Hey Sup Forumsros, is it normal to bleed this much when you brush your teeth?

hey Sup Forumsros, is it normal to bleed this much when you brush your teeth?

If you haven't brushed your teeth in a year, yes.

Is this a rhetorical question thread?

I don't buy it.

I occasionally bleed, and it's a dark dark red. That shit looks like cinnamon toothpaste.


fuck no you probably have gingivitus

yes it is, mostly because you dont do it really often.

If you brush with pepto bismol, yes.

just stop eating out your sister on mornings when shes on her period

Not regularly and only if you haven't been brushing often/correctly.

First ~5 times if you haven't been brushing towards your gums and such. After that it should settle down.

Still, if it's bleeding that much you must not be keeping your mouth clean. As someone who just had a huge cavity filled next to an impacted wisdom tooth, had a root canal last week, and just woke up from narcotic induced sleep because of tooth pain, I can tell you you're nothing but retarded if you don't take care of your mouth.

It's fatal

Just two words for you user

Maybe you should brush your teeth more often instead of just for Good Boy Points you fucking disgusting faggot

OP here, I floss often and brush daily but still bleed like hell. I had a few cavities when I was younger, those hurt man.

Ignore the fearmongers. Disregard and resume brushing.

No. You need a deep cleaning. Go to a dentist.

i keked

When's the last time you went to a dentist? Sometimes you just have bad teeth/gums, or you need a good cleaning.

And yeah, the problem is when it's right next to a wisdom tooth that is pushed up against the same tooth. So when you drill that cavity, it violently jiggles that wisdom to other around in its root, which makes it pull and hit nerves and vibrate the bone like crazy, causing pain through the entire left side of your mouth. My canine teeth were aching. Oh, and hhe didn't shave the filling smooth so gotta get that done tomorrow morning too.

It hurt straight through the numbing agent. 800mg ibuprofen did nothing for it.

Worst part? I gotta get one more filling on the top left, and I have this feeling it's gonna do the same with that wisdom tooth too.

You have gingivitis buddy. Go to the dentist and have your teeth cleaned.

Hey, it's actually really important that you go to the dentist. You have periodontal disease, you need to get seen ASAP. Google it.

I brushed three times a day and flossed but didn't go to the dentist for like 4 years. My gums got fucked up. Bacteria builds up below the gumline and erodes the bone and teeth below the gums where you can't see it, your gums also recede.

You need to get regular professional cleanings where they can use special tools like high pressure ultrasound water jets to clean below the gumline. I didn't and I seriously regret it. Not going to the dentist is fucking retarded. I have no idea why I avoided it. not I will probbaly have to have some oral surgery to graft gum tissue on to some of the areas where my gums have receded the worst.

not op. i didnt go to dentist for like 10 years teethes dont hurt sometimes i brush and also bleed.
should i be worried?

Yes. If your gums bleed from brushing you have gum disease. Go to the dentist. It will only get worse.

The bacteria is actually attacking the bones that your teeth mount into. Your teeth can become loose and even die or fall out. Cavities are easy to prevent my proper brushing and flossing but a lot can still be wrong deep in your gums where you can't clean with household tools.

not EVERY time but it dont matta

dont brush so fuckin hard narf tard, get a soft brush and a water flosser. dipnit

its just so damn expensive i kinda hope i die before it gets worse

no, what's wrong with ur mouth btw :p

Regular cleanings only amount to a few hundred bucks a year without insurance. If you have dental insurance it usually covers all your cleanings and 1 or 2 cavities a year.

Getting treatments to fix more serious problems costs many thousands. Not going to the dentist is far more expensive than going to the dentist.

Not going to the dentist is like not changing the oil in your car because changing the oil is too expensive. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than a new fucking engine. It's a very short sighted approach and quickly becomes more expensive than just doing the proper maintenance.

It's not your teeth that is the issue if you are actually bleeding during brushings, it's your gums.

I recently got a water pik. It shoots high pressure water in your gums and blasts that shit out. Gets shit that brushing and flossing can't. You can use mouthwash in it as well but it goes through it super fast and it can get pretty expensive. My dentist suggesting diluting mouthwash like 3 to 1 with water in it.

I have gingivitis and I had a checkup today and my dentist commented that my gums have recovered noticeably in the 3 months since my last appointment. But I still have a long way to go and will probably need some grafts. They literally cut tissue from somewhere else in your mouth and graft it on your gums to replace the receded gum tissue.

Just go to the fucking dentist people. Much cheaper than surgery.

Brush, floss, get a water pik, and go to the dentist 2 or 3 times a year. It will save you thousands in the long run.

I get that when I haven't brushed my teeth for two weeks so if you're fucking disgusting yes it's normal

Is it normal to bleed this much for a pizza?

Of you have sensitive gums yea

The gums are sensitive because they are infected with bacteria, dipshit.

How many good boy points til nuggers?

Keep brushing just not full force. Get a good tooth brush & scrub your gums partially. Plaque gets all up in that shit.


People who have poor oral hygiene are just the worst. Can't you people take care of even the most basic needs in your life?

also Waterpik user here. Best $60 I ever spent

Rinse your mouth out with hydrogen peroxide

Likely cancer

using rubbing alcohol in mouth, make sure to swallow, will kill all the bacteria causing blood


Bleach works even better. Makes your teeth super white too.
