Does smoking marijuana actually make you less intelligent?

Does smoking marijuana actually make you less intelligent?

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only if you're gay


now let's make this a general stoner/drug thread, so I can ask my question.
What weed should I use for making my own spacecake?
A lot of cheap weed or not so much of expensive shit? I heard that quantity is mostly important in spacecake, not sure if that's true?

erm yeah every drug /chemical that manipulates the brain and its fuctions to cause a high kills brain cells
long time smoker ere

It definitely makes you less productive, generally unreliable, and useless in anything requiring physical activity or fast mental acuity.

But that's not "intelligence".

oil and resin is best for cakes annon
but some greenery adds to flavor and a suttle extra hit to the high

well, that only happens if you get hyper stoned. I smoke a little and I work feels better

Eeh, no it doesn't. Psychologist/neurologist here.

Only if you smoke 24/7.

>Doing it so constantly that you have little to no actual mental challenges in daily life.


>Doing it once daily or every so often after being otherwise a productive/active person

Its fine.

oooh loook an edgelord

using resin for edibles? Sounds disgusting

Weed is fine. But if your a stoner and have to let everyone know you smoke weed all the time your a retarded faggot

Shit like this doesn't bother me as much as i did when i was younger everybody will judge you no matter what you do fampai you live so YOU can be happy

24/7 stoner waste of space here.

I wouldn't say it makes you dumber, but it does make you slower. That's not a problem if you're around other stoners but other people take it as retardation. It's like it takes an extra second to word stuff and a lot of people don't have time for that.

I'd say my memory isn't what it used to be, but only for dumb stuff. I can remember dates and important things, but I couldn't tell you what I wore yesterday, for example. It's kind of like your brain gets lazy and doesn't bother to remember unimportant shit.

As for actual intelegence, I'd say there's a certain level of understanding that being high can help you achive. Sometimes being outside of your own thought processes can really help with critical thinking, and I often only 'get' complex stuff I'm studying after mulling it over with a joint. Does it make me more intelligent? No, of course not, but it does allow me to see things from other perspectives.

The downside is it's a lot easier to think something is profound when high, only to find it's dumb when you're sober.

Uh yes it does

No. Some DARE and Nancy Reagan fags made that shit up. Same people that made up flashbacks.

At least temporarily, aside from that it depends on the amount

No, but it turns you gay.

That's just not true faggot. Prolonged heavy drinking? Sure. But not all intoxicants kill brain cells.

>but I couldn't tell you what I wore yesterday
I bet a lot of sober people can't do this. easy for me tho, its either jeans and a flannel shirt or khakis and a slightly different flannel shit

yes, i am a caricature of the person i used to be because i smoked half an ounce of weed a week for ten years. i don't think about anything anymore, i can't do anything without weed, if i have to go for several hours without weed i start getting panic attacks and suicidal thoughts.

Not true. In high school all the black dudes would smoke weed before football games and they were fucking amazing.

Retarded stoners make me think that it might.

Fuck off NEET

Being high increases your physical endurance.

Playing football doesn't take any thought its all reflexes and muscle training.

Not really. It just lowers inhibitions and makes you care less about what you do. Just be responsible and dont juat dab out all the time. Smoke and do stuff, get used to it. Then get higher when you are comfortable.

I was told by the fastest kid in the world that it slowed the game down for him and was like playing in slo motion.


Use crockpot to make butter from high quality herb. On low it takes me about 8hrs. Use coconut oil instead of butter. And for the love of god strain it well. Replace butter in recipe. There are loads of guides. I like a high thc sativa like lemon diesel, with a mellow hybrid like girl scout cookies or blue dream. Make sure to grind it a bit, i get best results with a bit of keef added.

Did he tell you quick

Nah bro, totally doesn't, brah.

Fuckin weed, brah breh

Its a psychoactive drug, its generally detrimental to mental acuity. You can experience a feeling totally absorbed in whatever you are doing, i.e. clutching a ball and dodging people. The intense concentration will put you in the "zone" more easily but it doesn't make you quicker or smarter.

I love how Leo's double chin is shopped out. Three consecutive presidents (that we know of) have smoked weed when they were younger. I don't think discriminating like this is fair.

Also, you're a faggot.
>Cuz Sup Forums

Didn't read your post.
Reacted to the picture.
>Maybe I'm the faggot

you want to fall asleep at the same time so you'd need an upper for superhuman performance

fucking LOL'd at the sincere idiots still believing the fraud monkey science of brain damage

that word does not mean what you think it means

I smoke everyday. I wore a black shirt and jeans. Same as just about everyday. Except when i wear a blue shirt or one of my 3 red ones.

