I feel like shit
Feels thread
I feel like shit
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How you holding up, Sup Forums?
>tfw 30 y/o virgin
omg thank my penis i actually did all that, dont worry op every teenage first love is porn :D
My brother committed suicide a few months back
>be me
>play video games with my bro all the time.
>fast forward to 3 months back
>weve gone our desperate ways for a while now
>at work
>get call from mom
>reject call, im at work
>shift ends
>call her back
>my brother took his own life
>goto funeral
>his gf is there
>with a new guy
>she looks like she doesn't care, even flirting with the new guy
>end of service, I gotta go home
>before I left I donkey punched her
I'm drowning my pain with vodka and pain meds
Than go here and slap some Asian titties
there is a board.
The board is called /r9k/.
you should go there right now bcuz people like us DON'T GIVE A GOOD FUCK.
Yeah sleeping is my favorite part of the day. I struggle to fall asleep a lot though, and then the next day is even worse tired.
Thread theme:
I had teenage love, I had the most beautiful girl ever, she was perfect. I don't have anymore
I'm not sure which fate is worse
holy shit user, I feel for you
how are you doing now?
sad but beautiful
>This song
Trying to make this thread alive, at least for now
But why did he die? From shock?
This picture gets me every fucking time. Fuck I hate everything
don't know mate, perhaps it was a greater purpose, like Giving Sup Forums some feelings, for a moment
I recently drank a milkshake
1 minute later, I barfed it out.
>becomes a normie at 20
far from a good theme song for a feels thread
What are you drinking Sup Forums?
Don't worry they will both go to hell
"Sup Forums With no Rules", on Telegram.
>Here to join:
Underrated food for thought.
Had all I wanted/needed and more, but broke up with her to man whore through highschool and what little college. In 20's now..she won't ever want to be with me again...anytime I imagine going out or wanting to meet new women or think I deserve a good relationship my subconscious always shoots me reminders I had it all and wasted my shot.
I had a really intense teenage love. Started at 13, that's 16 years ago now. I was a super jealous and insanely horny kid. Kind of a monster really, just selfish really. I wasn't as good to her as I should've been, always worried she's get with someone else. I also was getting really fat because my family's dietary habits were finally catching up with me. It made me feel really insecure, particularly since she was probably out of my league (blond hair, blue eyes, super fit, gorgeous big eyes..). I cheated on her twice with an uglier chick, mostly because I was a selfish asshole and always horny.
Anyway, eventually I started hearing rumors that she was hanging with this other kid. This skinny wormy shit-kid who worked at the grocery store. We were 16 by this point. She denied it, promised me she'd be with me forever, but I kept hearing stories. He started eying me in school in his wormy little way, like he was fucking my girl and he was proud of it.
I tried to fight him in school. I tried to fight him in the grocery store parking lot before someone called the cops. Eventually my girlfriend stopped talking to me. Stopped denying anything anymore and just wanted me to leave her alone. We never broke up, she just stopped wanting to be around me. Eventually it was clear she was with Justin now. I went into a tailspin of depression. I tried killing myself because I didn't know what else to doe. Twice, once with pills once with a knife (wrong way down the wrist, woops!).
I dropped out of high school and got way into doing cough medicine (DXM). Literally every day. As well as playing video games.
I was almost 18 before I got normal again. Joined the army, got a new girlfriend who later would cheat on me when I got deployed. Thankfully it only hurts that much the first time, after that you almost expect it.
I'm married now. I believe my wife is loyal but there's an itch that I'll never know for sure. TL/DR? You didn't miss much.
Hold the Door
Svedka vodka and OJ, what about you?
Exactly same story here. Every girl I've dated since hasn't measured up to her.
I still keep in touch with her, so I hope I'll someday get another shot...
way too true
Grant's whiskey. Tastes pretty weak but its the only alcohol I have right now.
Sounds like we are in the same boat. At least finding and accepting the solace of loneliness has its perks. I know what and how emotions are, but I've become in control of when and which ones are used and in my case none and never cause what is the point of dreading over the past when I can stare at nature all day and pretend there's so much more out there, but thanks to this idea engraved in our brains that we need to find another half of our soul that may or may not be real will always leave uou wanting more/better, feeling unfulfilled like you're failing... I don't feel comfortably numb, but more in between not knowing what the true meaning of comfort is and just acceptance of it all.
