Hey Sup Forums
I'm a guitarist of 8 years and I've run out of things to learn. Gimme some ideas? Tasty guitar licks? I play mostly metal and classic rock but I'm open to anything (^:
Hey Sup Forums
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try with jass or folk, also the medieval style is prety awesome
OP, I was feeling exactly like that about a year ago. The answer is to start sampling m8. Create some clean guitar licks, do some nice scale work, etc, and arrange it in Ableton.
Play something of Cytotoxin or PsyOpus fgt
Go kill yourself faggot
kek, watch out for that edge
What kind of metal?
Change tuning, play stuff that you don't usually play.
If you're into heavy shit, try some Nile, Cephalic Carnage, Decrepit Birth, Necrophagist, Brain Drill, Beyond Creation, Origin, Spawn of Possession, Suffocation... Then get back to me and tell me you've run out of things to practice. Don't be a faggot, you can never be done, and there's always challenges ahead of you.
Want some rock?
Frank Zappa, King Crimson, Rush.... You have not run out you faggot.
Guitarist of 19 years here
When I hit slumps like this I go back to some roots stuff.
I was never a Beatles fan, but going back and learning alot of that along with some Elvis and other things was really neat.
Plus it was great stuff to break out for fam at holidays and such
flight of the bumblebee, nigga
unless youre a scrub or something
OP, whats that guitar like? Been wanting an LP type for quite some time now
Play it with your dick
As long as you throw out that garbage I'd say you're good.
Learn some parkway drive, their guitar is gr8
It's not safe to swim today - veil of maya
Behold - born of osiris
Paramexer - animals as leaders
Or any other tracks off those albums. Might be a little challenge but it's worth it.
Oh I agree EMG's are trash, but it's the build quality I'm concerned with
learn Gabriela's part:
>not trascribing Coltrane solos
ESPs and LTDs are decent. Try one out, the neck contour might not be what you expect, as with any guitar - feel before anything. I've never had any build issues with any ESPs or LTDs though, should be good.
Can you play Cliffs of Dover perfectly from start to finish? No? You haven't run out of things to learn. Stop being stupid.
Fuck just playing go and write. Writing will be much more rewarding than just playing something cool or complicated.
Should I get a les Paul '15 standard ?
you've been playing for 8 years? its time to write your own shit you stupid bitch
>8 years player
>plays an ltd
Top fucking Kek.
Fuck yes
I don't give a shit about genres as long as the musicians are good. This is a prime example!
Is that all you faggots say nowadays?
I'm a new player. Teach me how to be cool
Safe and sound - fingerstyle cover is really nice
Same for me. Once I listened to (not heard) penny lane, I was absolutely enamored by the modulation and how hidden it was to the passive ears.
sweep picking
Dude, not everyone is as fortunate as you may be.
>faggot cares more about what guitar he can afford than what he can play
Go fuck yourself kid
I don't mean edgy, I want to play paradise city but don't sure where to start.
don't shred
Is your name Matt?
find tab for this beast
jimi hendrix voodo child if you got the skill, very bluesy but awesome, also all blues is great because it has lots of room for improvisation
Try something easier first. Build up. Use a metronome and gradually increase the tempo. You should always be able to play things with ease, and in perfect beat before stepping up the tempo.
Your tears are delicious.
>back to le reddit with you
Fuck fortunate, I worked as a guitarist for 10 years and have many guitars. It's called hard work faggot.
How should i practice with metronome ?
>voodoo child
Dumb fuck detected.
How about learning some fingerstyle guitar? Finger picking allows you to play each string independently so you can do a lot of shit you can't do with a pick.
Learn some math rock
Turn it on.
So just playing right ? Any advice as first song? I also love Bon jovi or more easy, Metallica (I guess)
If you're bored with guitar, I'm guessing you left actual theory untouched
Dude, are you implying tremolo picking is hard for someone who has been playing for 8 years?
Dissection and Emperor.... Really?
I've been playing for 11 years and started playing technical stuff, not black metal tremolo picking, but technical stuff 4-5 years ago. Black metal was your go to for playing metal once you started building up a bit of endurance.
>fan of both bands
>still not a fucking challenge
Me 2 user
But I only want to play grind and industrial so I will never be cool
You'll easily find the scores
>(slight return)
>voodoo chile
what are you even implying?
Buy a phone not made for retards.
You should have bought the 350 DXZ instead of the 350 DX
If you're still in this thread OP, I would challenge you to learn how to play flamenco / rumba style guitar. Try to learn some Rodrigo Y Gabriela stuff, particularly Gabriela's parts.
You set it to the correct tempo, make sure you understand the fractions, and where to place notes correctly. Then kick it back to like 50% speed, and play everything PERFECT. Then kick it up to something like 51-52% and still play it perfect. Do it until you're at 100% and still perfect, muting ringing notes etc.
It seems to take more time in the beginning, but it will make those last 10% easier. Just trying to force it won't help you, and you end up wasting your time.
