Can you actually please your girlfriend?

Can you actually please your girlfriend?

i can please yours that's for sure

tfw no gf

You are packing?

>implying I have one

women are too much time commitment m8, don't feel like trying

At least thats what your girlfriend and your mom told me

well, if she likes dildos like than..
no man can please her

Wait, I'm on Sup Forums, home of the alphastuds

you do realize that relationships are not based on sex? just because you are a basement dwelling manchild you might think this.

If you have a fist, and she has an asshole...

I have a 7 inch dick, nothing amazing, and I honestly can't fuck my GF balls deep without hurting her. She always asks me to be gentle when I try to pound her. Most girls aren't size queens in my opinion.

I dont have a large cock. Just slightly below average. And every girl I have been with says its perfect. Girls dont really like massive dicks.
>Pic related

plus you will not feel a thing putting it inside of her
so let her kill herself by impelling her pussy with giant dildos

I have to do this. But yeah

that feel

Wait. They are based on loyalty, commitment, communication, and compromise. Right?

made her cum just with my fingers, after she said "I cant move my legs, thats never happened before" then kissed me

shes had sex with 5 dudes and 2 girls so I did bretty gud

guys, it's combination of both


Well, being in the game a while, I don't really give a damn about "girlfriends" as much anymore.

Fuck you faggot I am 35.

What girlfriend?

Protip for you fucking virgins: dont get hungup on this shit. You're dick is probably just fucking fine. i've been with a fuckton of woman and my dick is pretty damn average. more then one has asked me to not to go hard/deep despite being soaking wet.
tl;dr most woman just want normal dick



Every girl I've been with (except the first, because I had no idea what the fuck I was doing) has said that I'm the best they've ever had.

Can easily make my gf cum about 3 times during sex, each time. And not just one type of orgasm. I can get her to do all three( clitoral, vaginal and squirt).

they are lying to be nice.

>measure dick
>4.5 inches
>think im fuckd
>finally lose virginity
>girl told me it was nice

and thats when i learned

Nope, that's why she left me.

I'm sure there's another logics reason why she did.

She would never say she loved me.
I'd always have to hint at it to get her to say it.
She stopped doing simple gestures showing that she loved me or even wanted me.

She left very soon after. We spent one last day together, which I can guess it was because she felt sort for me.
She's probably getting hella fucked up.

I always ask myself what I could have done different, but nothing comes up other than just killing myself.

That would have been the right decision long ago because I met her.

I wouldn't have disappointed anyone.
Everyday I disappoint myself.

I'm just ready for it all to be ok again; to be happy again.
But instead I'm replying to a bait thread, crying about my past mistakes like a little bitch.

I don't wanna be here Sup Forums

... that she lied to be nice

Bought a 9 inches dick dildo to my girlfriend, thinking she would enjoy it much more and she actually didn't. Her ex-boyfriend was also big and she didn't like it either... She keeps telling me that my 5.5 average cock is perfect to her.. At first I didn't believe her, thought it was bullshit but I made her cum so many times with my baby 5.5 inches dick. So yeah.. not gonna complain about it, huh?

Exactly. The size card gets guys revved. I'm a kinky fuck and even if my cock doesn't make an appearance, there are a ton of things to do to make them forget English at the end of the night.

Yeah. When they leave their cum all over my cock, thats just part of the lie. Sure.

my 5" dick is fine for an asian,
never have problem with sex,

no words

Sex. It's no big deal.

I have a horse dildo for my butt. It's really good.


>not knowing the difference between settling with someone bc you love them and achieving true cervix-destroying carnal pleasure

I always feel bad for anons that are hung up on some dumb bitch

Trust me dude, you're okay. You're still letting her defeat you even when shes gone. You have to say fuck that; fuck HER even. You just gotta be strong. Be stronger for the next girl that comes along, be better than anything that other bitch could ever get.

