Serious question how do people get high on this shit or how do you even like it?

Serious question how do people get high on this shit or how do you even like it?
Its Rivotril (Clonazepam is USA name).
Its good for something but I can take like 10 of it and just being slower than usual.
Benzos sucks, same goes with Xanax its even shitier than clonopin.

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Dont know I never liked benzos either....I think its for idiots.

Clonopins are just dont know to enjoy the chill and calm feeling.

Maybe you're an idiot?

Nobody takes benzos by themselves to get high, that's stupid middle school shit. All it will do is make you black out and you won't feel high.

Benzos are for aborting psychedelics, coming down off of meth/cocaine, or potentiating opiods/opiates.

NO, there are tons of people using just and only them recreationaly!!

If you take meds to get high, use opioids

Yes, stupid people. "recreational", HA.

"Last night I totaled my car, don't know what happened". Real recreational.

The better explanation is a lot of people have anxiety/social anxiety and this makes them feel calmer.

I did and I do sometimes but I am scared from WD's soo much, how long does it take from buprenorphine to get addicted?

Or you know, don't do that, because that's stupid. Save them for when you are actually in pain and need them.

The problem is you don't use opiods to get high for very long, it turns into taking them to feel normal, then it turns to taking them to not feel sick.

Bupr? Not very long. You are really stupid from fucking with that shit, you are 10x better just doing heroin. Do you even know what bupe is? It's not a even a proper painkiller and it does some weird shit to the brain, it's no good.

I was on bupe and it took 2 years of withdrawal to get off it, 2 years before I could stand cool water or sleep a whole night.

By going to bupe, it's like you skipped vicodin, oxy, heroin, and jumped straight to the big boys. You went from coffee to IV meth. Don't fuck with bupe or methadone unless you want hell on earth.

Dudeeeeee, there are millions of people abusing benzos....two most abused is one I posted in the pic and seccond one is Xanax.
I know that as a fact that people use to enjoy it.

maybe uv built up a tolerance ?
i love benzoos

Withdrawl from benzos is a lot worse honestly. At least withdrawing from opiates won't give you a seizure and kill you

>I dont like benzos therefor everyone who likes them are stupid

get fucked on ur nameday faggot

Yes, and millions of people are stupid as i've said. Everyone I know who takes them has totaled their car or got arrested doing stupid shit, none of them remember shit after they take it.

I used bupe to stop heroin addcition, like 5days of bupe and 5days benzos after that.....take a test and if its negative on bup I take naltrexone.
Now I like that opiate feeling, taking bup in does of 8mg 3times/week and I dont feel sick if I dont use it for 4days. so I guess I got no addiction on it. While using heroin only once get me hooked, I used to take a LOT of it for a while in years, no more of course. I never even heard that buprenorphin wds are like hell tbh, they cure it with some benzo shit for a few days, no big deal.


Benzos are the most addictive dangerous drugs you can do, and they don't even get you high. You can take anything and get drowsy, it doesn't mean your "high".

Are people who take something more addictive than heroin but with less of a high than weed stupid? Yes.

They have their uses, but anyone who takes that shit regularly to get high, check back with them in a few years, see if you still feel the same about benzos.

How long does it take to get hooked?

Clonazepam is generic name, dumbass

Jesus shit youre only black out if you drink or take too much...xanax and weed is the comfiest combo in existence

What? You definitely get high from them idk what kind of pussy body you have that makes you fall asleep but you shit is weak faggot

You'll be another pill expert smoking meth in a shed that you live in. Keep up the good work, faggot.

Dude wds that bad from benzos are only if youre taking like 20 mgs a day everyday for months and quit cold turkey

Lol, benzo shit, yeah that works for a few days then you are in withdrawal for a year. If you think heroin addiction is bad, wait till you feel bupe addiction, you will withdraw for MONTHS best case scenario and maybe never get better.

3 times a week isn't enough to hook you, you are just playing junkie limbo. If you take bupe like its supposed to be taken for maintenance you'd see. If you are still taken heroin, then obviously it's not working.

Heroin is easy, withdraw for a few days, depression for a while, done. Bupe/methadone withdrawal lasts 100x longer is just as intense. You think you are ok 5 days without it? Well, it takes 5 days to even start the withdrawals really, it's fucked.

You mean weed mixes with anything? I'm not gonna encourage you, but benzos are shit tier garbage.

Klonopin is the US name, Clonazepam is the generic universal name

Also, clonazepam is twice as strong as alprazolam

But you're must be some butthurt faggot who got burned on some fake shit or you just actually have no idea what you're talking about

Or you just found out your prescription is shit and you thought you had the keys to paradise.

It's a shit drug for shit people, you'll know that once you have a real high. I could be wrong, but looking all over the house for shit because you can't remember where you put it isn't fun, and neither is looking retarded and moving at 20% normal speed, you should record yourself on that shit. You think you're normal, but you're completely drooling and looking stupid.

Dude go to any college town. Kids take xannys like candies then go drinking; that's it. Not to come down from acid or stimulants, you druggie

i'm not really a fan of benzos for anything other than coming down off lots of coke or anything related to anxiety. We call it landing gear. I couldn't imagine trying to get "high" off xanax or doing it for fun. I do it to shut down. When the pain is too much, or I can't sleep cause the acid is keeping me up.