>bit of kief
youre a fucking idiot

If you are already dumb it makes you dumber.

give me dubs or give me death

Do you not like the flavor of keif? Or is it a texture thing? I never have issues when i strain the liquid out.

Die, faggot

the brain is actually meant to toss out useless info, like what you wore or ate the day before, so not remembering is no big deal

Especially if you're under the age of 25.

The brain of an adolescent is very plastic and able to create strong, lasting neuro-connections relative easily.
One's ability to strengthen one's aptitude is significantly reduced past the age of around 25 years.
After that, one's ability to strengthen one's bare basic ability to do things like memorize things, calculate, all other things stemming from that is just significantly reduced.
However, one's ability to recall stored information quickly and keep long-term memory is significantly increased.
Also, one can still learn and apply various techniques to improve one's ability of memorizing things and what not.
Knowledge, intelligence, and determination can compensate for each other.

Damn it guise, really FUCKING DAMN IT, i dont usually smoke weed alone, but today was a ood day and i wanted to smoke just a little, but THERE'S NO FUCKING WEED IN MY HOUSE, my stupid friends didn't left any, they usually do, but not this week, fucking assholes.

>However, one's ability to recall stored information quickly and keep long-term memory is significantly increased.

Not if you smoke pot.

the kief is already on the high quality raw herb. why add more? save it in a glass vial for tasty sessions with whatever else you smoke like shatter . its like asking if someone wants gold on their caviar.

i was a heavy smoker for many years. i no longer smoke, and i can confirm it makes you fucking stupid. sorry to break it to you, but smoking often does make you retarded.

I read that smoking weed doesn't kill brain cells but it does synaptic connections. It's not the end of the world though and life is boring af.

does kill*

Makes sense. I have always been bad with names, but good with faces. Weed did not change that.

>and life is boring af.
you've just been smoking weed instead of finding fun things to do in life

Answer is yes. It can give you psychosis if you use it long enough. These guys are always like, "i dont care about anything" and then they are impulsive as fuck, understand situations completely wrong and get sudden rage over nothing, usually when their mom asks when they are going to get a job.

I'm not talking about hikikomori, I'm talking about Neature Walk, which also happens to be awesome to watch while stoned.

True, but i always have a fuckload of keef left, so i dont really worry. I like a nice bowl of just dust or pie crust is good as shit.

The world may never know

thanks for the clarification user.

as you were... dint mean to rustle your jimmies

here smoke this

No, a lot of the world's best programers use pot to increase creativity which they use to test engine limitations and abilities

However in stem feilds, lsd micro dosing is the most common drug.

You're career will dictate to you what drug to take to excel at it

Gotta find dat carpet weed

What is pie crust

I've used kief in space cakes before and it's a great time, yeah it's already on the buds but if you grind it first you lose some and it also just makes your cakes really fucking strong. I was high for 8 hours when I first put kief in my cakes.

so nice to have these first world problems, eh?

you do use water in your crockpot as well right? makes it easier to separate the oil from the plant material. no straining needed as the plant crap settles on the bottom, and in the morning you scrape out all the solidified oil that was floating on the water. the more you know.

Cause and effect and all that.

I started smoking weed after a long period of severe depression. I know that I'm smoking to escape reality, but that's kind of the point. Can't speak for the user you replied to, but for me drugs came long after being done with life.

No it doesn't, there's studies that show a correlation with an increase in intelligence when you smoke for a short while and then stop.

If you smoke every day in your room and never go out and do anything then yeah it definitely makes you dumber, however if you don't abuse it and go out and find fun shit to do whilst high or enjoy the odd chilling session then no, it doesn't make you less intelligent.

Oh man. Pie crust is decent or good wax crumble mixed with keef. Its super good. I had a few donuts made from a shop (like little wax cheerios) and one destroyed me from 5am to 5am.

i usually run about 5 lbs thru a closed loop system. i dont need to add the kief but whatever you like best and is easiest to boot

It does. It clouds your mind and makes listening to reason harder. Obviously those on it won't believe because they get caught up on simple thoughts and refuse to change their mind. It affects your brain. If sober is 100% full brain function, smoking constantly sets you at about 95% brain function.

I'm a neurosurgeon that's being practicing for 10 years and have seen the the MRI and CAT scans of patients who have smoked compared to those that haven't.

