Whar is the purpose of life, Sup Forums?

Whar is the purpose of life, Sup Forums?

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of the women

There is no purpose. Ever thought of that?

Why do people insist there's a purpose?

You are not special. Neither are the other 7+ billion random consequences of chaos.

Ok... you're a fucking cosmic domino. How's that for purpose, lol?

Fall little domino! Be special!

Fingerboxes naturally


>reproduce and pass information to the next generation lil nigga

there is no meaning, only chaos

From our point of view is to control, to stack the deck in our favor against our fears which was always uncertainty the one fact we all knew since you were born.

To die of course

get money fuck bitches

What's the easiest way?

Proliferation. Our entire life is based around spreading our genes.

there is no meaning, there is no chaos - everything is determined and everything is physical.

Hard Determinism + Physicalism

enjoy your depression

No that would be what is BEST in life.

To eat people and absorb their power and souls until you reach The Ultimate Level.

Fuck bitches get money

I like to think that life should be a comfy experience to do
get some stable source of money, experience responsibility to toughen yourself up and enjoy the little things

To masturbate to girls with feminine penises

To live

Lurk forever on Sup Forums.


off by one

the succ

Yeah, but what part of that is life?
>life, the universe and everything

to be happy


>this thread
>every night
>the Conan quote
>every night


I am 59 years old and you kids are in for real disappointment.

lol 59 and on 4chins

dubs don't lie

Our job is to observe the universe, collapse wave functions and create reality.

To make contact with aliens and live forever exploring space, doing science, taking drugs, and sexting.


How much cheese pizza do you have on your pc by 59 and still on Sup Forums good god

drink fuck and watch anime this is all

To convert oxygen into carbon dioxide.
To create more oxygen converters

Actually this is somewhat true... Reproductive fitness is the measure of success in terms of natural selection for all organisms. If there was such a thing as a purpose to life this is it, is what all forms of life have adapted to do regardkless of strategy. Have children and your genes will survive, there will be people like you in the world after you die, if your wife is hot they will be better...

That's it however, from the ontological and intellectual point of view there is no purpose, although we can play our little jerk off games trying tlo create one and some, like benefitting mankind or the conservation of the natural world, are worthwhile.

>imblyin aliens wont be just as shitty as us if we ever discover them

Killing self.


There is none.

After billions of years and all the minerals, earth made lifeforms that could make plastic. The only element it was missing.

Just like this board.

Getting dubs!

Check em

You blew my mind.

The meaning of life? What a stupid question. To live, obviously

Animals were invented by plants to act as catalysts for their reproductive needs.

kek, i have the same tattoo on my wrist, exactly that pic was taken from google images and tattooed on my fucking wrist.

So you are saying Life is Life?