I have the worst fucking luck on Tinder and OKcupid

I have the worst fucking luck on Tinder and OKcupid

I can barely initiate a conversation, but even if I get the girl responding I sperg out and can't think of anything else to say.

My friends use this shit all the time and are constantly meeting girls and going on dates through this shit

What the fuck am I doing ?


Learn how to converse then.

I'm obviously interested in them, and can ask them questions, but how do I get them to initiate questions about myself?

Is that the whole fucking deal? Women don't give a fuck about you, they just want to know that youre solely interested in them and that's it.


practice user, asking them about themselves works if you're not naturally funny

Treat the whole thing like you're not really there, like you're controlling someone else's actions.
A lot of people sperg out because they're hyper focused, and concentrate too much on what people are thinking of them rather than the task at hand.
Also, don't freak if you fuck up.
You'll never move on if you get stuck in your memories of failure.

They're women. They will generally not ask you about you. You have to ask them, and you have to tell them about yourself. They're women, they're not people or anything.

Does something along the lines of:

Hey, loved reading your profile. We should get drinks in the city soon, ya?

When you've reached the limit of your conversation, see if they want to get coffee sometime or something. If they want to keep talking to you, you'll get a yes.

Stop making assumptions about them, people can pick up on contempt from a mile away.
They're just people, maybe not exactly like you, but the similarities far out weigh the differences.

More like:

¡Hola! I was just looking for someone to have fun with, and you seem like a good bet :). Let's talk.

Damn, you're a genius you...

I feel like I'm trying to hide behind the keyboard, when I just need to be myself.


Yeah, about that... you're different people at different times.
Try to remember your best, most confident moment, that time where you felt like you were on top of the world and you wanted to share that feeling with everyone.
Get into that mindset, and the rest will come with a little bit of putting yourself in the girl's shoes.

Did it work?

I mean it's 3 in the morning. I'll keep trying tomorrow for sure.

No results yet.

Keep pushing.
I know this is really corny shit, but it's just a logical consequence: you've only lost if you've given up.

You're right, gotta keep trying.

Thanks for the motivation. It's been hard the past 12 months, but I've been on a plane towards self-improvement.

Baby steps...

Go back in time to the fish in the sea ball.

don't go on dating sites or apps unless you live in a large city with large population. online dating is a numbers game. ive always had better luck going out and just talking to chicks. You smoke user? Asking for a lighter is a great convo starter!

I live in Chicago, and I think I've realized it's a numbers game.

I've tried having relationships with girls from school, but it tends to be nothing sexual.

the meaning of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results, different may be out of your comfort zone but no one had fun in their comfort zone

like ur squat taking a shit but on ur back curl and pull ur toes up


Still nothing.
Sigh. I'll try again tomorrow I presume.