No ylyl? YLYL

No ylyl? YLYL

Other urls found in this thread:





Oh fuck that's pretty funny, I lost







speaking of aids:

this shit is funny as hell, even if it wasn't meant to be at the time. I almost feel bad for the people who made this product.

>Anonymous 05/27/16(Fri)02:19:48 No.686414810 ▶



Seriously? No way, too mild.





From earlier

▲ ▲




that movie is so bad it put a child in the hospital

My gore gets deleted, still not banned. Somebody's salty.
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You know that salty refers to someone who sails, and has been in the shit, right?

You know salty if actually a reference to the flavor of salt, right?

>there is one person still trying to spam the same thread for months in a row
I mean, that's some dedication, but I'm not sure what motivates someone to spam the same threads on Sup Forums for that long.

You know that salty refers to the high sodium nature of tears right?

you know youre a 14 year old idiot right?



Trying means you go out of your way to ctrl+f a thread nonstop waiting for it to be posted so you can post the same images again.
Like, you have to genuinely use effort to shitpost for that long nigga.
I'm still confused as to how someone can do the same thing non stop for months on end and still not get bored of it.
Though, people are still playing tf2 after 7 years.


im done

You been around this place for as long as I, you get sick to death of the same shit day in and day out, so every now and then, the shitposters come out of the wood work to force away the kek heads to think about what their doing. and possibly bring back OC. It's a community service. But this time pool is going to be closed for a long time, to help rid of underage and faggorty that spawned in during the fappaning.

we all know Hitler is the only beautiful person there

Jew detected

I'm annoyed with all the same a shit being posted everyday, too.
But making a problem worse doesn't make the problem better, that's like making America great again by importing as many Mexicans as you can to show your discontent with all the Mexicans or something.
it just kind of turns into a pisssing contest, then everything starts to smell like piss after a while and everyone involved made it worse, yaknow?



Being asexual doesn't mean they don't actually have sex, for his sake.

But if she doesn't want sex, ever, that means that every time they have sex it's rape.

> She gets raped for love.

Ummm desu is the wall. you know the thing that sops cancerous users accessing other cancerous users to exchange cancer?

is there anymore of this


shit, lost
i was too close to creen and my peripheral didnt pick up on ma nigga

Jew? Where? No jews here.

you're fucking autistic. Sup Forums hasn't been your secret club house no girls aloud for almost a decade. it's endless summer now so stop trying to fight it and just enjoy the occasional OC and weird porn

You sound mad, u mad bro?

You know the ylyl threads have actually some sort of purpose wich is teaching newfags the Sup Forums way, educating them, so they can go and be productive members of this "society". The desu,the banana, the derails, will teach what is wanted and what is not, plus it will kill any newfags without pacience, and the repetitions will make them bored and they will try to find something new (the other boards). That is the main purpouse of Sup Forums (at least the one that has now).


It doesn't really work like a perfect filter though.
The same people that are tired of seeing a ylyl thread every day will also be tired of seeing Suiseiseki posted everywhere as well.
Even the dramatica page doesn't like her, though, it's probably biased.
I want quality content as much as anyone else, but pissing harder than someone else doesn't make you better, it just means you make more of a mess.


Stop wasting your time, i could smell you from a mile away

Long live ylyl

Refer to It doesn't "only kill newfags"
It removes those who are tired of not seeing any quality content.
Like I said, pissing harder than everyone else just makes everyone want to go.

no i came after the thread was already pruned I just thought that argument was fucking cringy as fuck

only pussies worth fighting for

That's a lot of words for I'm mad.
>The same people that are tired of seeing a ylyl thread every day will also be tired of seeing Suiseiseki posted everywhere as well.
Good they can fuck off as well. Because the're also the same faggots hating on everything that is not normal porn.
They come here and endless bump normie porn threads that can bee found on google even with safe search on.
They are not smart people, thus are not wanted.

I purposely piss as hard as possible to make surrounding people think my dick is big. I'm only barely 7 inches and definitely not a show-er. I hate being alive.

>potato sandwich action
This could be my new kink.

I remember the good old times... uh... now B is full with crossdresing and gay shit.

how does that make people think your dick is big, more like that guy really needs to piss.


I enjoy trying to get the exact spot that makes pissing totally silent.
It is a fun thing to do and requires some skill to master fully.
Also, bait.

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Yeah that's why we train new ppl in these kind of threads, the old people will leave no matter what, it's not a problem of ylyl it's a problem of Sup Forums

It's the side of the bowel... unless you have a siphon flush, in that case an hero, you sub par useless shitter loving faggot.

I'm not sure how I implied I was mad, meh.
All I'm saying is taking a shit on top of another pile of shit doesn't make it less smelly, it just deters away everyone that doesn't want to see shit on the ground everywhere.
You can try to justify it by saying "the same people who dislike shitposting are the ones that like cancer threads" But no one likes either, cancer and shit in the same room isn't fun.


Mate, I'm so proud of you ~desu. I was watching you build it this morning. In pic related.

You heard.

Idk cause most guys with big dicks have louder more bassy piss sounds. Like a waterfall instead of a trickle.

>implying this isn't as bad as trap and ylyl threads
This is on the same level, tuck off nigger.

holy shit mine must be massive then.

Not bait trust me I'm really insecure. I still do it even though I have a fiancé and she's seen it. I don't know why I do anymore honestly. It also makes pissing take less time.

Thanks, Lori.

Theirs more to Sup Forums than ylyl on Sup Forums that's why you're mad. you find no other enjoyment anywhere else(probably because Tl;Dr lol!). You are simply another kek head trying to get their fix through any means necessary. even if it involves lying through your fucking teeth. Just leave, you can't stop this, not even mods can.


Maybe. I don't have a big dick but when I piss normally it both takes for-fucking-ever and sounds so weak I might as well have a micro dick.






whats wrong with ylyl? stale copypasta? Are youe upset about stale copypasta on Sup Forums?

you know you can just ignore it. there are 10 pages of other threads.




I was agreeing with you that ylyl is cancer, though? Why are you denying that?
Just because I disagree with the means of curing it doesn't mean i don't think it should be cured nigga.




That's where you get moderation, and Sup Forums is not about that, these shit posters are putting in the hard yakka, to avoid moderation of Sup Forums, and for that you should be thankful.

that thinly veiled disgust
