4chin 1st day of work as janitor in gym. No manager to train or tell me what to do, what do?

4chin 1st day of work as janitor in gym. No manager to train or tell me what to do, what do?


idk maybe ur job? how hard is it being a janitor smh..

Kill someone else? You're the Janitor you can just clean it up.

Has probably never seen soap before.


You do whatever da fuq you want to do. If you can make a living then thats all you need. Fuck whoever tells you otherwise.

well a janitor keeps the space clean

Don't listen to this nigger

Nigga if you need someone to show you how to clean, you probably should kill yourself family.

bait, checked tho

Fuck you bitch get the fuck out of here. Just because you had a shitty life doesnt mean we all have to listen to your sorry ass. I never tell this to anyone but literally if you have nothing better to say honestly kill yourself because you are the filth that keeps everyone back. Seriously this is coming from an educated person that has a bright future ahead of them. If you want to say anything about women or drugs have fun with that shit money is the only thing that gives a person power. If you have anything to say about an apocalypse haha you must be dillusional or something because you have truly gone insane and have no place in society :)

Clean all places with bodily contact.

As a janitor you have money and when invested properly you can become a rich mother fucker.

Found the 12 year old.


Do whatever you like. Do some perverted shit. Get real nasty.

Then kill self once you realise they've got cameras.

Don't listen to this nigger.


If you guys think of getting help as bait than I honestly believe that there is no hope for you. Why do you guys let these damn internet memes or damn retards online dictate what is bad and good for you? I hate bait as well but I would never let some retard blindly guide me into the miserable life that they live. I hope you can all make your own futures.

I assume you mean you're a janitor on /fit/.

Delete all the threads. That is your job.

Clean bathrooms with soapy water, literally everything, every fucking piece! Separators, toilets, flush handles, beneath toilets ect...take out trash, fill products. Don't use same rag for toilets/urinal on anything else. Don't use mop for bathroom anywhere else even if you use bleach, will make the entire building smell like piss. Clean glass with fresh linnens or paper products, clean fountains and equipment on rotation. Do a fucking good job and get a raise

Put spycams in all the girls bathroom toilets.

Don't listen to this nigger.

Not trained yet is my excuse for now huehue
>pic related