Lets admit it if we want Sup Forums to be around in 4 years we have to vote for Trump.
Lets admit it if we want Sup Forums to be around in 4 years we have to vote for Trump
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but its the conservatives trying to wipe out porn from the internet
Trump is a cock sucking faggot
As if it will happen. Only the religious conservitives and liberal catholics want that.
Bro just go to Pornhub
Beg to differ
Take a look at this pathetic liberal hit piece about the beaner-bounce at his last rally in New Mexico.
They act as if it's all whities fault.. when you know the truth is the opposite.
dubs doesn't lie
Heard about the rally in NM. Terrible to see America turn on itself over this. Liberals say thy're peaceful but thats a lie. PC will be the end of America.
Btw the protesters burnt american flags and one lady interviewed said her illegal relatives living in the US dont want to go back. Why doesnt ICE just track those relatives down and deport them?
It never does
What does Drumpf winning have to do with whether this shitty website's still here or not?
Democracy is a sham.
It doesn't matter who you vote for the status quo will be preserved.
If you want a revolution you're going to have to revolt.
Trump's followers are just as paranoid and unstable in public as he is. Deal with it.
Liberalism, IMO, is the cancer killing the US.
Have you even seen what the FCC has been doing with free internet rules last year? With liberals in charge and eventually "free everything" millennials, political correctness will lead to a ban on "offensive sites"
>if we want Sup Forums to be around in 4 years we have to vote for Trump
Clinton it is then
Funny how that doesn't matter when the Republicans get in there, get what they want and what they voters want while fucking shit up for the rest of us.
she isn't aging well. Still hot as fuck tho.
You're an idiot. In every rally that has violence.. it's the liberals doing the violence (then crying racism, sexism, etc).
Same ol' same ol'.
TRUMP 2016.
You deal with that.
based on what? Your big ass?
Democrats support Net Neutrality.
Ironic thing is, the democrats support net neutrality. It's the one thing they get right.
No it's the Trumptards acting like triggered insect hiveminds
they'd see all the Berners in detention camps if they could set that up
There is old generation liberals and new generation liberals
New=always offended
>durr liberalism
seems like you're the faggot crying here
>Liberalism, IMO, is the cancer killing the US.
Selfishness and corruption , IMO, is the cancer killing the US.
Pull up your nappies. Your ass is showing.
Bullshit. The liberals are always invading, harrassing, disrupting. It's no different than the way they are anywhere else.
Stop trying to act like that isn't how it is.
It's ALWAYS the liberals. Then they act like it's "racist" conservatives. Modern liberalism is fucking cancer.
>The liberals are always invading, harrassing, disrupting.
in your fantasies, sure
The old generation liberals dont want to lose an increasingly extreme part of their base to a thiird party (ie Sanders). As the old generation dies and the new generation gets old enouugh to run for office it will become an increasingly apparent issue
i remember reading a similar post about romney
>durr halp liburuls
>hold my cock mommy
>Funny how that doesn't matter when the Republicans get in there, get what they want and what they voters want while fucking shit up for the rest of us.
Ya, that what I was thinking.
why is it that trump supporters constantly whine about liberals even though you're more easily offended?
Once CNN reports it, its an issue now
This, republicans would try as hard as they can to shut net neutrality down. Didn't Trump blatantly say something along the lines of wanting more internet surveillance and censorship?
maybe you do, but bitch's like shillary dont
only for muslims
Trump keeps shrugging off the racist shit he said, no surprise happens
it's going to go ballistic at the Republican Convention
Trump supporters whine about "safe spaces" and then try to create safe spaces for themselves.
Trump wanted "parts of the Internet shut down"
what a fucking idiot
>Net Neutrality
Clinton supports it you dipshit
If we want Sup Forums to be around forever, we vote for Nixon.
Nixon is the only guy who can beat Trump.
yes please trump 2016
jungle donkey 2020
They should get a guy who learns everything about Nixon and then just changes his name and runs AS Nixon.
Trump played the right game from the beginning in August.
Say something radical to get on the news. More airtime you get the more your real message gets out to everyone. liberal media put themselves into a corner (CNN, MSNBC, etc)
Trump is all bark, no bite.
He's like that kid at your high school running for class president.
"I'll have every Friday be no school! And pizza everyday! And candy for free! And no uniforms!"
Yeah it all sounds nice, but it takes hundreds of other people in government to make shit happen. He's promising things that he won't be able to deliver on.
You vote for the nerdy kid who says "ill get half days on Fridays, pizza every wensday, and free dress on Mondays!"