>coming down from my 5th cup of coffee today
>my body feels weak from only having one early meal and so much caffeine/sugar
>begin to feel the pressure of bills being due at the end of the month and fullfilling other responsibilities
>I just want to go home and get drunk but I don't want to be alone
>too introverted tonight to go to the bar and socialize
Let the existential crisis begin
im going the same path as you, but got thrown into jail at 18
not good
I stopped caring a few months ago
I'm 26
what's on your mind user?
this one time i had feels so hard....it hurt
can someone rub my vagina? i need to feew bettew
what for?
the worst of all is to still been in a relantionship with that person that means all to you, and everything change life smack you back...nothing is the same not even love
my gf broke up with me, i found her on the street took her at gun point she was 17, her dad sue me
This is exactly the reason why I'd kill my dog before I kill myself. I don't trust anyone to take care of her anyways.
i shit like feel.
Sleef thread
Shit user, I'm sorry man. She deserved that punch. Take all the time you need, but eventually, get up for him.
Jesus. Don't do that.
My face when OP's a little bitch
You know Sup Forums is the mirror that I hate looking into but can't resist, because it's the only one that shows me what I really am.
stop samefagging
Forgot to add : "who would win" threads
>Dated a bunch of females in my time (late 30s). Not a whole lot but enough.
>Was married and divorced.
>longest relationship lasted 8 years
>Never felt much for these women and relationships felt like a hassle.
>meet a girl who has same interests as me.
>Unfortunately its long distance.
>Visit each other a few times.
>Old enough to know this is something different and I actually love this girl.
>Our personalities just fit, we are both calm, introverts, who enjoy quality time inside.
>We had talked about moving close to each other but not in together.
>Save up the money for the move and apartment.
>Today she tells me she is scared (it's her first relationship) She was fat as hell until about 5 years ago she changed her life, lost the weight, and got healthy).
>Isn't sure I'm "the one" but loves me and still wants me to move close to her but she is just terrified of losing her independence.
>All of this I understand, accepted, reassured her that she would still be able to do what she wants, and so fourth
It just hurt like fucking hell for some reason.
Why did it hurt so fucking much? Shit like this never bothered me in past relationships but today I was totally crushed and heartbroken and it wasn't even that bad of news. I feel like a fucking pissy little shit of a panzy for this but it's my first ever real feels.
hes ugly as shit and smelll like shit and he dont know one to know hes ugly so hes ugly as shit and smell like shit and he bothers the popular people and hes ugly as shit with that stupid ugly face of his and bother people cause hes spoiled by his parents that also think hes ugly as shit and people think hes ugly as shit and try to bother people cause he is lame and think he deserve to be the leader but ugly as shit and serve us our cheese burgers n has to be nice to get things
Right now I feel like shit. I'm considerging killing myself, but Im not 100% sure. My mother doesnt loves me in any way. She wont stop insulting me, and it makes me feel like I am not worth living anymore. She even told me she wont let my brother make the same mistakes I did.
She have prohibited me from hanging out with my friends. They were the only ones who could make me change my mind. Now I am here, planning my suicide and let you fucking fags know about it. You might even be laughing or just thinking this is fake, that Im a new fag seeking some attention, but no...Im not. I really want to find an exit out of this shit hole, and the only bright light out of this tunnel is a shotgun to the head.
Girl tells me she loves me, however wants to stop talking to me because she still feels for her ex, I don't know what to do, I love her too...
and hes ugly as shit and has no friends and want to be the leader but ugly as shit with his stupid ugly face and has no friends and try to hurt and kill popular people the ugly way with stupid ugly freak magic
This one won't take much. I fell in love at 13, circa 2002. She was Korean-Portugese, and her parents were uber Christians. About halfway through the summer, she suddenly stops responding to all of my chat requests (texting of the early 2000's, for you young lurkerfags, we know you're there), phonecalls, etc. Turns out her parents found out I was Jewish (yes I'm a kike you degenerate faggots gimme all your shekels) removed her access to electronics, and moved to fucking south Korea. I eventually get over it. About a year ago, I saw her again. We met again in a cafe, just for coffee break. She was going to the local kommunity kollege, and I was going to the not kommunity kollege. We get to talking, and I eventually fall for her again. Well, about two weeks ago she went to a party. At this party there was heroin. There was also whiskey in mugs. She downed a whole mug and got so shitfaced that she overdosed on the heroin, or just the alcohol. She died, although I think the people at the party thought that she was just unconscious.
