would i do that? I've been trying for months to find the right time to do the job. The pictures are for my eyes only

What the fuck is this image even for?

Completely unrelated

Why the fuck even post about it then faggot. Stop baiting you useless nigger

I'm posting so others can share their stories faggot.

Quit lying nigger you dont have shit you autistic fuck

Kill yourself op.
Not joking this time actually kill yourself.
You provide nothing to society

Lol k. I'll show you one i took. One sec

Lets see it nigger

OP, if you want real win, get her icloud backup ripped. Then you will be able to see any sent pics (msg attachments etc) likely tons in there.

hit me up if you want more info, icloudripsforyou at gmail

I looked a lot into this. Even got the program ready and everything but i couldn't get her icloud password.

As i was about to post the picture, i thought, what if she happens to browse Sup Forums and sees this thread? It's very unlikely but she'd recognize her own nude and would know who i am. Sorry Sup Forumsro. Proving myself isn't worth that tiny risk

Check the notes section in her phone. Lotta girls write passwords down.
if you're good friends with her, ask if you can use her netflix account and then try that password for her icloud.

Lmao full of shit

Lying nigger is obvious.

That is a really good idea. There was SO much i wanted to check but didn't because i didn't know how much time I'd have. Instagram DMs, messsges, Facebook messages etc. I really hope i get another opportunity with her phone

shoot me an email, we may have other options

icloudripsforyou at gmail

share or get cancer !

I think i know what the other option is and it involves having access to her computer no? I don't have access to it

Good job fuckheads, you took the b8.

Guess what, I don't even believe you. You sir are a Jew nigga and I'm reporting this thread to the MODS

I've gotten a lotta nudes from different female friends in my circles by doing exactly this.

Girls are dumb, all you gotta do is ask her to use different accounts and try that password for her icloud. If you have a laptop and her phone for 5-10 minutes connect her phone to your computer and make a backup onto your comp.

There are sooooo many ways to get into her account.

She's really good about using different passwords for everything. I know that much. Is the default notes app on iPhone just called Notes?

Lets see the pics nigger

Refer to



What was that, OP? We don't speak huge fucking faggot around these parts.



Fuck off faggot, either upload the pics or go hang yourself as the waste of air you are.


The biggest faggot to ever be on Sup Forums with the sole exception of mootykins

>girls who browse Sup Forums
Are you retarded or do you have severe Down's syndrome

That's not true, she sends those to all the men she wants to fuck, which isn't you.

clearly fake m8, surprised so many people actually believe you

Fuck the pics OP, just han yourself and steam it. Would enjoying seeing one less faggot in this planet rather than some random nudes.

Pics or didn't happen

>post them faggot