Ask a Christian anything

Ask a Christian anything.

I will do my best to answer your questions/inquiries.

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Are you Catholic

Nope, I am a Protestant friend.

Are you Christian?


What the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums?

I actually haven't been on Sup Forums in years.

How do you feel about lord Satan?

Did God create gay people to trick us into sinning?

Do Muslims and Christians believe in the same god?

He has deceived many people and continues to do so. It will be a great day when God finally puts an end to him once and for all.

How does he deceive people?


Christians confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, God in the flesh, etc.

A muslim rejects all of these claims. A muslim considers worship of Christ as idolatry. Christianity and Islam can't be reconciled because of the foundation of which Christianity stands upon.

What the fuck?

Why don't you just admit that all religions are just ignorant superstitious bullshit?

are you Catholic/Orthodox or one of the 10,000 forms of heresy?

>tell me how progressive your church is
>how many coffee bars does it have?

Muslims believe in Jesus too tho user

Why do priests put their cock into little boyz?

If god hates sinners enough to create a whole dimension to put sinners into to torture them for eternity. Why did he make sin possible?

Is your preacher a bad preacher?

The Devil's Weakness
you too would be tempted if you were such a position of power

Not OP but I think I got this one
According to Christianity, God created Hell as a place of Satan's dwelling for his crimes originally

And he made sin possible because he wanted us to have free will

I'm agnostic and this is only to my understanding, so don't take my word for it


He deceives people in many way.

-Reject God
-Follow your heart
-Chase after that which is transient
-Glorify sin

The list goes on and on.

I could come to that conclusion if they were all the same. Christianity sets itself apart from all of them and as I result, I cannot.


The crux of the 2 religions is who do they believe Jesus Christ is.

Christian = God
Muslim = Prophet

>John 8:24
I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am he you will die in your sins.”

If a muslim believed that Jesus is I AM, it would be considered idolatry. The 2 cannot be reconciled.

Free Will. You could choose good or bad. There are consequences for both actions.

>>Is your preacher a bad preacher?
the fuck is a preacher?
thats a Protestant thing

Why can't you go fishing with just one Baptist, you always have to take two?

>Christianity sets itself apart
It's actually a bastardization of other religions and Jesus was copied from a score of different known legends so no. It's just a repackaging. The whole "eternal life" thing is also not unique to Christianity--it's stolen from Eastern traditions.

Why do you think it's real? Because someone told you to think that?

Your argument is that free will is immoral, since it leads to eternal torment.


There are many reasons why. Many that I cannot know but the priests who do it.

Thanks mate. You covered that well.
Hell was originally intended for the devil and his angels. For us to go there puts us on the same scale in terms of wickedness and our sin.

do you think that things such as 666 and the pentagram are really devil worshiping? i like metal but i am christian

A protestant fiend?

because starting in roughly postwar America communist(jews) were cycled straight into the church and gays were recruited as well.

Being sick perverts, the gays molested little boys, as is their natural inclination.

Discriminated against my ass. Gays should be excluded and shunned.

>tipping intensifies

>666 and the pentagram

were pagan symbols demonized when Catholicism conquered Europe
so are black cats and the number 13


why do you continue to believe in this?

No it isn't (not OP)
It just means that God wants us to love him and follow him because WE want to

I'm not sure. Sorry I don't know the answer.

Not quite. I've looked into alot of the claims of Christianity rehashing events from other religions but they're never sufficient in terms of the historical documentation.

I grew up rejecting or being indifferent to most of this. It's a decision I've made based on the research I've done.

Hmm. When it comes to music, things I look out for are what the band represents, what they speak upon in terms of their lyrics and what not.
Are you listening to things that edify you spiritually? Not everything needs to do that but if it has the opposite effect, I'd be concerned. I don't listen to or know a lot of metal so my response would be pretty generic but you know deep down if it's beneficial for you / your spirit.

Protestant, friend. Forgot the comma.

This thread has sparked the fire of Christ in me once more. Apart from the wickedness that is Sup Forums, you've shown me that Christ is everywhere. Thank you OP

>>I'm not sure. Sorry I don't know the answer.
Because if you take just one Baptist fishing, he'll drink all your beer!
>insert old man laugh

Frankly, there's nothing else to believe in.
Everything else leads to ruin. I'm tired of running.

Are you against lgbt people?

really? protestant christianity is the only thing to possibly believe in?

>but they're never sufficient in terms of the historical documentation.
what more do you need to know?

Christianity is a soldier's religion stolen from Mithraism--another soldier's religion

Jesus and Mithra both have the same December 25th birthday

Look up the definition of "legend"
all of the qualifying factors would fit Jesus

Jesus was also based on the Buddha, Dionysus and pretty much every seasonal fertility ritual where the seed is grown and harvested
see: John Barleycorn

you are caught up in a myth OP
you need to free up your mind and learn the truth about shit you've been believing without question

and if it makes your faith stronger later, cool

but now you need to learn your religion is pretty much a mish-mosh of politically-motivated traditions

The only way this differs from a world where we all love and follow god because he wants us to is that in this world the majority of people who god proclaims to love burn in torment for all eternity. How is the existence of what you call "free will" more beneficial to anyone?

