Sup Forums you gotta stop me, I got this kitten that's 3 weeks old and I think I'm obsessed with torturing it...

Sup Forums you gotta stop me, I got this kitten that's 3 weeks old and I think I'm obsessed with torturing it. I brought it home from my aunt's and for the last 5 days I've done nothing but torture it. It went from light things like tying its legs with a string to pretty harsh things like placing it inside a vase and filling it with water for 2 minutes. I've also left it tied up, hanging from the ceiling fan for hours while I left for work and when I come back, I toss it at the wall because it took a piss. Today I felt specially bad because I was placing it on top of the ceiling fan, then turning it on and watching my cat hang for dear life until it eventually fell, most of the times it was on the bed, but a couple of times it fell on the floor. The second time it started to spasm really bad for around 1 minute, so I placed it in a cage. I also made it sneeze blood and vomit.

I live alone so there's nobody that can make me feel bad. What should I do?

Pic related, I didn't feel like taking a pic, but he's identical to this one.

I also noticed that when I was choking it once, its anus was almost inside out. Is that normal??

HELP ME Sup Forums

I'd bet you're trolling, but if you're actually fucked in the head, give the damn cat to a shelter. Poor thing's probably wished death on itself more times than it can remember. And keep in mind, fluffy abuse threads exist for a reason.

edgy newfag is edgy

please kill yourself

Kill yourself instead of the cat

Set the cat free then torture yourself instead until your anus turns inside out and you sneeze blood.

Stick your dick in that pussy

At the moment, it has a bit of blood under its nose that I haven't cleaned up, if you want a pic. I was planning on returning it to the mother, but I can't seem to control it. I honestly feel bad.

Get some fucking help you psychopath

blender car v2

Gimme your address, I'll help you. I'll help you eat and breathe through tubes for the rest of your edgy life, little fella :)

give it to a shelter you fuck, follow up with therapy

Actual non troll advice?
Kill yourself. You're a sadistic piece of shit and the world would definitely be better with your cancer gone.

Go on double four chan, go to the suicide board, and fucking kill yourself

Obvious troll is obvious

Drink bleach and shove lit cigars up your butt hole and then jump off your bed into the ceiling fan

pls be original

Let me elaborate:

You will never do anything to help this world, or the people in it, I know you will never gain true happiness because apparently you are so hurt you need to hurt other innocent things just to feel some joy.

I know that you will look back at this one day and feel guilty and maybe it will even eat away at you.

So what is the point? Why are you prolonging your suffering? Are you hurting that poor cat because you want it to feel the prolonged pain you do?

Suicide is your only answer, and whether you're brave enough to do it or not, you'll either die tonight, or years latter. But the end result is the same, you die alone.

I wish I was trolling

Cut off it's whiskers, & place it in a dark room/closet.
I assure you that the whiskers will grow back over time.

Why all the creativity? It's fun enough to hold them around their neck and flick their nose repeatedly.

I don't fuck shelters, sorry.

Give me three non-shit reason why you want to live instead of killing yourself and maybe I'll give you actual non-killing yourself advice

You know damn well what I mean, and you and I both know you ain't OP.

actually kill yourself

Do you do this because you were raped as a child? i heard its pretty much the only cause. just curious

just give it back to your aunt

Dick that pussy and post pics

End your life, you sadistic fuck.

send the kitten to me I'll give it a good home you sick fuck

Just don't do it.

When you feel like doing it, do something else instead.

Ain't rocket science nigga.


Give the cat to someone who will take care of it, then get yourself some help cause you obviously need it.

Ill pay you 1000$ for the cat. What area you in? Make a post on Craigslist with that pic and I'll find it and buy it.

Trips checked

Op is piece of shit who actually doesn't want to stop abusing qt kitten

Op is posting this as an excuse to show off how disgusting he is

Op is getting a rise out of us because he loves how demented he is

Tfw op will not kill himself like he should

This, OP do it

1)Free the Kitten 2)Get rope 3)Hang yourself
Seriously, go kill yourself you piece of shit. I hope your life gets worse to the point that you actually kill yourself.

Does it still show affection to you?
If so don't hurt it anymore :(
As much as I don't care about animal abuse I really want a kitten and the one I was looking to get looks like that.
I've never had a pet before because I'm allergic to everything and I'll probably die but I'll die happy with a kitten.

