Rate my glutes boys ;*
Rate my glutes boys ;*
2/10 your legs look like bung fritz
would not fuck / 10
Copy paste thread zzz..
Your glutes look like a dinosaur kinda
Sorry but putting my penis inside you would make me at least 80 percent gay.
>not glutes/10
What are you at the moment? 79%?
ITT: A nasty fat bitch with one leg longer than the other that wishes she wasn't disgusting
81% and I don't want to go lower
Jesus fucking christ are you a bull dike or just don't take care of yourself?
I mean Imama need more to determine if ya worthy
We will never enjoy the kindness of a woman and we hate you for it.
Fucking assholes leave my thread...
Im not fucking fat im bulking
Grow a brain
Your body confuses me. How can you be so fat and skinny at the same time?
My guess is that she spends all her time at the gym doing crunches and never bothers trying to tone anything else so all the fat bunches up on her arms and legs.
Also she's sucking it in.
is this the same chick that comes in all cunty saying were intimidated by a chick who plays video games?
that is one of THE most ugly female bodies i´ve ever seen in my life. can´t possibly get drunk enough to touch that
Id fuck you, wouldnt date tho.
Those are quads, glutes are in the rear.
is there really this many new fags....
> tits or gtfo
>Timestamp you whore
fucking 10/10.
I think I'm in love.
Trolling right?
You can't "spot target" fat
You look like when CJ reaches the maximum fatness and muscles
I would totally fuck you. The only thing is, you need to start doing squats right, I can tell by the way your legs look that you put too much focus on your knees and not enough focus on your butt.
>i'm bulking
>doesn't know where the glutes are
OP is a fraud
Faggot. I'd pound the shit out of her.
I think you're sexy as fuck but I'm not going to get anything for saying that. So I can see why some people are insulting you to get another shot
great body OP
>no homo though
I want to put my panis for your boobs
Display your boobs of gtfo
da fuq is this gay shit lmao
You posted this same bait in /fit/ you aren't even that girl and you don't know what glutes are go home.
Fat as shit / 10
Nice b8 btw
You are a fitness wizard. Why have you been keeping the secret of spot fat reduction to yourself all these years??
Who is the girl in ops pic