Is league of legends worth getting into at this time?

Is league of legends worth getting into at this time?

That's a rather vague question considering that you've posted nothing about your background.

have you ever met anyone in real life who plays league of legends?

i havnt either

Na.. you cant carry 1v5.. usually 3-4 retards in your game at once so its really frustrating 90% of the time.You will just rage a lot and get banned.

I'm a neet with nothing to do

One guy. Couldn't stand that fucker. Completely obnoxious. I quit selling him drugs because I couldn't stand being near him

Not OP, but a similar question since we're all here:

Is there enough Ahri content for the game to be worth buying if she's your only interest? Like, I don't even know what the gameplay of League consists of, but I'd pay for an Ahri story mode or whatever.

yeah, if you hate yourself

Well if you do, spend some money on the most retardedly overpowered champs ans get really good with them. Then get a couple friends to play with that don't suck

No. League is dying and it's pretty much dead.

dota's price pool are 18 million, you tell me

cant tell if troll or not.. Fucking faggot. Killyourself.

There are skins you can buy lol that's all for content

In that case, you should consider playing Dota 2 instead.

OP here since most people are saying its bad, what else should i play

You know the game is free right? And it's a moba, no storyline line. Just a weak lore

Friends that don't suck eh?

I honestly don't even know why I play it. I can't stand it 99% of the time

Well I mean online friends with good match histories definitely not rl friends don't play with those assholes

Maybe another day.

I see, thanks.

Did not know that it was free. It's something I've been meaning to check out for a few years, but I never bothered. Disappointing to hear, but thanks for the reply.

If it was season 3 still my asnwer would be HELL YEAH, but right now, id say no probably not. I still play but its way more boring now.

If you have some friends to play with it's pretty fun to fuck around on

not OP but what about CSGO?

It's fun with a group of people you know. But it's too full of angry children to be enjoyable on public servers.

the dudes I met in my classes that play league are annoying as fuck, so I'd say no

I only play lol to meet da girls

thats sad but whatever works i guess

I've been playing since it came out. It's straight cancer right now.
Though if you're 16 or younger it wouldn't be bad, it would just be another day.

if you like that kind of game i suggest SMITE

Hey thats me

Games in a shitty state, tank meta is ruining the game and the jungle is kind of dead in the recent patches. Play mid mages if you want to do well or play tanky top laners. Overall I'd say if you hate yourself the game is a great option for you.

this, cant stop myself coming back to it though. its like a fucking drug and the more i play it the more i realize how much the game fucking sucks

Just play until level 6 then decide, if you want you can add me and I can help you learn a bit :]

ign: Darxell

No, go to dota or another competitive type game of your choice. Riot (the developer) is full of SJW types that turned the game into a special snowflake safe space over the last year, you can get banned for swearing at your team mates.

Also remember Ghostcrawler? The lead systems designer or w/e from Blizzard? Yeah, hes ruining this game now too. Since he's joined, everything except aesthetics and superficial shit like skins has gone down to the same shitty state WoW was in when he left. To top it off, Riot as a whole continues to ignore both the general playerbase and the professionals on some sensitive matters.

Riot is a shitty company, league used to be a great game. Don't give them your money.

Pic related


No. It's shit now. Also, you won't ever learn because low levels are almost all bronze/silvers trying to "smurf" because they suck at lvl 30 and in ranked. Playing with 3+ of those every game? Not worth dog. Trust me, I'm Diamond 2 and have been playing for 4 years. You don't want to get into this game right now.

>shit talked about someone whose educational and career track far exceed anything you will ever be in life

>mfw im riot
>mfw QSS doesn't do shit anymore
>mfw assassins always sell skins
>mfw new ahri skins every 3 months
>mfw dynaQ
>mfw no replays
>mfw sandbox mode
>mfw people keep giving me money

Doubt you're diamond.
Just saying

no, season 2-3 was the golden age.

Nope, go into overwatch.

Been playing since S2. Meta is fucking dreadful right now. They completely overhaul the item system every season and are reworking champions all the time and I can't keep up with it anymore because I don't play that much. I don't even have fun playing it so now that Overwatch is out I'm quitting. Avoid that fucking cancer at any cost.

Overwatch is about to be full of the same assholes that are ruining league. Might lower the asshole number in league for a bit.

Shame it won't lower how poorly balanced and shit league has become

Yes but you only have to waste 5-10 minutes with those assholes compared to 35+ in league, also you don't spend half the game wandering around it takes like 10 seconds max to get back in to the action.

season 2 when you could carry if you got fed. 20/2 and you can still lose because retards.

Yep, akali's shit now so the game's shit now.

Honestly, the biggest show of autism is getting worked up and actually typing your rage at your teammates

>over 80 million monthly players

New regions, asians.

I bet in EU and NA it is dwindling.

I'm sick of endless new champions that suck shit.

With major sport icons and big orgs buying into teams? its currently getting insane exposure. but it will be dead in 10 years. like Sup Forums is dead

Don't like Taliyah?

Taliyah is the only good champion to come for the last year. sick of seeing karthus counters being released every damn month

no, it would take you too long to unlock any champions, level up and get all necessary runes, and buying those with real money is retarded. If you want to play a moba play dota 2 since you won't need to unlock anything there.

Cant tell if serious. Ive been playing akali top and its been humorous shitting on all of the tanks. The new mage update with the protobelt basically gives her an extra dash.

You cant die if they cant touch you.

>at this time
>implying any time is a good time to get play league

I kno im sry

It's not something you can just pick up after like two games, gotta put in 15 games or so to even start getting the feel of it. Also, gotta have thick skin, but seeing how you're on Sup Forums that shouldn't be hard. It's not even really a balanced game, but it's sort of a necessary evil to keep things interesting. If you wanna play one game every couple weeks or so it probably won't be good for you since the game's constantly updated. The game isn't as bad as people say, people just get their jimmies rustled because they can't handle some kid telling them they suck over a game.

No she isn't she is fucking awful.

League of Legends is utter fucking trash.



Try the free MOBA known as "League of Legends"

is even worse than league.

You're mom is uter fucking trash LOL?

Dota 2 fuckin sucks

league of legends never was, nor will it ever be, worth getting into. It's honestly a terrible game

Akali top is a joke. That isn't how she should be played nor is it fun, also people have been doing it for 2 seasons, it isn't a new thing.

Wrong. It has a 2-3 year sweet spot.
And now it is all falling down.

It's all a boring joke

You sound like someone who sticks to one thing and never changes anything. That must suck.

I've been around since mid s2, i know this isn't a new thing, but i don't see anyone else doing it.

when was this supposed "2-3 year sweet spot"

Its the only viable way to play her past gold though and it's not fun.

It was only good around seasons 2-3, 4 if you are being generous.

It's fun for me and that's all i care about.
Get fed as all hell, then rotate and push.
Quit acting like ranked is guaranteed to be fun.

It wasn't good in Season 2 or 3. It was never good

Relatively good was implied.

Why even bother saying anything I just leave

have you played it before?
i think the games lost its glory
the further they move the game towards team play, the worse the game gets
the newer champs are 'fun' though

trips of truth

no, play Overwatch

Reasons why? Or are you just saying the "league iz bad because..yeh" meme

No. Trust me, i've played league since 2013 and i regret it

Try Smite, shits all over Lol in every way