So Sup Forums what is it?

So Sup Forums what is it?

Obviously do not enter.

A do not enter sign you fucking retard

Yield sign?

Trick question, it's none of the above

a stop sign in the UK. It means you must stop, unless you're a fucking arrogant rice cunt.

In France, it's a Stop sign.


in mostly if not all country of europe if i'm not mistaken

I don't understand this one

Slow down, wait for the oncoming traffic to pass before attempting to pass the cyclist. And always leave extra room for the cyclist.

Nudge the bicycle out of the way gently to make sure there is enough room for both cars to pass.

in canada it's a full stop


[x] Run over that biker pussy

Ok OP here's what you need to know about driving: you always choose the safest option. Your mission is to get from a to b without: (in order of importance)
1. hurting anybody or getting into a dangerous situation
2. Hindering anybody
3. Making your passengers uncomfortable
You do this by planning as far ahead as possible. And wait until it's safe before you do something
And your hand should be at 9 and 3 on the steering wheel 95% of the time.

How can there be a center lane if there's only two roads? [spoiler]Bonus points for answers with paint drawings[/spoiler]

its best to naturally slow down and let the faggot cyclist have room and let the oncoming car just pass you. then pass the cyclist. no sense making shit harder on the road.

The middle is the left turn lane faggot

The sign is not containing any text, so this is actualy correct

Have you never been on a fucking motorway you rancid cunt