Right!?! I know a few dudes who can take huge toys.

i bet everytime she masturbates she thinks about how much she misses his dick

Have several girlfriends that I make them cum just vaginally, others are vaginal + clitoral(+anal). Some of them was just a lost cause, all girls are different. There is such a ridiculous stigma of guys having to perform during sex, when a lot of it relies on how comfortable the girls is. Along with themselves understanding and exploring their sexuality and what makes them cum. In the end it all comes down to communication, guys are simple when it comes to finishing. Girls are not so simple, but when she is secure enough to do what she needs it's becomes much easier.

actually no. she fucking hated him because he was a bully. and she kept complaining about how her cum smelled bad and she would never cum with his dick

>tfw cant go balls deep on gf or any girls i have been with
I just want to know what it's like

Yes. Other questions?

I can tell you it feels amazing. That's the only time i moan, when I first insert my hard cock deep inside her warm wet pussy.. No other best feeling in the world than this.

lol no i have a little 5 inch cock and im an ugly faggot so no gf

I should get an escort one of these days

>You have to say fuck that; fuck HER even

obviously he couldn't

I have two "girlfriends" who know about each other, and several other women I play with when I want to change things up. Pleasing them physically and mentally are separate games. But you snag the head, the pussy follows. Snag both, and you get their hearts. Realistically, if you get all three you could pimp a chick and she'd still love you. I'm a feminist.


I had to invite my friend over to help me please my girlfriend...

this nigga knows whats up.


I'd like to think I can.
I can drive her wild and make her orgasm whenever I want during oral, and although she hasn't had an orgasm from penetrative sex yet (not with me nor with one of her 2 exes), she seems to enjoy it well enough to initiate it about half the time.
Thank fuck she's not a size-queen or I wouldn't be able to feel anything when inside her.

With certain positions I can feel me hitting the limit when going balls deep with my 6x5.5" dick, and I have to be gentle the first half a minute or so for her to get used to my size. Although a 10-incher would look impressive and it would be the talk of the town among aspiring size-queens to try it out some time, I'm glad I don't have that as it would've made sex with women of anywhere close to the average sized vagina awkward and uncomfortable for her.

Generally the ones most obsessed with penis size is men, to be honest. It doesn't help that porn plays into it and shows big dicks in/or flattering angles to satisfy and perpetuate that obsession.

Just got for it if you have the money for.. Treat yourself. I'm 25 yrs old and I've had 2 escorts. Ofcourse I would never admit it to my girlfriend, that's the kind of personal shit you keep to urself but it's worth trying at least once in your lifetime.. Though, sex is much more awesome when it's with ur girlfriend since she really cares about you unlike escorts. But then again, pussy is pussy, isnt it?


And I wish I could have, but she didn't want me.
Not even for just pleasure, I just wanted someone to lay next to and be with.
To be wanted.
But I really am the only person who wants me.

Except if you pay for it, they are frauds. They'll do it for cash. I ran strippers for years and banged more than a handful of whores of different calibers. I'd rather have an average chick who's cock crazy in slutspace, than a flawless pornstar with moans faker than her tits.

damn right!!!

Yeah, thats why you have to start lifting and become Chad-tier

>Just slightly below average

Yeah, we have a lot of fun.

For any normal girl, the great American Challenge is a joke. Any girl who would even touch that is isn't normal

And what is normal? People on Sup Forums????

I'm ~8.5 inches and used to run with a few sluts, however the problem is can never go balls deep. The hope is that escorts have some deep vag's from years of pounding.

I guess that's how it is these days.

Well probably not but that people dildo she is holding is fucking huge. And by huge i mean bigger than any cock she's ever seen.

No run of the mill girl is gonna be able to take that, even with a whole night of prep.

can confirm, bitches and gays love chad bod.

