What's your opinion on islamic immigrants seeking shelter from war and destruction in european countries?

What's your opinion on islamic immigrants seeking shelter from war and destruction in european countries?
I think it's a moral obligation of every christian to accept immigrants in their countries and do everything to improve quality of their lives.

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Not only as a christian. Just as any moral being.

But one misstep, fight, rape whatever.

Right back on the first plane.

Bumping for great justice

I think that Islam (and all the Abrahamic religions) are a plague on the world and future of humanity. And that by accepting so many refugees they can form their own communities where they don't have to integrate we are just allowing Islam to spread.

Nice try, Akhmed.

>having a well balanced point of view on Sup Forums

weird right

How much gasoline do you need to burn a refugee camp full of jews

I would rather take in HIV+ refugees than islamists

most 'refugees' aren't actually fleeing danger. They're economic migrants. AKA opportunists.

the muslims immigrating to europe are not fleeing from anything, theyre hunting the people that flee from them faggot

Economic soldiers looking to spread the political system known as Islam under the guise of religion. They then seek protection under our own laws to tear us apart from the inside.

Tell em to stop being pussies and fight their war. Most of them are adult males. All theyre doing is raping and murdering people in europe. All of them are living off of the tax payers. Theyre just like niggers except they have a religion driven desire to fuck up white countries. They can all be sent back to their country and face certain death for all I care. Dont bring that rape and supposed dominance culture around me. Get your fuckn head cleared off your shoulders

as long as they offer something like decent jobs and legally come and get background checks are on high watch and do not get a free pass because they are a refugee then sure. My grandparents didn't get a free pass from Austria to Canada why should they?

Well the open door policy is total bullshit, but what people fail to realise is that this is only happening because the Jewnited States invaded the middle east.

Let me ask you this Christian, wouldn't it be more worthwhile to fucking convert them to Christianity? Unlike us atheists they haven't rejected God and yet you people seem willing to convert us so why not them? You do realize you do actually believe that withou Christ in their lives you believe they're doomed to hell so it's a fucking win-win, they stop being a threat to Western civilization and hopefully you somewhat reduce the chances they'll try to raoe white women...Why are you cucks dropping the ball on this then? Aren't conservative Christians teired of pc culture? Here's yourchance to shine, go on and bring them the "good news"...

But they attacked first. The Crusades was to repel the muslim invaders.

Ready for em

First off, what they say.

They have been lied to through their media. Europe has been represented as a kind of promised land. They do not come here for shelter and help, they want to come here to claim something that they believe had been predestined and promised to them. They do not wish to integrate, co-operate, only take.

And then there are those who are fleeing from a war, only to die halfway.

I think you should invite them in to live in YOUR house for a few months to see how well it pans out.

I'm paying my taxes so I expect EU to help refugees.

You don't help stangers by giving them a permanent place in your home. That isn't helpfulness, it's self-sacrifice.

The children of these refugees will compete wil the children of native citizens for career, women, status, whatever. Everything that people compete for.

So the solution is provide safety zones within the region, instead of importing them into your own country with the perspective to stay forever. It is stealth immigration by leftist assholes who want to make europe a mixed zone.

>AfD is live, AfD is love

The Middle East and North Africa were overwhelimngly Christian until Muslims violently forced conversion through conquest... The line was drawn in fucking France at Tours and even then the Muslims raided Europe for white slaves for well over a milenia... The Ottomans opened a second front by overthrowing Constantinople and got as far as sieging Vienna , in the lands they conquered they demanded that Christians give up their children as a sick form of tax so that they could be raioed as military forces to attack their own families... It wasn't until the Turks were well into their decadent phase that they even considered a halt to aggresion and then they turned to genocide of Christians in the territories they controlled, we are talking the 20th century here ffs... Yes, at some point Christians joined to try and repel them from previously Christian lands (this includes Jerusalem which was as scared to Christianity as Meccah is to Muslims but the Crusades only succeded in slowing down for a few decades Muslim agression... This is all facts, Muslims do sincerely believe that the only real, lasting peace (Dar Es Salam) is achieved when a land has been converted to their death cult and Sharia has been instituted, forcing non-Muslims to pay a tx and be subservient in exchange for their lives...

