Dubs decides how many I eat before drinking milk

Dubs decides how many I eat before drinking milk.

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All of them, plus another bag, you pussy.

25g. One serving.

Pour milk in bag enjoy chetoos cereal as it's supposed to be as well eat em all


Oh shit

Jesus christ winrar

You asked op

Alright I won op let's see you eat chetoos ceral


Dubs to confirm checked nioce

Ugh. Those damn cheetoes and dairy....fuck dude.

crush them up and pour in milk. then drink milk


Oh mein gott

No chewing allowed

It's ok dry but tastes like shit with milk.

Ohh shitt man thats disgusting!!

what happened to your can

Pour into anus

He used a can opener kek

pour into your anus

Dented on a road trip.

Get me some cheetos and melk

pour this into all of MY anus. three, chicken mcnuggets.

Thank you op

Three mcnuggets? Fool, I woulda done it for 2.

Hahaha I would a done it for free


Then your a dirty little slut

those always make me shit red mud pies after. I've ruined so many trips to the gym :/

Only acceptable answer

You need to re-evaluate your diet or anus because that's not healthy.

Are they even that hot?



Oh fuck.

I just take a pill beforehand that prevents liquid shits

You could just eat more fibre and not pop useless pills probably once a week


That won't solidify my shits when it's just a reaction to chili and the processed red food dye. I'd need to eat more cheese and bananas to plug up the b-hole. The pills are excellent the day after drinking too.

thats the most disgusting and wrong thing I've ever seen on Sup Forums

It's probably not real chilli either. You muricans need tighter food regulations. For your health.