Say it with me

Say it with me
President Donald Trump.

Bernie the cuck and Hillary the crook need not apply.

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Lmfao they are so fucked. And the cucks are like "this is good for Bernie we have the momentum"


100% support

Say it with me MAH GAH

The only real answer

A vote for Trump is a Vote for Russia.

Trump will do to the US what Russia has been trying to do for 80 years.

Vote Trump

Destroy the US

Ensure Russian dominance in Eurasia

I wish I could vote in the US and help the downfall of your country.


Fuck off faggot your last threat got MAGA lol

A vote for Trump is a Vote for Russia!

Good to see this thread full of loyal Russian followers, aside for this faggot

OP you're a fag, kill yourself

Shit up Trump is our only hope to destroy the US, get the Americans to vote him in and end them selfs.

Trump may win the Popular vote but the electorial colleges will not allow him to be president. Remember Gore.

>in my view, we cannot have x amount of black americans in jail


>i'm 14 years old

underage b& plz

Trump works for Putin, trust me the electoral collage will let him win.

no he wont, hes been gaining much of the GOPe lately who have fallen in line, the voters will torch the GOP if they do not go for him. its not even an exaggeration, its trump or bust, the GOP MUST become nationalist in order to survive. period

and after he goes, if they revert to cucking, itll be over for them

Trump will give them a small loan of a million dollars.

Lmfao who are you Mr tin foil hat? You are either a really mad libtard or some eurotrash.

europig no die.


>13 year old brainwashed berniecucks butthurt because they know Trump is god.
Kill yourself.

Bill wishes hillary looked like that XD

I'm neither

Think about it

Trump said he wants to pull the US out of NATO thus crippling the only thing keeping Russia in check.

Trump than says he would default on the dollar bankrupting the US and destroying the US economy makeing the US subservient to every other country.

Putin likes Trump and Trump likes Putin.

Face it Trump is working for Putin to further Russias goals.

Vote for Trump, help Russia take its place as the power over Eurasia.

Shit bro that's some conspiracy


Trump said himself in his own words he would bankrupt the US

Silly Americans, the man says himself he would destroy your economy abd you still think he won't.

Russia #1

The over all thing is sure but Trump bankrupting the US likeing Putin, and destroying NATO are things he has all said himself.

>there's that tin foil hat theory
>democrats actually going to destroy infrastructure and the middle class

>Things that never happened

Trump flip flops all the time but he says things.

>believing what the Jewish media feed you

Oh Trump also compliments Kim Jong Un.

I thought Americans liked freedom, guess not.

You poor poor American bastards, what have you done to yourselves.

The nationalist idea, that sounds like a goal of theirs, I mean Democracy wasnt supposed to last this long, so that would make sense.

hey look propaganda...

You seem so invested

If you watch the video Trump himself says all I said he says.

Do you think the Jews mind controlled Trump to say things?

Silly American, you are saying something Trump said in public on record was not true.

Guess that means everything trump says is not true huh?

> Bernie the cuck
Not sure if a campaign running on memes can succeed, but I wish you luck.

paid troll or just a fgt

How is it propaganda?

You can watch video of Trump HIMSELF saying the stuff.

Are you sugestions Trump days stuff to make him self look bad intentionaly?

Or do you think they use a voice impersonator?

Invest, a word the US won't bee saying anymore when your economy is in ruin lol.

Disillusioned Bernie supporter here. As a straight cishet white male, I'd much prefer a Trump presidency than a Clinton presidency, and if that's the choice it comes down to he has my vote.

And you keep going lol. Definitely paid

Why because I post proof and back up my claims?

America is doomed.

Vote for Trump, Help Russia, Destroy the USA.

Okay we will destroy the usa

It's "propaganda" because it's saying stuff he doesn't like.

He can't refute any of it, so he'll call you a cuck or a shill at some point.


I make $40,000 a post to post things trump said on Sup Forums.

Too bad you can't read.

allot of guilty white wannabe Muslims on Sup Forums lately

even the Europeans love Trump because they've already fallen to Islam

Propaganda is one sided

I'm posting things TRUMP HIMSELF SAYD and they call it propaganda.

Guess that means all of what trump says is propaganda lol.

Bahahahaha you're so mad Bern is taking million's of campaign money you donated and flushing it


hmm idk maybe you should watch the full speech than some opinion from a jewish newspaper that arent allowed to write independent stuff...

believe what you want man...

>taking millions of campaign money and flushing it
>implying Trump hasn't gotten rich and maintained his wealth by doing just that
Also, I didn't donate to Sanders. I just know bullshit when I see and hear it.

I think all the Trump people are mad as they are calling stuff Trump said propaganda and not real when he said a lot of it on live TV hahaha.

So much brainwashing, they want to like trump so much they pretend to not know about all the shit he said.