Have you taken a person in need into your home on a PERMANENT basis? If not, fuck off. You're not a decent human being, you just seek moral superiority, so you can put on a smug face and look down people who are less helpful than you.


I wonder if they'd let my gay brother stay with them if he were a refugee?

They can apply for a visa the same way everyone does, this is America and we are a land of immigrants. But they aren't special in any way and we have a big ocean to protect ourselves.

I mean fuck, put them in mexico or something. Why the US?

USA hates Islam

Except it's utter bullshit, you fucking morons. This is the equivalent of "alright, I let this hobo live in my home and if he behaves well for 2 years, he can stay forever".

NO SANE PERSON DOES THAT. Instead, you're giving these peopel shelter in dedicated places. The global equivalent of that are safety zones, protected by international forces.

I say fuck them. Here in Italy there is no more jobs even for us Italians, how are we supposed to pay for all those people needs? because you knonw once you let them in you have to feed them and give them a place to sleep all paid by us citizens.

This is absolute faggotry. You're an asshole that wants to brag about how "compassionate" you are, dodging the burdens of the policies you advocate.

The burdens will rest upon the lower classes who will have to compete with the refugees and their descendents. The middle class will not be touched. They're a smug bunch of bastards.

Muslims should not be allowed to spread. It's a plague, and they do not want to integrate and have no respect for european culture. If you complain and speak up, you either are beat down or the racist card is being drawed quickly.

Rapes are getting common, and don't get me started about the increased number of criminals..

Sadly i think parts of europe will experience civil war or maybe something bigger within the next couple of years.

Take a look at the state of sweden, or should i say swedenstan??

On the side people are turning more far right and hopefully democracy will take the right decision in the end.. I hope..

Shit is scaring me, 50 years from now how will the world look? Muslims easily multiply since getting 10 children is common...

And btw, im not a racist but i do not understand why anyone is following this ideology "islam".. and its a huge problem that kids are being brainwashed to follow their big leader.. allah. and thinking its the right thing to cut the throat of non-believers..


Muslims are normal people.Some are shitty, and some are not.Just like all the other peoples. You have been brainwashed by your jewish overlords into hating them.

It's equivalent for you. Apparently not for me because I wouldn't want a hobo in my house, but I'd be fine to lose some of my income if I know it's spent on helping a few hobos out. I'm completely fine with paying for the less fortunate as long as they behave well, and frankly I feel quite happy with myself for being that way. If that's really insane like you imply, I don't find sanity all that attractive anyway.

Any studies that show all refugees are murderers and rapists, or is your conservatism kicking in?

Ever hear of the trojan horse, that's all this is. We let the rats into our house to breed. So fucking stupid


Simply dividing people into good guys and assholes is simpler, more mature and fair, and it saves you all the "of course they're not all like that but hurr hurr hurr" nuances.

My friend is Syrian and family half-Muslim. They're a more model American family than many white people.
No problem with Muslims in general.

Im not jewish but ok..

Look a the numbers.,. look what happened once the big refugee shit began. Please bring number to disapprove what im saying.


I'll tell you what's insane. When you vote for parties that pursue the policies you advocate, only to find out decades later that the son of a refugee stole your sons gf. This is the situation you create because morons like you offer permanent shelter.

The result? You're slowly turning Europe into Yugoslavia. Great! People with compassion but no brain are absolute cancer and should roll over and die.

Well let's be honest here most muslims are dicks.

But if you're clear-headed and rational about things, it shouldn't even matter. Even if all muslims are shit except only one muslim, then logically speaking that one person alone is a reason to not discriminate against muslims.