Bc that shit can actually happen. It's all nice n awesome to say hell do all this shit. But it's really not up to him. Shit has to be passed, congress has to agree, states has to agree, etc. he talks a big game, with nothing to back it up. all saying this while he has NO EXPIERENCE in government or politics at all. He knows nothing of policy making or foreign affairs, never study it at all.
In a nutshell:
yeah but now that shit is causing violence
Hillary has flip flopped on everything since 2004
Shes a liar and a cheat she deserves a cell not the oval office
>believing OP isn't delivering as a faggot
What did he say that was so racist?
I don't like her "evolving" shit but what has "flipped-flopped" on?
Besides Iraq XDXD
Nixon is the only man who can stump the Trump.
>changing opinion based on observation and results is a bad thing
Are you retarded?
Last thing we need is another politican in office. Btw that sounds awfully like Bernie Sanders with the "i can pay for it!" rhetoric
Let me guess: you've got a cheat sheet to deal with anti-Trumpfags
So you don't think 400 million couldn't pay for stuff?
or 200 million if you believe that shit about the poor not paying taxes?
She has changed for the votes not following party lines in somecases or switching from a radical postition to the other end of the spectrum.
Nixon/Agnew 2016
Voodoo Politics from the Grave
No lol I just asked a question. What did he say that was racist?
did you get b& at Google again?
Really who the FUCK is gonna pay for the wall? Probably wants to build one around Canada too, keep the cold and hot air away.
Who's gonna pay for our military to start being "badass again"
Whose gonna pay for Muslim tracking
Whose gonna pay for all the FUCKING SHIT he is going to fuck up
Shits gonna be an expensive fix
Will the republicans side with AT&T,Comcast and Cox Cable.
Or will they defend 4chans bandwidth.
Only time will tell.
Trupm has the experience in economics to find a way to pay for things.
Bernie thinks he can tax the rich more, they will just leave and the liberal millionaries will quietly follow suit.
Must have, they don't have any facts to give anyway.
Trump'll just give himself a golden parachute signing statement on his way out the door
>anti trump fag avoiding the question like always
We need 8 years of the Nixon/Agnew Dream Team.
Nixon is the only man who can beat Trump, hands down.
Ask Kansas how tax cuts are doing for the economy
since others and bernie are crossed off, that just leaves us with trump
it's like choosing when you want to take a diarrhea dump, none of the options win
The budget will go through Congress like it always has.
Calm down libby you're sounding awfully like those protesters in New Mexico from the other day
You can't be president of a country whose 1/3 of the population you hate and call them rapists and insult. That's ridiculous. A president is suppose to represent all the people in their country, not just some !
We have 400 million people in this country
give them decent wages and everyone will pay into the system
Did you call one of search bots a kike again?
Do you think before you type or does shit just come out?
You pass basic economics?
It doesnt work
OP, you're cancerous trash. Go back to iFunny, you malignant tumor.
I like you
sadly you're probably right and i think trump sucks
What did he say that was racist dude?
Back your shit up with some facts, some reality. These unicorn farts just aren't cutting it.
Liberalism: It's one of my irrational fears, so it must be true!
you vote for Trump the USA will no longer exist in 2 years.
he said he would collaps the economy
not someone else
Trump him self openly stated he would default on the dollar.
Let's just all admit that were all just picking the LEAST shitty candidate out of the COMPLETELY SHITTY options we've been given.
Either way we lose.
It's like having a small dick. We're all fucked. This presidential election is a fucking joke.
Decent wages like raising minimum wage and "taxing the rich"? I don't think so.
So nobody should be paid a living wage because it might not work economically?
Drumming up support for my side of the argument isnt bad. Btw not a tumor, me human bean
conservative obstructionists in congress are guaranteeing only shitty bipartisan-approved deals get passed
problem solved
He never said all mexicans were rapists. He said something about the coyotes being rapists. Something like 80% of illegal female immigrants are raped by them.
What is a marginal tax rate?
That's what I thought up until I actually heard Trump out. He's really not that bad.
Can confirm, our schools are broke as fuck. Thanks Brownback
Trump can't beat good'ol Tricky Dick
It's stupid. Why should you get taxed more for working harder? BULLSHIT.
>yeah but now that shit is causing violence
By Soros-funded professional protester douchbags
You know what to do.
Assuming you're 18+
So people who aren't millionaires aren't working hard enough?
You should tell that to somebody working their ass off.
If youre who i think you are how much can I get for one corn chip?
Are you taking something for your mental illness?