You're implying there's a v1 and I find that horrifying

777 trips
>OP confirmed piece of shit

Normally I don't encourage suicide but I'm his case, you should do it. Fucking piece of shit


Nah, apparently I had something against cats when I was little too. My family has told me that I drowned a cat once when I was 3.
Most viable response, I plan to return him to the mother although I'll miss little Ferris.
Been trying, ever since it started to spasm I have only cared for it, but I still get the urge.
I wanted to give it to my buddy who has a snake.
Treasure Coast, Florida.
It does actually, that's why I feel so bad.

If this is real do more and do worse but this time record it.

imagine the hell you are putting the animal. that hell will be put on you in return some day by some other animal, give it peace and you might be forgiven


Stare deeply into it's eyes while grabbing it's throat. Then slowly open & close your grip, listening to the cats breathing. Another idea; remember the trick to test an alarm clocks 9v battery? (to the newfags, if u gently touch a 9v battery on ur tongue, you can feel a tingle if it's good. If it's old, nothing happens)

You should probably kill yourself too btw

Seriously, get help as soon as posible. You are not right in the head and a danger to yourself and people around you

Timestamp a photo of a sharpie in the cats pooper

If you got balls do an hero
Set you on fire by streaming
Or get the fuck out of here
Stupid faggit

You should probably kill yourself, whether you're a troll or not. You would really be doing the world a big favor.

Same fagging because he's an animal abuse fetishist

space program anyone?

>"get outa my Sup Forums cause u made me feel uncomfy"

Good job OP. The only thing shitty than animals are moral warriors on the internet. Ima have to start my post everyday showing off all the animals I abuse. You guys are to easy to upset!


if not bait. please seek help. This kind if urges could escalate into something more dangerous very quickly. Please as a first step give the cat away or the very least set it free to roam the streets someone will take it. Seek help immediately. Im glad you want help that you want to stop. Thats a good start right there.
>I had something against cats
no its not about cats alone. Its about feeling the need to hurt something. It will not always be a cat later on.

All talk
>stupid newfag

Nigga you should really go drown yourself

Lets get a better picture of the cat

>proving a point

The other two may be samefag but i was not


Your tears taste like shit.

i'm triggered as fuck

Dont listen to this faggot op.
Post a video after uploading it from a proxy. Eat it.

we need to find this motherfucker and make him pay. Come on Sup Forums, you've done this before

Please cuddle it and tell it you're sorry.
I hit my mother's dog once on the nose for knocking over my drink and I felt bad about it.
I personally hate animals though because my mother loved her animals more than me more edgelord shit ect.
Plus her dogs were super aggressive to me for no reason even bit me a few times and she'd argue that I must have pissed them off.
I think if I have a kitten for myself it'll help me love animals the way I did when I was young.

fuck off OP, you're not an edge lord.
you're a faggot.
hurting small animals that cant fight back so it makes you feel like you aint a pussy (which isnt true)

Here it is after his "bath"

Give the cat away if you're serious

OP check Craigslist for $1000 ad.

The animal who I would like to
Abuse is you fucking savage
You abuse them because you
Can I bet you are a beta autistic
Faggit who some niggers on the
Corner still scare you

your on the way to becoming a serial killer, is this shit how you want to be remembered, and if you believe in a god well... this is disgusting either way user its really weak and evil why pick on a defenseless animal, its like picking on a retard,both t your mercy and not comprhending whats going on but feeling the pain both physically and emotionlly. its horrible, if people find out you do this you'll be in serious danger please seek some help

Fuck you

Dont do it, its bait. Hes going to get the cops there to arrest you when you hand him the cat. Eat the evidence.

goddamnit stop

FBI has already been contacted about this post.

plz stop op

Go fuck yourself bring him to a shelter or somebody that would take care of the poor kitten
I wish I could choke you and let you see what you are doing with this cat

Even though every is just saying kill yourself, just get someone to talk to you obviously have built up anger probably from childhood.

12:30? so you live in pacific time zone?

You're not in Florida because you put the time in PST.

Not a samefag before this post but the consensus speaks for itself. Now fuck dat pussy like it owes you money OP.

I fucking hope this is b8

If not, give the kitten to a shelter and then kill yourself

It's so scared and frightened, fuck up a puppy not a kitten :(
Preferably a pitbull pup.


Yes because OP is obviously a failure in life, nothing I would call a man.

You faggots need to stop waste our
Precious oxygen and kill yourselves


You're a piece of shit where are the mods to shut down this thread

user is now aware of this issue.

I fucking hate you if i could i would let my kangal fucking kill you (pic not of mine but it's similar in size)

>I live alone

And so shall you remain alone with your degenerate behavior.

I'm taking it back to the mother on Sunday, but I wanted to get it off my chest.