Haven't had a sip of alcohol for probably 5 months, maybe more

Haven't had a sip of alcohol for probably 5 months, maybe more.

Just poured myself some Kraken and Coke.
Ask me anything.
I'm fucking drunk, haven;t been in months

What made you decide to drink today?

lol i'm sorry mars..

Why do you upset Muhammad, infidel?

u pass out faggot?

Ran out of weed to be honest.
I think I might need some kind of barrier or help regarding the shit I'm going through.
Call it self-medication or not, i deserve a break.
fucking islam
lol no, forgot about the thread

Drinking rakia at 11am. I'm under so much pressure from exams, I just need the chill.

Same. My alcohol consumption has been almost compulsive lately. I can't sleep without it. I like to get drunk and ride the train at 2am. Not a good idea in Chicago though.

I find alcohol as more of a number.
I have no ambition, no..anything.
That's why I hate alcohol.
I can't really think, my coordination is shit, and I just can't focus.

>Ran out of weed to be honest.
This. I can go forever without the booze but the moment I run out of weed I HAVE to drink. Alcohol is the superiour drug for daily consumption but weed is sooo much healthier so I prefer it.

Anyone else drinking?

go to bed jim

Honestly I'll just smoke weed then, assuming you don't have anxiety problems. Weed is so much more fun but I get daily crazy anxiety and the booze gives me the chill.

>superior for daily consumption
Definitely not
at least with cannabis i can focus and act normally.
Alcohol...just ruins me. Makes me immediatly tired, can't balance/focus, etc

Do you want to post a dick pic?

why would i do that?

For scientific purposes, user.

There are enough dicks on this board as it is.

>superiour drug for daily consumption

>1. Get drunk every day for 4 weeks straight
>2. ??????
>3. Profit for fucking ever

There are never enough dicks.

how was it user, almost alcoholic here, no withdrawals but have ruined a lot of shit in my life for a drink. court ordered sobriety starts next week. about 12 shots deep right now.

kraken, nice, my fav