What is the point of praying, if your all-powerful and all-knowing god has preordained everything from the beginning of time? I mean, if your prayer is answered, then it was something that was gonna happen anyway because it was God's will or plan or whatever.

>on Sup Forums
why do you believe in religion anyways?

Thank you.
Fight the good fight brother.

I'm gonna use this on Sunday.

Nope. Not at all.

Well, to narrow it down, Christ.
Apart from Christ, there is nothing else.

If you look into the claims that you're making, you'll be hard pressed to find dates matching them.


because christ?
you have to have a better answer than that.

how does it feel to be part of a religion that condones rape and mass murder

I think a good response to most of these question OP, is that we really don't know. The questions of free will and purpose can't be explained. We don't know why God wants us to do certain things, but think about the rules. No killing, no robbing, no harsh language... Are these really that bad to follow? Isn't that what we should do as good people anyway?

Who created the gays?


>free will

Can a Christian be a freemason?

How does it feel to be wrong?

you have to believe in a god to be a freemason
most freemasons are christian

>you'll be hard pressed to find dates matching them.
who needs dates?

It's obvious Christianity came after the religions it ripped off


You're right.
With that being said, it takes faith to do that.
We won't always get what we want but God will provide what we need. If you don't ask or pray for something, it must not be that important.

Apart from Christ, what is there to live for?

I'm not sure. Christians still sin. I hope that those who committed such atrocities have sought Christ's forgiveness.

In theory, yes. The problem is that we will continue to sin even with these commandments before us. Sin has a death grip on us. Christ is the only answer.

How can we know this?
He died for our sins. He was the propitiation for our sins so that we might have life.

I haven't looked into freemasonry in a while but you will compromise the gospel if you continue in the way of freemasonry.

Dates, documentation. If you don't have those, the claims are rubbish. That's why the claims you've made can be thrown out.

Agnostic here
I appreciate your music fam

>Assuming you're actually Muslim

Is there a hell for animals? Because there Are gay animals and if that is because of free will, they would also have to go to hell right?

Did Jesus really have a brother named Craig?

Please answer this
>from bestof4ch thread just outside



>the claims are rubbish.
the fuck they aren't

So you're saying Christianity predated Ancient Greece? Mesopotamia? Confucianism?

Faggot I'm handing you your fucking ass here.

Gods not real you piece of shit get the fuck of my board normie
And if your a 555 I'm a 666

>autist calls someone else autistic

Sure, fedora tipper


>God's not real

I'm not even religious but...
Prove it faggot

Trips have spoken


They worship lucifer

was that supposed to make me laugh little boy?

Animals, return to the dust.
I believe that the verse is somewhere in Ecclesiastes. I'll post it if I find it.

No. He did have a brother named James though.

If you'd like to narrow it down I'd be happy to.

If you can provide dates and documentation to the claims you're making, I'd be happy to look over them. Otherwise, my statement stands.

Kek fucking Faggot

God can't just over throw Satan. Then he is not all powerful.

God chooses not to over throw Satan.
Then he is not loving/ or an asshole. So why worship him?

what reason is there to live for?
because life is all there is
im not sure how some God sacrificing himself to only to good back to heavan is a reason to live.

What other fairy tales do you believe in?

Santa Claus?

Easter Bunny?

Tooth Fairy?


your Christian motherfuckers search the bible over and tell me what is the only unforgivable sin.

When people pray they mumble at the fucking ground .Lol they act like a fucking invisible man can hear them lol fucking Christians .

1: Did Adam and Eve have a belly button

2: if abortion is ungodly because you're killing lives, explain masturbation (millions of sperm, mind you)

I'm a Christian so I'm not trying to debunk you, just curious about others' opinions

That's not proving anything, faggot

Satan's influence.*



I'm waiting till all the fucks like you vanish from my earth.I am the true god



>With that being said, it takes faith to do that.

But what is the point? Why would you pray for something under these circumstances? Why would anyone? Is the only reason to even think of something that useless just because the bible tells you? And even then, the bible itself pretty much sums the whole fucking thing as "so yeah, you should kinda pray lol, but it won't matter either way, because either a)God wills it or b)Deus doesn't Vult, and why the fuck would he change His millenia old plan for some mouthy cunt?"
I know this doesn't mean much when dealing with matters of faith, but I must say that this whole system doesn't seem very reasonable to me.

Sperm are reproductive cells m8

If it is ungodly to kill sperm by masturbation, then you are genocidal, since you swallow shitloads of skin cells each day

I like to imagine it like a rifle, except the receiver and barrel aren't connected, you don't get a gun until you put the two together

Are you afraid of death?

We don't even use God



Good one autist.