You guys are so right
No one should have to be forced to actually contribute to society

Jobs are practically Satan

Your argument is flawless

no wonder Bernie is dominating

if i were murican i would vote for him no problem...
putin is like the james bond of presidents and helping russia is never a bad thing...(unless you know shit about history)

Trump will destroy your Country

Have fun man have fun eating garbage in your welfare stare refugee camp hahaha

You get what your shitty country deserves.

Like he said, he could shoot someone in Timesquare and not lose a single vote.

It's very telling when you consider none of his supporters checked him on that.

Nope 24 year old engineer who knows how fragile the economy and global politics work and recognizes that an asshole, like Trump, is just peddling bullshit and soundbites to disgruntled, uneducated people with misplaced anger and frustration.

Get ready it's President Trump and you know it.

thats the most dumb thing i read today....our media here (germany) is total on hillarys side our media hates trump

Yes!!! You're right I wish these Trump retards would understand.

I'd like to share your optimism (really, I would), but I don't think I can get my head that far up my ass.

If anything, it'll come down to either Hillary or Bernie. YOU know it, and that's what keeps Trumpsters like yourself up at night.

Trump should honestly just give up

Bernie has won the election

Hell, he's winning by so much they're talking about letting him just have the reelection

Feeling the burn for eight years in a row

Keep sending shitty pics it's going to change the decision! You can make Bernie win! Keep donating in multiples of 7!!

He should he's a racist! Did you hear his family changed their name like 100 years go? This faggot can't be trusted!!! Bernie is best!!

> ironie

hmm how much negros mexicans chinese japanese ppl do you have in your shithole country that not even exists 250 jears ? dumb murican is dumb

As I've said before, I haven't donated so much as 1ยข. Not sure what you're so riled up about.

You mean west Mecca?

your media also tells you to be guilty for your blue eyes

even your officials guilt trip you with the new Nazi grandfathers

Accept Mohammed or you're racist!

they don't exist?
is that the reason?

I'm not mad!! I'm enthused!! We can make Bernie win we just need to donate more to his campaign! We can do it. Also you can fuck my wife since we are both cucks in life and cucks in politics.

>Everyone I don't like is a cuck.
This meme has gone a bit out of hand.

President Bernie sanders


America the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without the culture step...

stop being pathetic

In in California I can't wait for another fun Bernie rally. It turns into a huge fest and we hug and kiss. I got to feel Bernie's ass last time it felt like a half filled bag of water.

Anyways back to the campaign we need to convince every one that Trump is indeed a racist. I mean who builds a wall to keep immigrants out? Who are we Mexicos border with Guatemala? Lol yeah right! We arent Israel keeping out immigrants with a similar wall! Fuck Trump and the well being of our citizens.

Trump wins because
>Niggers don't vote
>Most of America requires actual citizenship to vote

Otherwise Hillary and Bernie would actually be a threat

Maybe next time
exercise that white guilt in meantime


your dubs equal your iq

Woohoo love me some Bernie cock.

>actually believing Trump's Wall idea.
Just tell me, how exactly did he state he'd get Mexico (singling out Mexico, oddly enough) to pay for the so-called, "Wall?" Also, what does he think about the fact that Walls don't necessarily keep the 'bad guys' out....and the fact that often times, the 'bad guys' are homegrown?

I know one thing though: he supports SOPA and PIPA. But you're probably more upset about some 'illegal' taking the jobs you feel you're too good to do, right?

I truly am sorry that your government sacrificed your culture just to stay in power

Hopefully Hitler 2.0 will give em Hell

Cockmongrel Elizabeth warren?
Holy deep penetration!, batman!


i mean we could use all these low minded arabs for slavework...i mean when they are already here...

I like the idea of Trump's wall because he's just saying something that we've all been thinking. Even if he can't shut out every border jumping beamer, I know he's gonna do his best.

The wall isn't going to keep people out that much is obvious. It will though slow down the rate of illegals coming in. It will stop the drug flow and it will ultimately help Mex. All around the world there are walls so stop being a whiny bitch because finally we have someone who cares about the individuals coming in and causing a ruckus.

hes not perfect, but there's no other choice

The silent majority will vote Trump he will MAGA

isnt your mexican borderline already a wall ? i mean you just had to improve like 40 miles or so...


>the so-called, "Wall?"


In answer to your question though I believe that would be in trade tariffs.

Go back to Mecca Mohammed

Go back to ghetto Tyrone

Go back to Mexico Pedro

Or else keep training your white guilt
Shit's weak right now

Maybe donate to black lives matter

They can almost afford to burn down your hometown

>Trump supports SOPA and PIPA

You mean those old bills thrown out a decade ago? Citation needed.

Trump the racist has no chance

now you just went totally retarded arent you ?

This. Exactly the same as in the UK where the conservatives won by a landslide and liberals were ready to kill themselves because no one had predicted it. The silent majority rules. The silent majority will vote Trump



Beaner found.

I live in North Mexico aka Texas. There's so many wetbacks here it's not even funny. I've heard many stories about how they got across.

Go back to England Steve

beiing racist in murica is a normal thing accept it or read a book about slavery

That grammar can only mean one thing

Definitely Tyrone