Hey Sup Forums

hey Sup Forums
Im planning on tripping on benedryl.
what can I expect to experience?

Keep me posted

Being very uncomfortable and seeing spiders and shadows and shit

I was thinking about taking about 350mg
(7 pills)

is that enough?

Ive also heard the hangover is pretty bad

Literally nothing. You will feel a little loopy and have fluttering vision for about 15 to 20 minutes then you'll fall asleep.

Some freaky ass shit user, translucent spiders crawling up the walls and through the air, distant voices, it will be impossible to communicate with people, and you'll have basically zero short term memory

That's too little to do anything worthwhile. Take 30-40

Ive taken over a dozen and didnt get too much out of it. Started feeling somewhat funky, pass out after an hour or two. Wake up with annoying cottonmouth and feeling like i could sleep forever and id still feel tired.

Take them anyways though.

keep yourself occupied

you can't die

that seems... like a bit much

1st trip was nice. No euphoria so all the hallucinations felt real. Saw babies beingdragged into the ground, heard people just out of view, people from school walking in and out of the room.
2nd trip I blacked out, wandered away from my friends and harassed my girlfriends family, causing her sister to cry
3rd trip. Saw myself disappear in my reflection then blacked out
4th. Dropped them and went around with my friend who delivered pizzas. Was just being weird as fuck and staring at the customers. He dropped me off at his apartment where I mumbled to myself tI'll other friends left

Most hallucinations were me thinking my friends were talking about something. I remember just blurting out one of the legendary Pokémon and talking about that for 20-30 secondo before one of my friends was like "... what the fuck are you talking about?"

7-15 pills, anymore then that and you'll be talking to trees.

This is a question for all anons, will this damge you at all? Might be a stupid question, like is this unhealthy long-term?

An overwhelming urge to lay down, and fall asleep
Oh, and spiders
>700club or go home
For real though it's actually a retarded experience. Enjoy wasting your time, and damaging your liver.

Yes. This and most forms of dxm basically poison your brain to the point of hallucinations. It is quite possibly the most damaging drug i've done

OP confirmed underage B&
Go ask a hobo to buy you some beer, or something. Don't do this stupid shit.

It's not too pleasing, but when I did it I was talking to giant terrifying spiders about my grade in my math class, it's more of a weird ass dream than a normal high


Im doing this as a one off experience. not gonna be a common thing for me
