10th pic in your reaction folder is yfw Trump becomes president

10th pic in your reaction folder is yfw Trump becomes president




yeah...im that guy with the american psycho stuff.


It gotta be this one




why isn't the text in his sunglasses mirrored? this pic is obviously fake



God tf2 is fucking gay




















Guy is dislexic so he uses the backwards text accessibility function obviously



not even cheating




















This is me. This post was the 10th on phone. Want to see what it is on tablet.
Meh, appropriate I suppose. Thought it was a better one than this but I won't cheat you guys.





look retards

it goes black male
white female

there is literally zero chance of this predetermined hack of an "election" going any other way. ill cut my ballsack up and stirfry it in piss before it does







i dont even have a pic to react to you assuming i have a reaction folder

>not my actual reaction doe



No, he's assuming anyone posting to this thread has a set of reaction images. Why the fuck are you replying at all? Dumbass.


>flip image














Fuck, I do NOT agree with this image.








stale pasta


