Most racist,impolitically correct jokes or phrases you can say

Most racist,impolitically correct jokes or phrases you can say.


What's worse then finding 10 babies in one bin?
Finding 1 baby in ten bins

are you 12

>mfw my ass off

Whats white one top and black on the bottom?


whats black on top and whte on the bottom?


Bell curve.



easy baked jew

What is the resemblence between a car with air conditioning and a nigger with bone cancer?

You dont see it from the outside but you are glad it's in there


Chekt haha

If babies didnt cry i wouldnt need fleshlights

Joseph mengele was the ultimate chef, i really love his filet minjew

Do deformed people get into car accidents?

and if they do,

How do ya know?

>impolitically correct

doesn't work read, only spoken

>what's the best thing about fucking 23 year olds?
>there's twenty of them

There are 23 of them. Retard

How was copper wire invented?

Two jews were fighting over a penny

What's the worse thing about being a black jew?

They make you go to the back of the oven


Two tomatos across street - one gets hitted by car. Saying the other: "Ketschup.!"

Coming one horse in pube. Saying the bartender "Why the long face."

Meeting a man a grass hoper. Saying "Theyre's one drink with your namen." Saying the grass hoper "Meaning you saying there is one Drink 'Erwing'."

Having a party home. Two new guests arrived, coming father: "Oh, nice seeing you. How is your wife?"

Saying to which: "Oh, about same garden..."!

Shit was cash

whats some good racial slurs for netherlandians?

3ks a day keeps the minorities away!

all i got is neanderthal... which im not really sure is a bad thing


I don't get it.

The only funny comment here. The rest are just a few anons googling 'offensive humor'.

whats the difference between a jew and a pizza?

China need an MAOI?

A ficki ficki refugee goes to the doctor and says: "My eyes burn when i have sex."
The doctor says: "Don't worry, that's just the mace."


how offended would a dutch person be if you called them "german"?

Pretty offended, i guess, but thos grachtenfuckers would never tell that to your face.
Same as the other way around.