Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread
Misunderstanding Edition.

The rules are very simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>Post pics of your waifu
>Insult other waifus - Declared by Tats c:
>Discuss stuff
>Keep RP and ERP to minimum
> ̶P̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶f̶i̶t̶t̶i̶n̶g̶,̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶o̶v̶e̶r̶-̶s̶e̶x̶u̶a̶l̶i̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶t̶e̶n̶t̶
>Give all your shares to Lastation
>Most important:L̶e̶w̶d̶s̶ Have fun!

>Gamindustri Best Cosplay Girl Claimed

Other urls found in this thread:


>69th image being barely lewd

Akiko claimed

Wait out the image limit on the old one before posting new bread mang

>Fubuki claimed

No worries, I capped it off with weird temmie gifs.


no lewds pls :(

Now I'm horny.
>because of the resolution, not just the picture itself


Ah don't worry Akiko, I've always made the new bread 2-3 pics before reaching image limit.

You just post your reply and then switch when it reaches the limit.

Ooh... makes much more sense. That's a hell of a mix-up.

>I am a little though

I'm just greeting you, asshole. No need to be a prick.

I've learned to emotionally distance myself from the game. Now, I can't even tilt anymore.

>69th image
It's surprisingly non-lewd and cute.

What the fuck Shiro

>tfw resolution is sexier than Akiko
Nigga wat?

But that's my job >:D

Ah that's nice to know A cute~

;-; you monster

This is the only other good resolution picture I got.
I enjoy this picture.

If it wasn't for the purple eyes the stream quality would have ruined my horniness.

ITT: if you number your images, post #69 right now


I don't post lewds everytime.
>Sorry v

This is the true 69th pic



There's no need to be so tense, Homura-chan

>dat squirt
>dat ass
wew lad

I'm in the mood for bacon

I don't have 69 Images numbered.


I don't number mine, but this is my 69th alphabetically.


Sweet jesus.

>ITT: if you number your images, post #69 right now
I have my waifu pics separated in 22 folders, most of them don't get to 69.

>forgot pic

If you don't have your images numbered, then just post the 69th image in your folder

They are numbered, but not all of them so I didn't reach 69 there. This one is the 69th though.

good evening



>im watching you



>Megumin claimed
I'm back


big titties anime girl
look at this


Welcome Back!

Feel the edge

I am disappoint

>pic is alright but not 69 worthy
I've been looking for this

That's cute enough

Post em faggit

Hey honey! You look upset.

>You're still not mad, are you?


Nagato! What's up fellow ship girl?

Post what exacly?


Edgy you say?

Birb claimed

Ah that's what they meant. I'll post it later eventually. It has to be something extremely lewd.
Also I'm doing fine and you?

We need Dio.

see and hohoho I can almost hear you shooting up the school

Post em fag

thanks!! how are ya??
how about the actual 69th pic???

Good evening Nagato.
How are you?

Bacon is the worst nickname I've ever heard.
>Why not just Hanako?

No more Dio's tattoos, I already have enough.



Spike would get more angry over this.
I wonder if you'll ever remember to post your image.

Apply bullet directly for forehead.

>implying i had any issue with how you looked.

I think you're just as attractive as hanako shiro


That's alright. I like the glasses. I didn't expect any more from you. I'm surprised you even complied

I don't know why but the image seems to be lost for no apparent reason every now and then

I can't complain today, slept well and feeling pretty good. Thanks for asking.

>Hoping for more ship girls to arrive atm
>Amatsu is gone

Oh, I know I'm very attractive, just something I found and thought you'd enjoy, since it's your two favorite people on thread combined. Right? I'm your second favorite, right?

Nevermind; Feeling bit empty right now.. What about you ?

I do not have a 69th pic since I'm on my phone. So here, take a lewd birb pic instead

is somethin wrong???
im tired lol, i just fell asleep like 4 hours ago


K. Just numbered some more. Now here is my 69th

Fuck off :3


Heya Frog

>Frog claimed

I'm still extremely tired.

yo tsuyu, what's goin on??

So, how goes it Froggo? Also, Hanako is being nice, don't know why you have to be rude. Don't know what happened between you two in the past, but that's the past, so just drop it.

Hanako murdered her family and ate their legs
>on mobile, ignore filenames

I did drop it. I asked them not to talk to me anymore end of story, anything else you need to know?


>4 hours
ain't that much though..

meh, it's a horrible time..

Hai Frog. Whats croaking? Eh? Eeh?

I did ask how goes it. Forgot you asked Hanako not talk to you, that's my fault.

yah...my body clock is all messed up lol
you wanna talk about it??

not to talk*


well its going slow so i'll reply

>more ship girls

not till later, and ye amatsu went to bed

you two are about the same when it comes to my favorite

also whats your telegram/skype?
>this goes for you to hanako

Oh..get well soon then~

how are you?
>also your waifu is cute


Hiya meguuuuuu

Ribbit. Not a lot, honestly.
Falling asleep at work!

falling asleep at work

Not your fault, I'm just sassy today.
Don't call me a prick and an asshole after I tell you no without expecting me to say something back.
>Snapping in a z


Also hi Noire

I'm okay thanks, you~?
>Thank you! Yours too~


Too much bad things happened in a too short amount of time .. thanks for caring though

Hi there~


Subway Orgy.
If that doesn't work, tell me yours.
Also, don't believe you heard the news. That is a different Megumin from the one you know. Previous Megumin's waifu is Nagato now.

are you sure??? you can tell me
unless you don't wanna....

is...is that for skype or telegram?

my telegram is @hannu


Sleep is important frogs! Make sure you dont die at work today!

That would be for skype, should've clarified that.


>previous megumins waifu is nagato now



I'm back.

Kyouko claimed.


im ok, just woke up
mugi :^)

How could I confuse big titties for below average titties?
read this How was whatever you did? I believe you said nap.


heya kyo!!! how's it goin??

Hi Back I'm Birb

These threads used to be around with random avatar fagging. Then they disappeared and I was happy. Now they are back. Are you dumbasses the same ones as those?

In the middle of League game with friends.

>We got shit on
>Feels bad

>ditching your waifu for a kancolle waifu bait

I know about Megumin guys calm down.



>feels bad

Touko claimed

I like a bit of bush on mai waifu.

Alright, I'm off to the store to buy food.
I haven't eaten in 40 hours but I pulled through
Skipping food gives you time to do more work and hunger keeps you very alert
It hurts though
Don't have too much fun

>How was whatever you did?
It was good, I guess.

Decent, I got enough sleep.

Good morning everyone! I'll try to be on later, exams suck right now
>hugs for all
Cya later!

Silly Kotori.
I won't die~