I think a culture has a right to preserve itself, and I think refugees have a moral responsibility to return home and make life better there.

>They don't assimilate
>They left their shit country to make their new host country just as shitty
>They get welfare while they declare jihad against their host country
>They are invaders
>They want to establish a caliphate
>They are nothing more than an infestation

How will they contribute to society if there is already unemployment ?
Most won't hire them because they don't speak the language very well, they don't have the same values, they don't have the required diploma

Maybe if they cancer when they came into the countries id accept, however they want to act like a nigger from the ghetto in an upscale neighborhood, so no, i do not accept them

I believe that it's every europeans obligation to keep the invaders/sandniggers away from Europe

>lives in Christian culture
>wants to defend it against Christianity
>thinks dismantling the cosmology of the West will save it

Underrated post, topkek

I didn't say anything about murder or rape? My stance against taking up the refugees is not contingent on their behaviour. It is derived fromt he fact that people with different color of skin are not only brothers. They are rivals too.

And the communist assholes that let the refugees in are blind to the fact. They are blind to the fact that they are exposing their descendents to direct rivalry with the descendents of the refugees.

And why are they blind to that? They are communists - competition plays no role in their view of the world.

>How will they contribute to society if there is already unemployment ?

That's not a refugee problem - that's a capitalism problem. Come to think of it, the refugee problem is caused by a capitalism problem, too.

The zealous ones that inhabit Europe or the Middle-East are dicks. Maybe it's because they've been pacified, but most Americanized Muslims have been kind-hearted, respectable people.


I'm not hating them. But I understand that they're not only brothers. Due to their different color of skin, they are a different flavor of "man". A flavor that is in competition to my own. And I have no interest to expose young white boys to direct, personal competition for girls, money, fame with arab or black men on a significant scale.

That's why the refugees got to go.

>decades later that the son of a refugee stole your sons gf.

Sorry I'm not buying that fear-mongering shit and it's all extremely childish to me. It's fun in movies and to give edgy teens something to talk about but I've long ago decided to not base any of my judgement on fear; especially when it's such obvious doctrine.

I believe in risk determination, but that whiny stuff you're blurting out isn't that. It's too emotional.

TBH Germany is rich enough to endure some 1-2% extra refugees. Also they help fostering right party growth, wich is always fun. Sucks to be a while single man having a job though.

saged and reported.

poor bait, kike. also "refugees". and 99% of them are terrorist criminals males.

no one will believe your lies here, kike.

mudslime detected.

Conservative logic:
>Oh shit, civilians are trying to escape ISIS.
>We can't let them leave, they might be terrorists!
>Should we limit bombing, then?
>No! Bombing hospitals and schools is the only way we can beat ISIS!

>Why are there so many people joining ISIS? Don't they realize how horrible ISIS is? Let's bomb more hospitals, to convince them.

Let them face and remake what they are fleeing from and let the small children get shelter and food but only after swearing not to attempt to promote islam in the country and to abide by the laws and social norms including equality of sexes.

You could just put them into simple government work. You know, cleaning the streets or washing dishes. That doesn't require a diploma. Also, education exists.
Ah, right, you're a nationalist. So there is no reason other than "I don't like them because they're this colour" which is a shitty generalisation. It'll also hurt your economy, you're denying a workforce that'll do the work you don't want to do.
Not sure how it's a capitalist problem. Capitalism brings in the money to treat the refugees in the first place.

you can't let your enemy into your country that would be like letting nazis in during ww2 the only way to deal with this is bombing them into submission seems to be working pretty well for Russia

>and 99% of them are terrorist criminals males.
Nice numbers taken out of your ass, adolf.


Accept them on temporary asylum.
When war is done with, they will want to return again.
When we start kicking ISIS ass we set up a functioning government (easier said than done).
If we simply turn them back and keep bombing the shit out of them then they'll see the west as people who did them wrong and join ISIS. And if they rape a person, they get kicked out.