Help me Sup Forums, I've reached the point where I cannot physically bring myself to cry anymore.
@OP, I'm so glad I didn't miss out on that now, lol. I didn't even think about that being a problem for some people. Feel bad your yall tho
and hes ugly as shit and cant get girls and smell like dog poop and is ugly and deny all the ugly people losers dont smell like shit and they like shit and is ugly and cant get a women and smell like shit and is ugly like the ugly guys losers
Well, I feel better and worse continually everyday, user. Life is scary, I fear that if there is some divine power watching over me, I've already fucked my chances at something great. I've never hurt anyone, I went full Sup Forums a couple of years ago and basically fapped to everything, it changed my perspective on life, I isolated myself, had next to no sex life. I really let go of myself, and I hate the person I once was, holding on and regretting shit that never once impacted me. I've thought about suicide, and I won't go through with it. My life is pretty much perfect now, I have a good job, friends, few girls I could establish something with, but all I go back to is how disgusting and broken minded I was a couple of years back. I've always had my family, but it doesn't save me from the anxiousness, paranoia and depression. My brain chemistry is truly fucked. I've had one event in my childhood that still gets on my nerves, and I was bullied during secondary (high)school. It's all over now though, I'm an adult. I tell myself I should stop being a pussy, but hell, it's so much easier said than done.
I kind of regret coming to Sup Forums, but I keep coming back because of you all, you guys in this thread. We're all here for a reason, all have skeletons in our closet. I just want you all to know that even people who have things right can be suffering, no one is normal, just smile Sup Forums, you're bound to change someone's life, but until then? We'll just keep making feels threads.
Trying to find that Girl Bro.
As fucked as that whole experience is if you were with her it could have pulled you into heroin and other crazy shit. Grieve for her death but there's a good chance you could have died with her if you were closer
You're saying you still hate your life even now that things are going well for you and your life is pretty much perfect. Sounds like you're dealing with some kind of depression. People always hate to hear this but try to get help man or there's a good chance that nothing in your life will make you happy.
This cant be a feels thread without the black birthday guy, where is he?
Screw your mother. Don't let others bring you down user, as hard as that is. Maybe get a job if you don't already have one, save up some money and move out. You will change your life for the better.
What was the song?
Don't do this to me
You know that feel when you're just sitting at work and everything is pretty OK, but thinking about it, you have nothing to look forward to at all.
Ah, user. It's funny, in a way. Self-conflict is what's plaguing me. Once it's all perfect there's time to reflect on what was. I couldn't imagine what my family would think if they found out about the stuff I used to view and shitty fetishes I developed when I didn't give a fuck about the world, and how those things change me. I'll seek professional help if I have to Sup Forumsro, not working right now, waiting to start my new job in June. When I'm not working it's so much harder to cope, because there's not much to apply myself to. I'm completely different to what I was, but some stupid part of me is locked on what was and what is now. I've never hurt anyone though, my head is just completely fucked up. What do you think? And what's plaguing you?
Im joining the navy here soon, you should also look into it. prove you mother wrong and show her you can do better things with your life then she could do with hers. Go to college afterwards and live a long happy life you cant let others bring you down even if its your mom.
Fucking horrible. I've been super drained of any sort of mental energy the last few days, and my depression has been fucking me up the ass without lube. My current gf is "asexual", and that's been really wanting me to just break it off. But at the same time, she's one of the few people who've ever shown any type of interest in me, the ultimate betafag. There is this one chick, but she has mental issues, I.e. depression, and is my best friend's ex, and bros before hoes applies, and I just wanna die, Sup Forums. I'm sick of being alone, sick of feeling this sorrow and loneliness. I haven't killed myself because I can't find a foolproof and painless method of doing so. That and I don't want to die a virgin.
