Well Sup Forumsros like most of you I've been socially fucked. But I finally found a girl that's my doppelganger

Well Sup Forumsros like most of you I've been socially fucked. But I finally found a girl that's my doppelganger.
She's already told me she thought I was cute when we were hanging out earlier today.
Hoping I'm "sweet talking" properly, what you guys think?

>Talked for about 6 hours straight last night



but how does this help us Sup Forumstards

God it'll be a beautiful tranwreck when she cheats on your NEET ass.

>i'll write my life and you can illustrate it
holy shit dude. pack up your things and move to siberia. talk about a crash and burn. no survivors.

Just do it m8, go through with it, its better than nothing, you dont like it you move on

i thought that was pretty smooth


planning on it. I should probably just kill myself right now.

>i'll write my life and you can illustrate it
she's not a feminist i hope?

Nah, we mutually hate feminism.

then let her illustrate your life and carry the pots you made

I want the rest of the conversation... WHAT was so beautiful....that's where the laughing will start

Hoping for it, She wants to hang out today and go for a walk around the park or something.

sure one sec

>i'll write my life and you can illustrate it
fucking kill me, my upper lip actually hurts from cringing

Probably some platitude meaningless soappy romantic verses

marry her you sap


Nah we were talking about a girl offering to let me dominate her for cracking neighbors wifi

Op must of compared her to an Oero... because she likes to get double stuffed
"That was so beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes"

>Nah we were talking about a girl offering to let me dominate her for cracking neighbors wifi


Keep in mind Sup Forumsros she's my doppelganger and I'm pretty fucked.

kk one second


Just gonna start posting random parts of my conversation with her last night enjoy I suppose

she's a "hacker"

She wants to fuck you dumb cunt

I know this, But I'm personally interested in if she's more than a fuck.

wait, are these screnshots true?

100% No editing what so ever. There's no point in lying on the internet.

>>i thought that was pretty smooth

If you dont mind her thinking you are a self centered bastard lol.

Future cringe thread repost.

How often you smashing White Knight?

Never, but at least im not cringe thread oc creator.

Fucking score. Be brave and keep at whatever your doing. If you get a date dont shoot for the cunt on dayone DO have a backbone and intiate kiss at conclusion. Remain steady.

>I've never tasted pussy
>at least I'm not in a cringe thread
My point feels proven.

I'm fine with being in a cringe thread.
At least I'm getting ass and a possible soulmate

Please stop you are both cancer manifested into a human form.

>ass and a possible soulmate
you are getting a fat 9gag girl

if you dont mind getting ass from a whale, im ok with it. You haven't posted the girls pic, how do we know its not a landwhale?

She def is either a whale either a psycho

probably a medium fat girl with big black empty eyes

If she's a land whale consider me Ahab
Nice dubs

you were close, it's one single black empty eye, kind of square for my tastes

Made me laugh thanks for that

Christ you're pathetic.

psycho it is

Hopefully I don't want a boring one

That is not her pic. I know.


So not a whale
> psycho it is

Watch out op she may want to eat your kidneys or something

Most certainly is. Why lie on the internet user? I'm not that big of a loser

ITT: buttfrustrated virgins

to protect her? it is not too smart to post your future gf on Sup Forums.

48 Replies 18 Posters
I hope to god you are not talking to yourself pretending to be other anons. Assuming you're the same guy on the land whale psycho subject?

she's deffo a psycho, probably low self esteem/daddy issues. Happy about any attention she can get. But who the hell cares. You're gonna get good ass and that's all that counts. Keep going and get lucky.

Already checked every image reverse search tool and trace possible on that image. No returns so it's good to go.

so you did not even meet her yet?

Fucking 9fagget

>found a girl that's my doppelganger

No dude you just found another autistic person who happens to be of the opposite gender. I swear to god I'd drown both you retards in a pool of your own piss if I ever met you.

I hung out with her yesterday smoked some weed and talked for a few hours.

delusional people. Thinking they've met their soulmate without ever having sex with them. Welcome to the internet

I'm happy with finding someone as autistic as me in all honesty.

suuuuure you did

For the third time why lie on the internet?

I'm happy for you

I will stand behind you while you do it and say things like
>yes, yes, just like that
>drown those faggots good bro

Thank you I'm happy for you as well user.

>> it is not too smart to post your future gf on Sup Forums
>> it is not too smart to post on Sup Forums.

Nigger keep this shit for yourself we dont care that you are in love. This is b and no ine will help you in good way. Now go outside and let her take your virginity nigger.


he means " im happy for you "

Would love for her to do that but lost it a few years ago.

You are about to fuck up something beautifull, leave this thread.

Invite her over for spaghetti

Why are acting like a 12 year old then, this doesnt make sense

Think user Think.

I am getting something... hallelujah.... the lord has entered me!!!! I seee the light!!! First i was blind but now i can see... user is between the age of 11 to 16!! Yesss thank you loooowrdy, loooowrd!!! Lets all pray together my children. Lets praaaaaaaay and praaaaaise daaa looooowrd

This screenshot is actually pretty ok. Keep in mind that 90% of whats said romantically in a relationship could go in a cringe thread.


She probably just wants to get your credit card number like from the other guys.

>not only there for your spaghettis


Agreed, not looking to impress Sup Forumstards. More or less make it easier for me to think by having them point out issues and me respond.

please just bone her, invite her over for yoga or some shit, just something physical then one thing leads to another.


I'm poor and she knows this. Made sure to sneak that in at the beginning of talking to her.

Gladly. Hanging out again today so I'll see where that goes.

aye so Sup Forums isn't helpful at all and I'm not, but hey, looks like there's some chemistry here.

good luck!

I'm happy for you OP and I think we'd get along just fine. Fuck what these stale normies think. But tbh if and when I leave my house/ talk to people that I know I'd rather they not meme.

Sup Forums is being helpful without knowing they are. Thanks man.

Thanks Sup Forumsro I'd smoke a blunt with you if I ever ran into you in real life.
