What does the phrase "The good old days" mean to you?

What does the phrase "The good old days" mean to you?

the '70s.

Back when arranged marriage was normal and you could buy/trade for a wife. I say this because that would be my only hope for getting a woman to touch my penis.

The days before coloreds had YouTube channels.

When life wasn't shit.

There never was or will be "good ole days". The only people who think there are either have very selective memories and/or they only learned about the good aspects of society back then. Life has always been shit, and trying to go back to the "good ole days" is futile, they don't exist.


Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine.

Just after reanimation was Linkin parks new album

>when anonymity meant something on the internet
>playing wow when it first came out with my buddies
>gaming in general with my e-friends thinking I still had a bright future ahead of me
>not being the failure and massive disappointment that I am today

jacking it on imagination


2011, before the nerve pain began.

Abdullah the Butcher, Commando, Revenge of the Ninja, Thrasher Magazine, Cinemax, The Fat Boys, SNES, and buying Rambo knives and ninja gear as a kid at gun shows (and nobody cared)...later on it's the mall, the back room in video stores and digging through bargain bins at record stores...

>Back when you felt like you actually mattered in this world
>Back when you still had your identity
>Back when you still had your happiness
>Back before you did that one terrible thing that carries the worst guilt that you have ever experienced with you forever.
>Back when I thought my family actually liked me

They were some loooong showers boy.

When I was able to travel to Europe twice a year, now I can barely afford my damn food sometimes

>The good old days

Everyone in their place and a place for everyone.

When I could trade 1 sheep and 2 chickens for a new House boy.

Damn niggers just running wild around now this world has gone to high heaven and fallen to hell.

Vote Sanders.


Using up all the conditioner, dick smelling like Paul Mitchell.

there were never good days, just old ones and now i ride