Ask a US Marine and decorated war veteran anything
> stay the fuck out yurocucks
Ask a US Marine and decorated war veteran anything
> stay the fuck out yurocucks
also you look like a lil bitch, bet i could knock you out in one punch
Why are you such a huge faggot?
damn it's so fucking hot in here!
What sized sapi plates does your vest use.
No wonder the whole damn world hates us.
You bought literally the worst of all plate carriers. You're a stolen valor faggot. Post your DD or leave.
Would you do it again
That is the most sloppy vest I have ever seen. I can't tell if it's because you're obese, or the hook and loop flaps are just unsat as fuck or probably because you're some shithead air softer who's got a dick softer than your skull.
Is your wait at the VA like a line at Disney Land?
Fucking POG
I think he is slightly overweight, but looks like he just threw on a vest really fast.
fuck off you fucking fuck
How many of your buddies died face down in the dirt for absolutely NOTHING?
Pog or what?
I'm sure he's not going to post his 214 here. He was more than likely a pog just saying.
What was your rank and MOS
>that tacticool overpriced paracord bracelet
How's it feel being a pussy little bitch who will never live up to the legacy of Darth vader.
Koloren my ass
Obvious b8. stolen valor bro-siph. If you were a marine. Or a member of any other branch you would realize that you look like a chode bogler.
Those are the kind of vests that kids from the ghetto buy online for thirty bucks when they want to act like 50 Cent.
Where did you get that oversized Boy Scout flag?
Illiteracy and unemployability confirmed.
OP is military for sure.
How was the fancy dress party?
Probably not a real marine due to how shitty that vest was put on, but to anyone who has actually been to the military:
How do MREs taste?
10/10 would brutally arse rape.
Why is it OD Green and why isn't that the American flag subdued as it should be
how was like killing brown people and getting paid is it better than being a cop
like your moms pussy
Are you a Nigger ?
You like urinating on dead stinkys in the Stan?
What was it like to murder people in an unjust war?
imperial soldiers have a mind ?
Why you dont kill yourself
They grow on you. There are usually snacks like combos, jerky etc..
The quality of the main courses varies. But usually from tolerable to horrible.
OP doesn't look like he'd pass one up.
Shut up you fucking communist
Where did you get that oversized Boy Scout flag?
That's funny. I thought the same fucking thing immediately.
yurocuck reporting
Corporal here, I'll be passing this image on to the boys down @ ITA, get a match up with your donkey face and down grade your rank a notch or three cumquat.
You'll be cleaning toilets in the u-kraine in no time you euro-loving faggot.
Ayy lmao
What does decorated actually mean?
GTFO Low Quality B8
his face is decorated with sperm
*Differently politically abled potato drinkers.
Communist is not Pc anymore
>How do MREs taste?
Depends entirely on years and meal. I'm old enough to have been warned to check for swollen ham slice packs and to have eaten C-rations (not bad) in Basic. We made peanut butter and cocoa into "candy" (field expedient peanut butter cup) at Al's Garage in our stainless steel mess kits some of which were older than we were.
I like most of the new MREs I've sampled and they are better than bothering with a walk to DFAC.
Why do you and every other fat american soldier look like they never finished preschool? always looking semi-retarded in some way..
I never been in the military, but I ate military mres before. Depending the what entree you get, they will taste fine. Not amazing, just ok.
There's a reason you get a little bottle of hot sauce in them.
That's not even a real vest you fucktard. Maybe you should prove it's real by shooting yourself
Not USA but from the UK biscuits brown were the best thing ever.
Can be a biscuit, porridge or a hammer for your tent pegs. All whilst remaining delicious.
Also, forgot to add. If you eat mres for like a week, you will not shit. And when you do, think, taking a large dragon dido in reverse. You will rape your on ass.
Can jetful melt steel beams.?
so why did you enter the army?
did you not have any marketable skill in life?
Avoid the ham mash. Beef and macaroni is the shit. Use heating elements to make bombs. Yeah, you aren't real military unless you've done that.
I might be wrong, and I'm prepared to eat my words, but you look like you'd fail PFT. Are you active duty?
What's your job?
Do you wish you were an RMC?
I wear ballistic riot shields like a rapper wears clocks.
this is old as shit copyasta you retarded fucks
So? The enjoyment comes from the discussion, do we actually care if it's bullshit?
Copy pasta
Nice facial hair fucktard
How does it feel being a baby killer rapist that the government classified as just the same as hammer or a nail?
Why didn't you actually do something with your life instead of hang out with other fags?
Devillllssssss Trips FUCK You a Deamon
This fucking picture again? For fucks sake guys, come on. The pic is NOT OP. Guy in pic has likely never even been on Sup Forums and never claimed to be a Marine. But, whatever.
Holy fucking stale pasta
How did you get a phone into your jail cell?
LOL fucking idiot the blue thing on American is on wrong side, so much about being a US Marine :)
mirrors how do they work?
Is your wife alone cause I wanna do something with her..
Are you literally retarded? He's taking the picture in the mirror, it doesn't mean that his shirt is no other side moron.
Cool, when did they start letting tards in the military?
>Is huge faggot
>Starts thread
Congratulations I've crowned thee, OP
Hahaha it's that self proclaimed "neo-nazi" nigger
Kill yourself
So, do you rape each other in that bathroom? You know, because the US military rapes itself?
When didn't they?
so, you pretend to be a US marine. and to get someone's attention by insulting one part of the world. you have poor imagination, little kid. try better next time.
Given the fact that my country has 1960 planes on active service?
pretty good, boys eat fresh meat.
>shaves his arms
>doesn't shave face
I bet you could suck a golfball through a garden hose
mongoloid detected
How often did you play that Sgt. Spritz game, where you have suck your fellow marines dick and then drink a beer?
Too fat to be a marine faggot
How does it feel to go through shit basic training and yet be called a " soldier " ?
Dumb ass bitches, while you all shit at your computers all day I'm out protecting America saving your asses, giving you freedom.
Start respecting me and the other troops or there will be trouble!
>stay out
Fuck you, roger ramjet. Make me.
American MREs are fucking ridiculous. The amount of stuff in them is insane.
The fuck did you say to me you little bitch? etc, etc.
What's the integral of (((2x)^(1/2)))/(4x)) ?
>or there will be trouble!
What a faggot
>turning on the people you """protected"""
then what's even the fucking point?
Solve the following:
>808< >808< >808
how much fun is it watching your friends get blown up?
Everyone knows that this is one of Protagoras's unsolvables. You can't trick me, you urchin.
This is bait. Not even close. Lmaooooo