ITT: Flawless women.
ITT: Flawless women
Other urls found in this thread:
Where? Where?
bumping for dubs
she's actually a qt tbqh pham
literal modern day cleopatra
I always saw it like this
there is honestly no resemblance
this is so much closer to flawless AND doesn't have the mom snatch
maybe its just me
> then again i have a weird hunchback fetish
stop trolling newfag
pathetic... the ugliest bitch ever
ITT: 3/10 girls
*ITT: 3/10 cows
>married a semi-retarded nigger
lol, ok
should she have married a full retard such as yourself?
> literal perfection
How dare you call me a retard on the Internet. You will pay for this.
if you mean "women who look amazing and I want to cum balls deep inside all their holes", then here.
i wont ague with you but kim is the least sexy kardashian
it goes:
kim is just the only one slutty enough to post nudes. i wont lie i will still jack it to her
she has flaws. shes hideous and thats why i would make love to her
get out
Why is that hors on the wrong side of the fence
caitlyn doesnt count you massive faggot
she is spectacular
He's right, you know.
>not aryan
your more wrong
Opinion discarded.
You are fucking blind
It's so nice to see cows in their native setting.
u fags sure have low standards
Have fun in prison you sickening bastard.
Grammatical errors aren't typos, retarded iPhaggot. You'll never belong here.
Who is this?
This X10000000
Based Kim
you know my pic is a fully grown woman of legal age. Yes looking at her body and letting it harden your dick is entirely legal. submitting false leads and wasting law enforcement time is illegal though.
Explain that to the agents who'll be knocking at your door shortly, you sub human scum bag faggot.
I know you think you're being a master ruseman right now, but please keep your hammy fingers off the keyboard, newfaggot.
traaap, still hot tho
Thats how many cocks she wants
hopefully she'll kill herself
did cleopatra?
good lord, son
Couldn't stop myself ...... HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
i hope you loose all your limps in an unfortunate skiing accident
Stop being such a tryhard all the time. It's tacky.
Who is she then
She's an ugly jewish dyke with a sandnigger girlfriend. The only people who post her are newfags.
that's a man
>responding to posts from half an hour ago
Time for you to lurk moar.
Bird looking bitch. Fucking gross, man.
>Believes the bait
Itt: newfags that dont know Boxxy
why would anyone know who this tranny is ?
>doesn't understand simple text exchanges
>posts anyway
What you niggaz kno bout ballin?
She's not even trying to hide the fact that she's a dyke anymore.
My half sister's body is the best I've ever seen. Fap to her constantly.
He didn't say Caitlyn, you retarded niggertwat.
Do you got more? She fine af