Are you on the fence about Mirrors Edge Catalyst...

Are you on the fence about Mirrors Edge Catalyst? Due to the huge marketing machine EA is you can find TONS of reasons why you should buy it. I'm looking to be the voice of reason in telling you exactly why its a waste of time and money.

What do you guys think though is this gonna flop or what?

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Probably. But I play what I want to play, because I want to play it.

No one said don't play it. I'm informing everyone why most people won't enjoy it. =]

cool opinion man


I made my mind up after the beta. Too much community challenge bullshit

I want it, but probably wait until it becomes cheap

its a sequel to a game about parkour,

I personally think it already looks like a $20 digital download the way it is. So I hear ya.

That's actually one of my points in the video kind of. lol

Looks like a good game. I liked the beta but im gonna torrent it because ea dont deserve my money.

Understandable, lol

The thing that worries me the most is the spy permission you are giving them with the EULA. I think they still can scan your fucking hard drive for everything you have inside.

It's going to be good if you want more of the same. It's going to be more of the same

Does it have Denuvo?

Well Mirror's Edge was a massive pile of shit, and possibly the worst game of that generation, so it's not looking very good from the outset.

Dude, who the fuck cares?

Throw away the Fedora, shave, and go to the gym and lose some of that gut.

>asking strangers for opinions on a soon to be released game to help shape your own opinion, even though we all know you will buy it and play it start to finish.

Then, with crossed legs and a pinky out holding a cup of green tea you will again post a thread discussing the same things as spoken here.

Get a fucking life you faggot.

Totally disagree

i'm not buying it by any means pleb.

But if we're on the talk of upcoming video games, how about this

The most recent delay can be a very bad sign. It's making some people think the game may end up being poor quality, but its also started the rumor of a possible beta.

What is everyone's feelings on this? Do you think the delay is a big deal or is it just a little bump in the road? Will there be a beta? Should there be a beta?


Plus it forces you into combat, where as mirrors edge let you decide how you wanted to play, violently or just run.

It's not as prescriptive as the original, but others like that kind of thing.