>capitalism brings money

I have all the rage and hate of Sup Forums when it comes to this topic. Muslims are the trash of the earth and have no place in the west. We didn't build good societies just to let those who weren't capable of such come in.

We let refugees in during WWII.
Nothing bad happened.

>afraid of competition
If white people knew they were superior this would not be a problem.

It's not emotional at all. See .
People with different color of skin are not just brothers. If you believe that, congrats you follow in the footsteps of Marx, Lenin, Honecker. Roll over and die. The fact is that we're friends AND rivals at the same time. To neglect the latter is pure idiocy. Pure idiocy, okay?

It is not in the interest of German descendents to import people of a different color on a massive scale. It's not in their interest to turn our country into another Yugoslavia.

And I will defend their interests agaiinst people like you.

>Not sure how it's a capitalist problem.

Unemployment itself is a capitalism problem.

>Capitalism brings in the money to treat the refugees in the first place.

No, of course it doesn't. Without the government tax revenue capitalism would provide exactly zero money for refugees unless they became valuable as low-wage labor.

I'll take living in a kike controlled country over living in a majority Muslim country every fucking time...

Beta alert. This sad lonely faggot never made the cut for sports teams. This faggot struggled to keep a C average. This faggot complains when others do better than him. This faggot got a trophy for showing up. So in order to make himself feel like less of a beta he will use force and tyranny to make the world equally shittier for everyone.

Well said!

USA and EUROPE should stop the bombing..
That would spare us from the refugees and send back the ones that came here.

Let them fight their own war.

Yeah in 5 years there is another civil war in Egypt. Another 1 or 2%. And then there si war between Saudi-Arabia and Iran. Another 3%. It never stops.

You don't take up hobos in your own home on a permanent basis, even if well-behaved. You provide them shelter outside.

>taking the term beta seriously
Also just because your team has better players it doesn't give you the right to bribe the referee.

It does. Planned economy doesn't work. It's been tried, and has failed so much.
No, not giving a shit is an unemployment problem.
I never said don't tax people. I never said ultra-capitalism. I just said capitalism.

>I think a culture has a right to preserve itself, and I think refugees have a moral responsibility to return home and make life better there.

I have a Ph.D. as a matter of fact and did quite well in school. Fairly good at sports for a while, I guess. That should go to show you that the crazy redneck perception of reality isn't necessarily the same as reality itself.

In fact, socialism is about equalizing social power to prevent a ruling class from fucking everyone over (e.g.: 21st century United States). It's not about breaking the kneecaps of fast runners or giving everyone in the world an equal share of your Magic card collection - that would be retarded.

no we let in prisoners of war and they weren't tied to a violent religion at the very least we need to make them leave Islam before entering the country

What is it? IIRC, in the entirety of 2015 Germany had approximately 5,000 applications for a handgun. In February of 2016 alone, they had approximately 7,500. Also, Germany completely sold out pepper spray before the handguns. People are feeling quite threatened. Quick research will yield a good number of examples, such as the "no-go zones" throughout Europe.
google.com/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=no go zones&oq=no go zones&rlz=1C1MSNA_enUS669US669&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.2739j0j7

I have memes too! :DD

fuck everyone

But, but, but, it's not fair that the other team is better. They're obviously cheating!

>No, not giving a shit is an unemployment problem.

Are you familiar with the just world fallacy?

>I never said ultra-capitalism. I just said capitalism.

Perhaps you could explain the difference.

Help the refugees in safe areas closer to their country.
That way we could help more instead of providing them with material stuff like cars, houses and so on..
It's about survival, not iPhones and big cars.

Most refugees are only econimic refugees. Promised better living in europe.. I don't blame them.. Stuff is served for free in many countries they come to..

Oh god i hate this world.

This is a test

A. I don't dislike Arabs, Turks or black people. I don't use the N word, not evern anonymously for fun. But I am not blind to the competition between people of different color. That you are makes you a problem for peaceful co-existence on this planet.
B. Germany will get the job done without them.

