Hey Sup Forums, look what comes with the box

Hey Sup Forums, look what comes with the box

I recently sold my dual 970 for this baby, am I doing it right?

go back to Sup Forums faggot

Dont care broh.

I caer.....just a little. Poor Sup Forums here :)

^ Caer i caer too

Huuurrr I bought this video card because Nividia payed a ton of companies to advertise it, you are doing it wrong wait for extremely cheap Chinese versions instead of buying because ign and Facebook told you to.

me too

Sup Forums hates gamers, you can't discuss about graphic card there without being shitposted

MFW Poorfag buys the cucked founders edition 1080. Loud fans, shit tier cooling, underclocked compared to the non reference cards that will be released in 30 days... not to mention the 20% faster TI that will drop in 8 months. Learn to PC faggot.

Can't tell which is shittier, your choice of video card, facial hair, or hair cut.

>the non reference cards that will be released in 30 days
You mean the one I am holding? Yeah, today is the day faglord

Should have 980 ti 6gb instead of that

founders edition and refernce are the same thing. no difference except you pay an extra $100. You got cucked son.

jellysmelly ur feelins r rekt fuccboi boo

And? You should continue crying like a poorfag since I don't give a damn

OMG that thing is ugly! The card doesent look too good either

Nah my dual 980 TI's are doing just fine.

its worse lol

Not until I get my 2nd one, poorfag

who you calling poorfag? You could only afford to get one 1080 :D :D

What did I just say? I only sold my old two cards for it, not my whole machine. That's mean I still can afford another, maybe two

Yet you only bought one..... :D

Yep, for now, that's for sure

Its about 5c over here and winter, can i come over to your fireplace?

Sorry, I don't own any AMD components

>he fell for the day 1 meme

Picture me rolling in my 1080ti's in a couple of months cuck boy, also

>Im white :-DDD

Three words: custom fan profile

Someone seems grumped

I'm half white actually, thank god my dad isn't a nigger though

but we know amd isn't powerful enough to create that much heat

>summer sure is early this year


Asian included?

Fuck, perfect example of the average Sup Forums poster

Go to bed carl

lol, poor asian nigger trying to act like he is a normal person

lol, fat white neckbeard trying to act like he a special snowflake

This card is gorgeous

He was referring to the fact that this thread was made on Sup Forums before

Chinese knockoffs are shit with anything.
Name 3 good graphics card that are Chink origin.

I've seen some losers, but this guy must of been sucking cock for attention since he was a kid getting beat up.

That's pure earth pussy magnet right there. Men have literally drowned in pussy excretions while holding that, god rest their souls. Please use caution

Nice projecting

Were's the finger hole?