I want thicc catters
Well find a third party for the warpaint.
I wanna be inside a shark grills belly
Also Argonian females from Skyrim have been makeing my dick Dimonds for days.
I have never been so tired in my life thanks to like 6 hours of sleep in the past 2 days on top of already existing insomnia, but it's only 9 here. Sleep or nah? Dubs decide.
I think I may be able to do that instead. I've never done makeup before, but I've always wanted to cause I'm a fag.
And if you like celtic metal, youtube.com
Dude stop, you're gonna your entire blood. Stop looking at the Argonians.
Sounds perfectly normal to me.
That's about the way my life works.
Dude sleep. That deprivation will kill ya eventually. Also I dig Celtic anything. I'm enjoying the sound if this so far.
I've found a legit Nazi furry.
You probably didn't look hard. There are a lot of them...
I can't function with any less than 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. I'm already an extremely light sleeper, so now having to deal with insomnia makes it worse. And not only that, but sleep is my only true escape from reality, so it makes me really depressed when I can't sleep. It fucking sucks.
I'll try to sleep, but I can't make any promises. And nice Satanic quads.
Wow that's fucking retarded.
>The Furred Reich
Oh my god I'm gonna cry. Beautiful.
You must. For your health.
Oh shit, I did get Satan quads. Neato. But yeah, might as well get what rest you can where you can get it.
I'm almost tempted to actually buy that and just keep it on the bookshelf right inside my front door at all times. I wonder how many friends I'd lose.Probably all of them.
Anyway, I'm extremely tired so I'm going to sleep. I'll leave you guys with a cute bat because bats are master race.
I'd like more, but just never happens. too much stuff to do.
Later my dude.
fuckin furfags
Health be damned! Argonian bodies.
You know it.
ayy I remember you from my thread about teaching myself Arabic
So, how was everybody's day?
I have had to poo for 6 hours and I still haven't done it.
Really good
I want to bury my face in her belly
Has anyone tried any furry dateing sites?
Too much autism?
I think I'll go play GW2 now. Y'all have fun.
Is it a thick one or are you holding it in?
You too.
Well, the bigger problem is they are like 99% fake profiles from what I hear. To get you to pay $10/mo or whatever.
Feels like both. I'll go poo before I play though. I hope I don't go all Challenger on this motherfucker.
The only thing I find autistic about the furry fandom is fursuit porn
Everything else is pretty alright aslong as they aren't bothering anyone
what is the name of that mod
i mean i can understand that u guys fap to fox or cat stuff n shit... but sharks? cmon guys what the fuck
I'll fap to anything with tits and a vagina, or a penis, or anything that could be construed as 'sexual bits'
Yeah I've been thumbing through furry mate and either 90% of the profiles are lazy and don't add anything aside for one picture or they are fake.
Yeah I agree, I used to hate furries (however a lot of that was overcompinsation as I've had a pre disposition to it) but now here I am, the people are alright, it's the otherkin type people who I dislike.
Of that one specificly I'm not sure.
of the one with the bondage
>"hi I'm new to the internet and don't know what a fetish is"
I don't know the name of the mod.
Great, they pruned the thread I was managing to stay afloat, that was nice.
Oh, more Rena plz.
Oh man more fur milfs please
>autsime for life
>Hi soldier
>be me
>promess thisthread. Gonna fuckin die
>join us
Damn right I'm ready.