Honest opinions Sup Forums. This is my wife. She's 31. How would you rate her and would you fuck her?

Honest opinions Sup Forums. This is my wife. She's 31. How would you rate her and would you fuck her?

she has a 40yo body I would not fuck

She needs to style or shave that bush, and her posture sucks. Need to see face. Would fuck, 5/10.

It's a candid photo so she wasn't standing up straight obviously. She shaves sometimes but not that often.


Not bad for 40. I like the hairy pussy. And I'd fuck her in the ass, of course..

On the bright side op she isn"t a land whale

The hair doesn't bother me. She's 31 not 40.

Yea she's actual pretty medium sized and considering she just had our second kid 7 months ago I think she's doing ok. That's the reason her tits are sagging a bit, they are full of milk all the time now.

That other asshole's comment threw me off, sorry. She's pretty decent, for sure. Does she take it in the ass?

Would fuck. Very yes.

Oh and good luck getting it up there she's never had one in her ass before.

31 yo with a body like that? This is why I always date younger.

Glad to know. Thanks.

That's unfortunate. I wouldn't marry a woman that didn't take my cock in her ass every once in a while. Honest opinion, man...

31 with 2 kids under 3 years old.

I understand. I've never really had a desire for it and she is ok with most things I like. We have pretty good sex so I'm not worried about the lack of anal at all.

She's got a good body, good skin, not fat, pretty trim, but she's bent over by the weight of her loser husband who is using her appearance as an extension of his own ego and whoring her out on the cheapest imageboard on the internet to get rates from neckbeards and paedophiles. I mean you've got kids to raise you pathetic manchild, what the fuck are you doing posting pics of your poor wife on Sup Forums?

Your single friends are going to insult you but that's because they're unbelievably lonely. Just carry on being a man and don't do this shit any more

4/10, not bad for a shit picture without a face.

I'm not whoring her out or trying to stroke my ego. I'm comfortable with myself and my wife and her appearance. I love my wife and kids more than anything and I always will. This is simply to get the opinions of others. I don't need those opinions, I just like to know.

Definitely a shit picture but it's the best I could do tonight. She isn't likely to make a sexy nude pose for me to get a pic of. Of course I won't show her face.


her tits are an unfortunate shape. i hope she gives good dome.

Cool man well feel free to post your kids too, monstrous basement dwelling ogres worldwide will probably jack off over them and anally penetrate themselves with rolled up inkjet prints

If that's a thing you're into, I mean it's not really my bag but I'm not here to judge

eh, not a bad bod, if she tried working out i bet she'd go from a 5/10 to a 7/10. 10/10 would fuck

Yea I been thinking that too. Time for us both to start working out.

Oh go fuck yourself you little bitch.

She looks like she has a perfectly normal human being