:( Wish I knew how to really help you bro.

she enjoys getting off from clitoral stimulation

ever since she started antidepressants she can hardly ever reach orgasm or even get close

even when she masturbates alone
very sexually frustrating

anyone have similiar experience?

fuck man

make my gf cum 4-5 times during sex with just mah dick.
got about a 6'5 inch dick, feels good man. can also go balls deep which she loves after a bit of foreplay

You dont have to be chad to be hot though just remember

why is it my job to please her? she wants to go to the beach so we go to the beach. we get there it's too crowded. she wants to go shopping so we do that, she can't see anything she likes so bitches about that too. we fuck she gets a little piss in her eyes and she moans about that too. I can't fucking satisfy the bitch no matter what I try


Find yourself a hobby, do something atleast semi productive with your life, and get your mind off it.

This ammount of self pity is beyond cancer.

no, but it helps a lot, I know first hand. Helps appearance as well as self esteem and general health.


Put her in her place, she feels like she can leech from you without consequence because she knows she can, it's just a cunty tactic. Make her do stuff for you and be assertive, hell even demanding.

i just started taking antidepressants about a month ago and my dick is essentially a wet noodle

libido/erections have significantly gotten weaker

its scary but im a kissless virgin so Its not like I am using it for anything other than fapping/pissing.

I always pretend I have a better body than I do, think I have more impressive arms than I do, almost every time I look in the mirror im disappointed lmao but I have a hot gf so I guess its good.

Props to you for making it though.


Fuck Paxil. Couldn't cum on that.

Case closed

I've got a job and a few things to keep my entertained.

It's nights like these where I just cannot sleep, my mind rolls down hill.

It's a pity that often it's assumed that it's purely the guy's fault, that a guy is supposed to not only be able to get her to finish right from the start but also without needing communication, which adds to the whole stress surrounding it - which in affects the chances of actually making that happen negatively.
As with many things in a relationship or anything between people, communication is key. A woman guiding a bit during sex, paying close attention to her responses while trying things, even simply asking from time to time (especially somewhen after sex is a good way to get an idea of what could go better next time if it wasn't evident during sex, in my experience) can help a lot. Even among men you can notice a difference in preferences, difference in sensitivity with erogenous zones and whatnot; with women there's also this big variation, meaning with every new woman there will be a period of experimentation and exploration, see what works for them personally - as they might do with you if they're invested in it as well.

And then there are also women who think something's wrong with them because they can't orgasm right away, which ads stress and focus on the actual orgasm rather than on enjoying themselves, which in effect makes it a lot less likely for them to even get close to an orgasm. Same goes with women who are too self-conscious to let themselves go, are too afraid of losing the control, or any other form of mental restriction disallowing actual enjoyment of sex. Feeling secure enough, safe enough to let go, is quite important for them.


yeah, a few landwhales told me that too. they don't see a real cock so often. like the first time you get decent boobs, you call em perfect. wont say your cock is decent tho.

shes thinking about stopping them

they arent doing much for her

honestly she probablky just needs some pot to chill out a little bit

but no doctors hand these fucked up drugs out like candy

Thanks m8. I went back to eating too much and not working out after i got comfy over the course of a few years though. I should really get back into lifting..

sure you can please your gf just give her money

Yes, but I won't because when I do, she doesn't reciprocate. Anything else?

and the ugly people losers dont care if hold on to people n hurt people the ugly way cause think better then everybody but is ugly and still smell like shit and is ugly and cock block attrative peoplpe and the ugly people losers dont want people to know the ugly people losers are ugly so has to hurt people the ugly way


That's some funny shit right there!!

and the ugly people losers dont care if hold on to people n hurt people the ugly way cause think better then everybody but is ugly and still smell like shit and is ugly and cock block attrative peoplpe and the ugly people losers dont want people to know the ugly people losers are ugly so has to hurt people the ugly way and the ugly people smell like shit

I think you're on the money there. she's trying to be the main player in the relationship. when I get home from work I'm gonna straighten that cunt out. pic very related

For you guys that seem to be on the receiving end of a shitty situation with your old ladies, man the fuck up, lay down some law, and start taking a look at your own self worth. Ditch any chick who doesn't want to give you any time or love, and find someone who does. Life's too short.

glad you understand this as well

And yes, I bang whorey broads.

wise words indeed, we could all learn something from this user

sometimes if im horny enough.