Benzos are a tool, keep them in your tool box for when you need them. If you want to get high buy some shrooms or weed or blow.

What you want to tell me that even after 2,3,4 days of not doing bupe I am not into WD's, they start like after 5days....dudeee cmon it doesnt work that way, I used H for 3years IV, ~4grams/day and I had 2weeks of WD's plus 2-3months depression!
I dont think I am hooked on bupe....I heard you need to take it for a month or more to get addicted.
For methadone is extreme wd and verry long, I heard same for bupe but few friends get it off verry easy, they also heard stories but after 1-3years of maintaining programm on bupe they had small wd's.
I dont even like pills you retarded monkey read my posts.

I went to college 10 years ago. Back then a 2mg xanax was only used to end a night of drinking. Like you strike out and the hot chicks left so you take a xanny to end your misery.

I've heard of kids taking xannies then going out drinking, but it was also like those scummy wigger dirt bag kids, like sideways hat white kids from newhampshire that tried to walk black and wore silver chains and acted 'hard' for no reason.

They would usually end up arrested or passing out and getting butt raped by homless dudes in an alley.

Yes and then they total their new cars their parents just bought them. If you take benzos you are a junkie, they are worse than heroin.

People who take xanax to get high are like those people who buy mushrooms and smoke them or dip a blunt in lean and think it gets them high.

benzos are great before going to bed. Falling asleep when xanax kicks in without any thoughts on your mind and feeling supercomfty is a great feeling

you're exaggerating. Benzo withdrawal can last 90 days, but it won't last a year. If you're a heavy user you can die from quitting cold turkey.

They just make me sleep

yeah i like lorazapam before bed cause i have so much ADD anxiety. But shit makes me a grog monster if i take it every night. Wish there was a drug that did that but didn't grog you out the next day.

Truth. I'm guessing OP is one of those white "yo" boy kids from the suburbs Shits sad to see.

"stories". Keyword. I've been through 140mg methadone withdrawal. It doesn't hold a candle to 2mg of bupe. I was on it for a while, and I tapered down from a large dose, but it was really bad.

Yes, the withdrawal won't start till day 4 or 5. Bupe is not = heroin. It has a ridiculously long half life, for a 4mg dose that would take 27 days to clear your system. I used to miss a dose here and there and thought I was sick a few days in. It took 5 full days for the shit to hit the fan. I never said you were hooked on bupe, but when you do, don't think it will be easy.

Don't take my word for it, go to, you can hear it straight from the people who take the shit.

The doctor I was seeing said he had only seen 2 patients out of 100s get off of bupe successfully.

I am actually happy that I don't have regular access to xanax or other benzos because I would probably do them every afternoon

They say you can tell how fucked up you are in the head when you take them.
If you have alot of anxiety and are usually socially awkward you will feel it more than someone who does not.
Even though i have a high tolerance i would still be able to feel 0.5mg of clonz.

Won't last a year? Do you even know what you're talking about? Like at all?

People withdraw for YEARS and sometimes never improve, they end up on a dose for life. This dudes clucking and hes 4months in nowhere near over the hump.

Benzo withdrawal can last many years, I was talking about BUPE withdrawal though, been there done that.

Xanax is shittier because it has a shorter half life. It also spikes in your blood stream when K-pins just gradually release into your bloodstream, keeping you at that ceiling for a much longer time. I would MUCH rather have what you have here than Xanax. When you have both Benzos + opioids on hand then you're gonna have a good day. Benzo's + weed still make for a chill ass day, have fun.

I'm going through BUPE withdrawls right now in fact. I was a retard and took them without truly needing to for 1 year. It's now been 62 days since I last dosed and my body just now is starting to get used to making it's own endorphins n shit and taking over functions in my body again. I would never have touched them if I knew truly how devastating the repercussions would be.

You get your scientific information from homemade youtube videos?

Year long withdrawals are extremely rare. I work at betty ford btw.


stay strong kid. a healthy diet will activate your normal brain function much faster, especially shiitake mushrooms, lions main, and rei shi

I use to be on Ativan and Klonopin. Only time I ever enjoyed taking them was when I was feeling anxious. Other than that I would put them on the absolute bottom of the barrel for getting high; that's why it is a schedule IV. Best use for them is for tripping when you feel anxious or want to make sure you have a smooth trip from start to finish.

The withdrawal effects of clonazepam include seizures, coma, death, mental illness, and permanent brain damage.

Do not fuck around with taking too many of those, because even if they don't do shit to you, if you stop taking them you will go crazy and possibly harm someone or get yourself killed.

They are worthless as fuck OP.
Niggers only rap about that stupid shit because they are paid by Rabbi Shekelstein to promote dangerous degeneracy.

Oh no wonder, they don't know wtf they are doing. You get your information from outdated medical books? Why don't you look up what it says about methadone, "doesn't provide significant euphoria, less addictive". HA.

You are lucky it's only been 62, i'm just now starting to be able to tolerate cold again and sleep a whole night. It's been almost 2 years.

doing any drug that stops you from getting a boner


Yeah except some drugs are 100x BETTER than any pussy on the planet and the orgasm lasts hours not a few seconds.


the denial is real, I see xanax literally everywhere. You must be shut-ins

Thnx, dont worry I was actualy asking for a question why people do that anyway cuz it has zero effect and zero pleasure and its dangerous has too many negative sides.