Can we talk about how hot and perfect Daisy Ridley as Rey is?

Can we talk about how hot and perfect Daisy Ridley as Rey is?

>no Mary Sue shit. Just talk about that body


Worst Mary Sue story ever.

>that skinny body
>that face
she is perfect tho user


Daisy Ridley face looks like a boiled horses, and she cant act for shit.
Body 7/10
Face 2/10
Hands 9/10 (Large mannish hands so she can open her own damn pickle jars)

Unexceptional in every way. Kiera Knightly ripoff.



At least Kiera Knightly is a solid 7.5/10 though, this bitch is easily a below average 5/10.


Is it just me or does she remind you of a male shaolin monk?

Kek your not even wrong, got them young asian man eyes.

she looks like a 12 year old boy

Yeah when I watch Pirates of the Caribbean its like "would put penis in that" but when I see Star Wars its just like "why even bother" I could pick up hotter chicks from my college campus, and chances are they could act better as well

I guess that explains why all these anons want to bang it

She looks a bit like my French nephew.

6/10 at most

very true.

looks like a twelvy waiting to be picked up from soccer practice by his mom

I wouldn't mind Daisy bouncing on my dick.

Depends on how she has her hair, I guess

let me show you something.

I'm pretty certain they're going for "real" and "cool", not sex appeal.

Daisy Ridley is literally like a 6.

Here's her tits.

what? shes a shit actor. shes just hot. and shes not that hot either, her smile looks retarded and pisses me off. see hotter women than this walking by me in the street. face it op you chump, you have a crush on someone youve never met, and its creepy


>you will never take pictures of a coked up Carrie Fisher on the beach in between shooting scenes of Star Wars

Why live?





you are so alone in the world.


Post feet.


i like her sweaty charm and fetish armwraps

i legitimately famed in my pantsu

perfect in a pander to a mixed mongrel race audience kind of way sure