You realize that with muslims it is one-sided right? I'd have no problem finding youg muslim boys hitting on german girls in clubs every weekend. I challenge you to go out with me and find a turkish girl sitting on a german boys lap in some club.

That's where the cuckoldery starts. Fuck muslims hiding away their duaghter from non-muslim men while at the same time screwing around with non-muslim girls.


We let French refugees in during WWII, after Hitler curbstomped the French Army.
Hell, we even let Germans in. Case in point; that family from "The Sound of Music".

>The fact is that we're friends AND rivals at the same time

No that's YOUR fact. I just see people, and with people, I see psychology and history. And psychology and history shows there's hardly any difference, and any kind of people turns to shit under the right circumstances. Right now, our circumstances are good, thanks to a stable government, law enforcement, welfare and education. It keeps us tame and calm. Take that away, and we turn into the same kind of lunatics you see in the Middle East. I don't consider muslims to be a safe group of people at all, but I feel equally unsafe by people of my own race simply by knowing how people can easily become. Most people on Sup Forums would probably join the cheering masses around a homosexual burning at the stake if it ever comes to it.

I see no difference, and the only people I call friends are individuals who have proven their innocence to me. The rest I just assume to be equal assholes to be on the safe side, but I also give them the benefit of the doubt to be fair.

Muslims aren't my "taste"; let alone my "friends". I don't care about them and this pathetic race war between two sides who both think they miraculously are better than the other by nature. As I said, I find it too childish to join in, and completely stand by my decision to be cautious towards everyone, but nonetheless treat them equally.

People "feeling threatened" isn't indicative of there being an actual threat.

1) You don't have a PhD
2) equal outcomes are impossible
3) you have no claim on my property

No we didn't, no one wanted to take in all the refugees then either and the displaced jews lack of anywhere to go contributed significantly to the zionist movement and the formation of the state of Israel.

Lol, is this real?

the french where our allies we must support our allies not our enemys aka islam

No, I guess I'm not. But if you don't even try to land yourself a decent life, why should we give one to you?
Ultra-capitalism is where there are no limitations on private business and nobody is taxed/is taxed very little

Capitalism gives private business a fairly relaxed time and normally people are taxed flat, but in some cases are taxed depending on how much they earn (good example is the uk)
I don't know what your problem is then, unless you aren't white.
Germany will, but I'm sure a lot of the rest of Europe could use a helping hand, especially near the Eastern side.

I say put em on communal farms in bum fuck nowhere and put them to work growing their own food, then ship them back when the war is over.

Feeding and sheltering desperate people is one thing, but subsidizing them to a point that they're living better than poor Europeans off the tax payer's money is bullshit.

There is no war and destruction in European countries except the ones that the ''refugees'' bring. Learn to write without a dangling modifier and maybe I'll answer you.
Ps. OP is a fag

The women and children yes. It's relatively easy to pressure them into assimilation which is what immigrants should strive for. The men on the other hand are parasites.
These are men of fighting age who are unwilling to defend their homeland from a bunch of savages. Those savages are now striking at the heart of Europe and if you think they are going to in any way help defend their new home you're fucking retarded. They're just gonna pack up and leave as soon as shit gets real and fuck up some other continent.
On top of that, men usually don't feel the need to assimilate into there new homelands. If you don't believe me then look up the Americanization programs. While I think America went about it like idiots there was a real need to get Mexicans to become more American. Europe needs similar programs, only done right, if they're going to take in all these people.
TLDR: Take the women and the kids and convert them into proper Europeans. Send the pussies back to fight for their homelands.

>Game initiates with two opposing teams
>Law is intended to treat both sides equally regardless of outcome
>alter rules so that the law favors whichever team is winning more
>hit a point where it is impossible for one team to win solely on the legal barricades the winning team has accumulated
Or do you want unchecked corporate rule and agree with monopolize, you stupid faggot?