I genuinely believe my father is crazy

I genuinely believe my father is crazy
This might be the end for me

Other urls found in this thread:


What did you do?

Better yet, what are you coming out of?

louis, is this because you never leave your room?

Heard something about cold turkey, drug addiction?

>he needs his laptop disabled
sounds like OP doesn't leave his computer like ever

you're a fucking cunt

shit, after the half way point, i can see why OP posted this

Oh wow the drama.

Not surprised with a mum like this :P
Your dad however is a complete cunt - how can someone be so psychologically abusive?

any news on bale to united lad?

The guys who is yelling sounds likehe has his head up his ass all this "your not well were trying to help you" is "i hate you and your a piece of shit lease give and be my damn slave"

Fuck this guy

fackin ell

Good job recording it, let him hear how much of a cunt he is. Could maybe even blackmail him with it, make sure to make lots of hard and soft copies tho


Someone post this to them ?!

Fucked up the link
> twitter.com/CEOPUK

What can they do?

It's me again, I've been kicked out and am posting from my phone..probably won't be able to post much longer since it's on 12% but I am safe and am walking to my old teachers house

Please please keep recording this asscunt

what did you do?

tell us what this is all about before your phone dies

You're a fucking idiot, you handled that like an autistic 15 year old.. Which I'm pretty sure you are.

Transcript, please

Your parents are only looking out for you man. Your dad didn't deal with this as well as he did. This totally depends on how old you actually are and I imagine you're probably under 18 because your parents care that much about your future. Just do school. Get a job then fuck up your life in whatever way you want

fucking kek, how old are you?

I think he has some fucking problems

Aww no sweet food or Internet for Louie lol

Well, Child services. Everything from slap on the wrist to police/justice system involvement depending on how severe the issue is deemed to be.

did you use the last tea bag up?

If I was your dad I would of kicked the door in a lot sooner, you're a disrespectful little cunt.

Did you try to be funny again? It's just not your style.

they don't know who OP is, how can they physically do anything just from being told that someone somewhere in england has a dad who can be violent?

Ahhhhh, so different when you have to actually deal with life isn't it?
Guess what, now you gotta look out for #1 bro, yourself.
Time to get a fucking job, get a cheap ass gym membership so you can shit/shower/shave and live on the streets until you can afford a place.
Sorry that is actually the best advice for homeless bro.

I'm not the autistic kid ffs, I meant what can the 'CEOPUK' actually do from a single audio-file.

>inb4 But the kid can contact them stfu
I know you fucktard but the guy I was responding to said 'someone post this to them'

>Have weaknesses up front and defence
>Spend £40m on another midfielder

Wenga is a savage desu


laughed harder than i should have

Holy shit my sides


say hewri potah


hold in there fam

maybe get off the computer


Corrected it with levelator:vocaroo.com/i/s0bZPNOdrONc



God damn you sick Lou

You're a sick bastard, Louis, but your dad is crazy


>sick Lou
Needs help