It is the dxz. But I wish I was have a lp or Flying V .
i recently covered some of my childhood gaming themes,
stuff like Street fighter themes have cool melodies
Alright, thanks for the tip man:D
Oh, and this applies to ALL genres, . I'm a grind musician myself, but timing is always important, it will make you not look like an ass. Or you'll at least look like an ass that can handle his instrument.
Listen to mahavishnu orchestra with john mclaughlin, them is some tough riffs
try learning anything Guthrie Govan should work pretty well
I'm not even OP, I can afford my own guitars. OP might be in school, OP may have worked his ass off for that LTD, point was not that we should feel sorry for OP, who clearly is a self absorbed mongoloid who thinks he's conquered guitar after 8 years, but that you're fucking retarded for caring what he plays on, not what he plays.
I too vouch for Bach. his music is tight as fuck to play, and people fucking swoon for it.
some of my favorites to play:
and of course bourree in e-minor, which was posted already
This might also come in handy. It'll help improvising and writing a lot, not to mention that you understand what you're doing and not just doing it because you're told so by a tab.
No, they're overpriced snake-oil firewood bullshit. Get a custom from a builder like Kiesel or someone.
I play drums so my sense of time and rhythm is pretty good. Right now my biggest challenge is my fretting hand, but I learn a bit more every day.
Through the Fire and the Flames
Do you have a bandcamp/soundcloud? I'm jonesing for some new grind
It's not possible to find any guitar here which is custom without paying 2.5x more of it's USA price.
Alao all of you faggots complaining about his guitar probably play gloss black gibsons or fenders that you paid 5000$ for
Even if your mental timing is good doesn't mean your coordination is good. New instruments demand learning how to synchronize yourself for that particular instrument. Same method applies, you'll just be better at it than most!
Dude, we're in the final stages of a full length, old material is OLD and super crusty DIY shit.
Classical acoustic
Grow out your thumbnail so you don't need a pic
Learn to play it behind your head
Check my video outyoutu.be
Get literally anything else. Gibson are overpriced garbage that can't even match tops or make necks that prevent the headstocks from breaking off.
Not hard but fun to play. OP wanted to play something (didn't specify techniques or songs) and I gave him two awesome songs to play. They aren't that well known, so there's a decent chance that OP hadn't heard of them.
That being said, tremolo picking isn't usually hard but black metal in general is sometimes hard to get to sound right, because it relies so much on phrasing and ambiance i.e. notes or tabs don't always convey the whole idea, so there can always be something to learn for even the most seasoned players. Great example is the riff near the beginning in The Burning Shadows of Silence, when the synths come in. Ihsahn used it in one of his guitars lessons as an example on focusing more on the feeling than on the exact notes.
Not sure if it's your cup of tea, but Jackson has me extremely impressed. I've been playing my SLATX-series for years and it's the most solid instrument I've ever played on. I've never played anything custom, but those $4k fenders and shit doesn't stand a chance.
Cities On Flame of Rock and Roll - Blue Oyster Cult. I love that song, so fun to play.
Jackson make fantastic guitars.
try bashing guitar on head
Learn jazz and then see why piano is a superior instrument
Dive bomb like dime. Only use your anus to control the whammy bar.
She's wonderful.
>accurate tips for the grind dudes
This is fucking awesome :D
It kind of reminds me of Dead Infection or Glossectomy. Who plays what?
Yeah I see what you're saying. I need to buy another metronome, but I'm gonna keep practicing. Coordination is a good way to describe it, I hadnt thought of it in that way before.
Try to improvise the Hungarian scale.
Help me learn Red Rum by Lizzy Borden :^) my ear training is ass, but I have some of the arpegiated stuff down.
my nigga
Thanks! The new stuff is a bit darker and nastier, but also drawing more from death metal.
I do vox and guitar, only other member is the bassist. Waiting for a drummer to move back to the country so we can ditch that drum machine.
Bareknuckle warpigs? How do you like them?
Not OP.
That's a great song and it has some challenging techniques.
Won a talent show at college playing that song when I was 22 while on ecstasy.
Good times.
Paralyzer by finger eleven.
Yeah once I save some scratch up I'm gonna cop that ep, it's a ripper.
I'm excited to hear more.
Ohh, okay. That's a warm sounding drum machine, did you always play with it or did you start of with a live drummer?
Learn some jason becker
try learning this
if u tough
Warpigs, yep.
They are visceral! Bite, grunt and some growl that feels like it's coming straight from the vibrating slab of wood in your hands. Clean up nicely for a bluesy, but raspy, tone. Best ~$350 bucks I've ever spent.
They can do anything I throw at them, but that guitar is my main brutal death metal/grind axe.
Machine from the start. We actually started with some inside jokes about a mexican friend, the bassist found a drum machine and we decided to add some fucked up sounds to it. All of a sudden we realized that we might as well make something out of it, so I taught him to play bass and away we were off.