I swear, smoking weed has given me some really insightful objective thoughts on certain things in my life and it has helped me determine what I should and shouldn't be stressing about (mostly shouldn't).

So grateful for having weed. I can still function on a normal level (unless I smoke too much) and it helps greatly with my depression, allows me to get through days without feeling like a pile of shit.

Plenty of my friends are mechanics and they often light up a doobie and inspect the engine for a bit. I myself am a bit of a aspiring eco-engineer and have made solar powered boats, automatic garden watering systems, sheds, and a bunch of other shit ives just dreamed up in my head while completely baked and figured out how to make it all work together, usually after alot of baked reading and planning.

I think it just comes down to the fact that your body will make you better at what you do more of. Whether its lifting more weight, solving harder problems or whether its doing essentially nothing, your body/brain/nerves will make you more energy efficient at doing it.

Yep. Lately I have been trying to use a small jar in the crockpot, and put my water around it. Its been much cleaner and tastier than before. But i had to burp it hourly or it would pop.

I remember when I first started smoking, I had no idea what kief was. My friends would run out of weed and say something like 'What about kief?', which I took to mean 'Lets go and ask Keith if he's got some weed.'

Smoke a good hybrid, and hang out with friends. Id suggest sports, gym, or movies. Do that frequently. If no friends. Watch feel good cartoons and do 20 situps, pushups, and squats every day for the next month. It will help your dopamine.

Same here. I think it's understandable that people who don't experience this don't see the point in weed though, it's such a personal thing.

Maybe it's just that weed cuts out the 'background noise' in your head. I find I'm able to focus on something specifically a lot easier after a fatty.

>and life is boring af.
Marijuana is psychologically addictive.
Your brain needs time to fix your neurochemistry after you quite, the THC leaves you desensitized.

It was like when I was younger in high school.
I'd jack off every morning, once or twice during the day, and then before I went to bed.
I did that every day.
I'd also have sex with my girlfriend every week, multiple days a week.
When having sex with her, I couldn't get a full erection, I literally had erectile dysfunction.
My penis was so desensitized, I could get a 20min blowjob, stay in one penile vaginal intercourse position for 40min thrusting non stop, and still not ejaculate once, no pre-ejaculation or anything.
You know how people develop thick callouses on their feet? The skin you can pinch off with nail clippers and not feel a thing. Or the stuff you could grind off with a cheese grater.
It's like having duct tape for skin.
That's what my penis was like because it was so desensitized.

kief richards is in led zeppelin

pic related its early kief richards

try lsd

Five pounds?
You put five pounds of fucking weed into cakes?
What the fuck man how much fucking weed do you have?

I appreciate the advise but my head is physically wrong. I was born with Hydrocephalus which has (very luckily) only effected my mood. It's not so bad, most people with the condition end up vegetables to some extent, but I can't shake it in the same way some people can. Such is life, I guess.

To that respect I'd rather just live happily and not worry to much about it. I've tried everything under the sun; being strict with diet and exercise, mindfulness, hedonism, the works. Nothing does it for me.

I take meds to alter my brain chemistry, so I see weed as no different. They're both drugs that make life more bearable, which is all I really want.


actually i make my own shatter. i just use the butter for my own edbles. everything i make is for my personal consumption.

wink wink

Well, then play vidya. Have some fun. Stay high.

I'm Sucks, man.

I've been planning to go on a camping trip with some friends this summer and trying Lsd or shrooms depending on what I can get a hold of.
Looking forward to it.

If youre gonna make that claim we need your credentials, timestamped

It doesn't make you less intelligent but it inhibits thought at high doses so if you smoke a lot daily you basically slow down your personal progression as a human bean

i have just as much as i need no more no less.

Go to rehab man.

If you truly want to quit you can.

I believe this because taking a 10 second piss while high feels like 30 seconds for me

we dont care about your cock unless you post pics

I wait

Already on it! It's half 9 in the morning here and I intend to roll a joint and play through some Metal Gear. Things could be a lot worse.

I understand the sentiment in your last post, I really do. It's annoying not finding any satisfaction in anything sober, but after 20+ years of that I'm just happy to find something so (relatively) harmless that makes life enjoyable again. If that means acting like a stoner faggot in some people's eyes, I'll accept that.

This is my favorite post on Sup Forums


I just finished taking a piss it felt like 30 minutes man


Fucks with memory and makes it more difficult to learn something new. If used chronically, the impairment is obviously much more significant.
>Source: my long personally history with weed

shit nigga all i smoke is chronic for the last 36 years
