Hi Sup Forums do you feel like killing yourself? I perfectly understand why? Let me tell you whats happening with me

hi Sup Forums do you feel like killing yourself? I perfectly understand why? Let me tell you whats happening with me.
Im a 22 year old femanon. I have a sister who's 19 and believe it or not she spends her free time being a cam whore :( :o.
One day one of my cousins sent me pic related and told me this is what my sister is up to. You should have seen my face. I couldnt feel my legs and I swear I could feel my heart jump out of my chest. My baby sister is a cam whore. At first I was weirded out by my cousin sending me this but then i thanked him.
So one day after a few days of composing myself I visited this site she broadcasts on. And there she was my baby..I still remember her sweet innocent face, her silly laughter when we used to wrestle with our mom. She was topless and for a moment i was tiny bit relieved that that was all she would do but no...her cam description said something about tokens to get her to 'play'..I wanted to throw my laptop I was crying and shouting at same time. Sad and angry.
All the while i kept thinking how did she get into this? We were not short of money she was going to school my dad was paying her tuition too. She didnt need the money. Was she raising money for something/someone we dont know? i didnt know.
I watched her cam for 2 hours. I stay away from home and I just couldnt stop seeing her. The room she was in brings back a lot of memories. Sweet innocent memories. That room had lost all meaning. It was filled with wrong doing and i imagined that room being filled with the aroma of lust :(. No longer can i look at her the same way or enter her room without thinking what she does in there. I stayed on her cam to make sure she wasnt being hurt. I didnt need to. Every room had moderators and she had a couple. I didnt say a word. I just couldnt.

So do i tell her? As a big sister should i give her some sort of advice? Got anything for me Sup Forums? Im desperate.

>Pic related. Sadly :(

You can give her advice if you want, but what she does with her life is ultimately up to her. I wouldn't ruin your relationship over this, it could be far worse.

Also, the moderators are useless. They're selected by the girl and can be literally anyone.

Muster up the courage and talk to her. Help her find a job that pays higher or something

Kek calm down. Caming isn't that bad your just being overprotective
>watched her for hours
>doesn't think they have an incest fetish


She's ugly af

i would pound ur sister mercilessly

To be honest. Looking right above her thumb is the space between her tits. She's either 60 pound or her tits droopy as fuck nigga

Tits or get out. No help otherwise. Learn from your sis

as a person who has seen this girls vagina, I think it's too late for you to give a shit she's jimbo johned and worn out

Just a PR gag

Tits or gtfo

She's caming. Calm your tits. It's not like she's busting tricks on the corner. She's making money from doing nothing. She's wants to make money for herself to spend and not live off your parents. Good for her. You shuddup. Come back when she does hardcore porn. But my answer is probably gonna be the same.



she need no lube

She's pretty hot. If I was a beta I'd spend tokens on her to stick things in her butt

If she's getting all of her shit payed for she either needs money to buy drugs or shes so dumb that she's going to camwhore to buy clothes and purses and shit. But like the user above me said, at least he's not out bustin' tricks on the corner lol. That being said though maybe confront her about it if you really want her to stop and maybe shame will come into play.

does your mom cam too?


Ok Sup Forums you do realize this is just a camwhore trying to advertise herself right?

Ok op, I know that this is hard for you, especially since you still have the impression that your sister is this going innocent thing, but here's what you have to do.

Become a camwhore, but not just any camwhore, the best that there's ever been, draw away all of the people who watch her, then she'll be safe again.

SMH at those replying seriously. You think someone would post a story like this and be retarded enough to share the sister's cam name? Haha fuck me you gullible faggots.