Why does interracial couples make me so upset b?

Why does interracial couples make me so upset b?

Because you're insecure

Cause your a racist most likely

I think nigger lovers made me racist not the niggers themselves

tribal instinct.

Came to say this

Because you are a biggot who cant get his mind out of other peoples business that does not affect you in any way.

I think it was your little pee pee and double digit IQ

Doesn't bother me, none of my business. I just wont have sex with a girl thats been with a black dude before though.


I feel like the girls are being ruined and degraded, results in less good quality girls for white males

Because primary school obviously did too, because if it didnt you would actually know how to write a gramatically correct sentence.

your tribal instinct is triggered, you don't see the girl as simply being into or right for another member of the tribe, you see it as a violation, that a potential mate for you has been stolen from the tribe, and by extension you.

the above described is something going on on a very primitive level. grow the fuck up and don't let your base instincts rule you, and just find another girl.

barely any of the population engage in interracial relationships anyway, it's only a big deal because people put the magnifying lens on it.

Because nogs are a filthy, graceless, violent and irrational people who leave nothing but shit in their wake.

Deep insights

Nigs gonna nig!

Yes sir

Interracial couples makes me mad too but for some reason I find nigger lovers really sexy. A well used sluts is just so hot to me. I don't want to admit, how do I stop this twisted kink?

In person, it pisses me off.
In porn, it's top tier.

I also fantasize about my ex being a bbc slut behind my back.
But I would join the first ever race war on the white side.

Should i seppuku?
Am I a disgrace?

it triggers Sup Forums more how white female/black male are portrayed together. porno with (paid) white girls lusting after a black man with a big dick. it's not really that surprising some would feel insecure about it,


Because you spend all your time on Sup Forums and let what's on the 1st page mold your perception of the world and the people in it.

u mad whyte boi?

Because you are a racist

It is basically bestiality that can actually produce offspring and multiply. It pretty much is the most disgusting act on the planet. Calling niggers human is a major stretch. They are sub human in just about every category that defines humanity. Oh, and their dicks aren't even big.

yeah, kind of



I'm tried of of everyone saying blacks have large Dicks
I have an average size dick everyone in the locker room has an average size dick
it makes it really hard to get chicks when they think you have a Magnum dong and it's average but it's called average for a reason
Once they see or feel it they nope the fuck out saying they thought it would be bigger

You got it wrong if they go for blacks they were never good quality in the first place

look at all these niggas who took the bait

>ruined and degraded
That's a good thing in porn.
That's what men look for.
That's why we like princesses in pretty dresses and then fucking their assholes while they beg to cum from their assholes like some kind of freak.


>Why does interracial couples make me so upset b?
Because who wants to blame themselves for being foreveralone?
It's not your horrible, repellent personality, OP, it's those darn blacks.

I don't mind it. if there are two things I hate, then it is niggers and attention whores. might as well let them fuck up each other. also, niggers are the one race where women are actually a lot smarter and harder working (in general) than men, so the white guy black girl thing is a powerful combo but there is still a risk of bad genetics.

I don't like race traitors because they are retarded hypocrites. and that goes for all of them... White, black, brown, purple, green who cares.

How can you claim to love diversity and then participate in something that kills it? There is nothing diverse about a worldwide slightly brown race of people.

These autists are too stupid to realize that diversity only exists because of racism. Being a race traitor kills the diversity you claim to love.

Advocate a true diversity, a world with different people with their own homelands that are proud of their differences.

OP you are generalizing. I love interracial couples. all I have to do is look at one and the love starts. I love the look on the guys face as he tries to hide 'cause the white bitch is chimping out tellin' me her black boyfriend gonna kick my white ass all the while he knows he'll be the next Trayvon Martin if he tries any shit with me.

At least not a chuck thearad

fat legs
it could be her

because of your perception of your inadequacies, which are correct


>true diversity is everything in it's own secular box
>it exists because I hate it, it can't exist when it exists

muh b8

how does this work? are you gonna ask each chick if shes fucked a nigger on the first date?

what if she lies?