How do i stop from feeling so numb all the time, im only 18 and nothing excites me, im a social outcast and have no clue what im doing with my life at this point, any advice would help.
This is me, BTW.
That's life pretty much until you die
If would say that there's hope but let's face it, we're all on Sup Forums all day, there is nothing else for us
I feel nothing anymore. I think I'm a facade of what I once was. I've accepted it though. My girlfriend, my roommates, my job. I really don't care about those things, and even though I love my girlfriend (been with her for 7 years now) I don't think I actually love her on an emotional level. I think my love for her is simply on a "humans are social creatures" level, and in order to not go completely insane, I need somebody to talk to. She fits the bill.
I don't know how I feel about anything anymore, either. My mind feels broken, but it feels more clear than ever before.
Anybody else feel this way? I'm curious to see if there's anybody else.
At least you were never a bad person. You might have been into some weird sexual shit but if you haven't hurt anyone then you can't criticize yourself too bad. Besides like you said you're not into that shit anymore. Fuck the past, I've hated who I was at times but I'm more proud of who I am now, so fuck how it used to be.
Ah, user. At this point in time you should realise the world is your oyster, seek opportunity in things. Don't end up like me, falling down the rabbit hole, resurfacing and feeling completely broken when things are right. Where are you from? If US or UK, grab a college loan and pursue a career, or hit up community college. Do whatever is available to you, seek a job, a career, start lifting, you'll find that people can be met anywhere, and that everywhere provides an opportunity to do shit. Don't tell me you're a NEET or any of that shit, you've got nothing to lose. When you're around people "fake" confidence, big yourself up in your head, because fake confidence is still confidence, and you'll grow to realise that. Life is seriously something you can shape to your standards. Stop telling yourself no and start telling yourself yes, get yourself out of the fucking gutter and stop being a faggot, and do anything to reach that point. Guides are lying around, find the solutions. Take it easy Sup Forumsro, I hope this helps. If all goes to plan, you'll meet a qtp2t in due time, and will think about nothing but the future. God speed, and remember, we've got your back Sup Forumsro, you'll always have us.
If she is the one bringing you down then you should honestly leave her if you don't think that she can change in the near future. And if you really want to lose your virginity you should look into one night stands with random girls that you might find at clubs even if its not your kind of thing, its the only thing that comes to mind right now.
Im sorry
I put my pupper down today. Second time I've had to do this and it doesn't hurt any less. A piece of me died with her today. Trying to stay distracted but I feel pretty empty.
I can't tell you how many people I know who are 18-19, aren't excited by things, and have no direction. It usually turns out that after they hit an almost rock bottom they suddenly realize what it is there suppose to do in life. I feel empty as fuck and don't know if I ever will feel any different, but I almost have to believe that I have some kind of purpose that will bring me out of this and I think you will too.
Yeah, I know I probably should, but at the same time, I just can't meet any new people. I try to talk to new people, and I just freeze up. My spaghetti falls out everywhere. No one really hangs out with me outside of my small group of friends. And I'll probably never find someone willing to fuck me. Not unless they're a hooker. And I honestly want my first time to mean something. I don't want to just meet, fuck, leave. Although I'm so desperate for affection that I might just give in to that temptation, find out if sex helps the pain go away.
Im dropping some deep quotes to help everyone out of this deep depression.
rip in pepper pupper
I am so terrified of living and I dont know why. My therapist says that ive gotten comfortable in my depression and shes right I have. I dont want to do anything but I want to want to, yknow? My new meds make me feel so numb but they help me focus with school so I dont know. I dont want to die Sup Forumsros but I see no other way out.
>Join dating site
>Browse members all across the country to find the right girl
>Start talking to girl in Texas
>Meet her for the first time, had a great time
>We start a long-distance relationship, with her flying to my part of the country, and me flying down to Texas several times a year
>Help her with PTSD from being raped in college
>Everything about her is great, except her personality; she's very abrasive
>I make an effort to try to work with her personality and pray endlessly so her heart changes
>Doesn't happen, but we stay together for 2 and a half years
>We mutually break-up
>Months later, she finds another guy and gets engaged to him
>I hear nothing from her except taunting texts about how wonderful he is