Alright Sup Forumsros, I need some fun 2D single player games that I can play on an untrabook...

Alright Sup Forumsros, I need some fun 2D single player games that I can play on an untrabook. I am going to be flying alot in the next few weeks, and want something to play.
Any Ideas?

I have -
Castle Crashers
Risk of Rain
Gun Point

Other urls found in this thread:

Off of steam, Mark of the Ninja, and Ronin are good.

Stardick valley


Darkest dungeon

can't go wrong with Spelunky

Fallout 2

The Binding of Isaac.

The fucking
Darkest dungeon
The game hates you and you cant stop playing

Awesome platformer.

Starbound was good.
They take way too fucking long to update though.

OP Here, you guys are posting some amazing games! Thank you so much. Sup Forums really is the best place on the internet. Keep them coming.


Terraria all day long

"Papers, please" is fun as heck

Cherry Tree High was fun.
Might not be your thing.

Touhou games are pretty decent.

If you can emulate, some of the YuGiOh games are an okay time killer. Or Kingdom Hearts. You could emulate the newer Castlevania games too. There might be a few on PC.

Undertale is worth checking out. Fandom is cancer.

If you find a legit emulator, try the pokemon mystery dungeon series, blue rescue team being da best. Not everyone likes it but i find it very pretty nice.

You okay with visual novels?
Katawa Shoujo is fucking great and it's made by Sup Forums. Completely free too.

It's a browser game but still fun

[OP] Holy shit you guys are the best! Love these games. Keep em' coming.

Dont forget LIMBO, very short, yet its golden.

Choice of robots is a pretty good game if you like interactive novels

super meat boy, battle-block theater, game dev tycoon, hell yeah!, Hotline Miami 1 & 2, pixel piracy, skull girls, and super house of dead ninjas.

its not even all I'm just listing what i got on my steam library

1001 spikes is pretty good
also downwell, downwell is fantastic


OP is gonna be on a plane.
Unless he flies expensively, he prolly wont have wifi.