I dunno why you would get mad. interracial could also be like white guys with asian women, but it looks like all ppl are bothered by is blade dudes with white women. I've come to see this as a fetish thing on a superficial level more than anything, on both sides. probably why a lot of them end up being single parents. not sure if that counts as racism or what though.

Off topic as fuck

u should share more chloe


Not bait at all. That's just how I feel.

There is nothing diverse about a world that is populated by one race of miscegenated people.

True diversity is people that are different, have lands that they call their home, and celebrate that which makes them different and unique.

None of what I said is racist at all either. I love different cultures. I wish the world was full of nationalists so you could go and experience their culture in Their country and then return home with a more broadened and wholesome view of mankind as a result.

Miscegenation = the death of diversity.

Mexican with white girl here. Stop being a faggot op. i would gladly like one of my women to be with a white/asian/ guy. Raghead/Nigger not so cool about it.

you really need to fuck more non-white cocks. That will cure your upset.

I grew up in the hills and live in texas now. Hispanics remind me a lot more of my people than white Texans do other than the language thing.

But you can't deny the right of love. I understand your point and agree, but what if a white girl fall for a black guy? In your world they will be killed by the race purity police?

Someone everyone tells you is worse than you is getting pussy more than you. Why wouldnt you be butthurt?

>But you can't deny the right of love

maybe you're jelly. not like you'd get any even if interracial couples weren't a thing.

Well, you're right on a most super-technical level.

The problem is that you would rather stagnate the process of miscegenation, rather, the progress of cultures as a whole. It doesn't matter if you love the various cultures- it doesn't hand-wave the implicit racism of change what you inadvertently want to occur. The only reason we are what we are today, is because of the interaction between several cultures over time. Think Asia and Europe. Everything from the silk road, to trades in philosophy, to the bubonic plague changed us on a global level.

There can be no true death of diversity in people, because despite the "mixing", no two people will be genetically identical/exactly similar unless they are "identical twins". No one has to magically give up being x or y because they no longer look or sound x or y. None of these people lose anything that makes them unique or different, except a superficial series of phenotypical features, that have far too much emphasis over the genuine identity of an individual- or peoples.

I've seen many a white man in the Caribbean. "Soft tings", because besides their skin color, I wouldn't be able to tell them apart from another individual on the island.

cus niggers

seek help, racism is a mental and emotional disorder


I dunno. Yer probably just insecure. It ain't like the niggers and spics are tryin to marry you

I love white boys

i have a nigger friend and he is normal idk wtf you on about.

At the end of the day I honestly couldn't care less if a girl is a coal burner so no the super purity police wouldn't kill them.

It just rustles my jimmies at how retarded the average normalfag gets when you say you don't like mixed race couples & how you can't say anything about it at all unless it's positive.

because it's an abomination
niggers are less evolved

Well... those are opinions for you. It should rustle your jimmies. People should get retarded. Positive is relative when feelings are involved.

Christ, just say it. Don't give in to the "safe space" mentality. That kills the individual.

>ITT: a lot of pc faggots

Probably need to reconcile those two sides.

As you jerk of to cuck porn, you are rewiring your brain. So, lean into it, and just start posting on FB that you are team #nowhitebois, and hopefully kill yourself soon after


Start jacking off to you slaying pussy and girls have a hard time walking the next day when your finished with them. Feel like a man, and delete FB. Live prosperously.

Either way if fine by me, but pick a side.

Because you're probably autistic.


Because you are a racist cuck maybe?

but what kind of interracial relationship pisses you off? Is it a white woman and a black guy? What about a white woman and a half mexican guy or a half asian guy?

There is in this photo


Being upset by interracial couples indicates you are insecure about your ability to please a woman.

Being so confused as to the cause of your frustration that you're willing to ask about it on an open forum indicates that you are oblivious about your insecurities.

>pc faggots



Cause they are jealous and ashamed of their own sexuality

kek there is OP

I like only ebony and white man, do this make me racist? 'cuz i dislike black guys and white girls


Because race mixing with niggers leads to lower IQ in the White and Asian population. And biological we always search for intelligent people to mate with.


Yes, you should definitely kill yourself asap.

Can you not.
Fakes are shitty, kill yourself.

do more but with white men



