Jesus here

Jesus here

Ask me anything

Why do we exist in a finite world if our natural state is infinity?

why are you such a faggot?

My Jesus power is tingling and its telling me youre all fags

What is love, baby don't hurt me

Why did you send your dad (you) to come down to earth to save us from what he(you) will do if we don't submit?

the boundaries can be tampered with

Why do I have a single heart palpitation roughly 30 minutes after taking trazodone?

all OPs must be a faggots

along the same lines of thought as an atomic bomb

hows it hangin

because you believe in the effect of drugs

Can you microwave a Burrito so hot, that you yourself coulldn't eat it?

Beware of painful Priapismw/ trazadone

not low enough

is the pope catholic?

Jeezus, you tryna fuck?

Why have you forsaken me?

does every human matter

Should I come back with my ex?

naah, i don' think so.... Hes just pretending for image reasons.

Are you Jesus?

Hanging good brother may god cleanse you

not since AD1200

true. i could eat the sun if i wished.

yes, except the Black ones.


Yo man. Whens the rapture goin down?

Are you ever gonna finish my lawn?

What mod is that?
also juice?

Por qué los estadounidenses son tan obesos? XD

Satan here

I challenge you

You Jew mother fucker you!

Why the Son of the God himself was a half kike?
Also why Jeezuz was so pussy he even couldn't fulfill the prophesy about Messiah? Accordingly to prophesy the person who is claimed to be Messiah should do several important things during his lifetime. Make Israel independent, bring all people all around the world faith in God etc. Jeezuz filed to do all of it and died in disgrace as a criminal.

Satan is no more than God's puppet.

Why did you let that women molest me over and over as a child and made me think such things is ok to do with children, as a 9yo boy I thought those things I do to my 4yo cousin was normal.

>Jesus here

>no answer
What I expected