Does Sup Forums think this fucking kyke is funny or is he just a cancerous faggot who needs a bullet enema?

Does Sup Forums think this fucking kyke is funny or is he just a cancerous faggot who needs a bullet enema?

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You fell for his b8 m8

Personally i hate the fucker

What's the matter OP?

Did Tosh say something that hurt your feelings?

Rob Dyrdek is funnier, and he's a fucking skater!

No, he's just an unfunny kyke. He's the Carlos Mencia of Jews

not even gonna take that b8

tosh.0 can be pretty funny, but his standup is lame

Tosh.0 just relies too much on deep web vids

In your opinion you mean.

No, he's literally that bad

Clearly large numbers of people enjoy him, pretty sure it's just your opinion and dosnt apply to everyone.

he's no Anthony Jeselnik, but he's pretty ok

Obviously we live in a world of autistic cucks who still live with mommy and daddy

The producers of this show called me to ask if I'd have a segment.. I said, suck my dick.. &here I am. Poof!

O dunno man getting mad at a comidean and blogging about how people should stop likeing what you don't like on Sup Forums is pretty autistic.

Also you people need to stop useing cuck wrong.

New to Sup Forums i see

Why do you care so much about other people? You should be more focused on your own life.

>Focus on own life
>Posted on Sup Forums

lol wot


No just pointing out OP needs to chill with his autism and the over misuses of the term cuck is makeing the board more cringe than I thought it could be.

It's become a buzz word meme word to be used when the person is mad but can't make comprihensive arguments. It's the new faggot.

If u don't like Sup Forums then go back to

Sup Forums is even worse

Besides I can't post furry porn in peoples threads on Sup Forums

U bastard, using my weakness for shark girls against me? How low

Why don't you just kill yourself?

Tries too hard to be 2edgy

Sharks are love

Because my purpose is to make people suffer, i intend to step my game up

So like every poster on Sup Forums?

Got any Mayhem r34?

Funnier than this flaming faggot fuck

I have tons on my computer but I'm on my phone so I'll just do this

That's a pretty fucking weak purpose. Go make yourself suffer, stick some sharp objects up your ass. Or kill your dumbass nigger parents for producing your pathetic existence in the first place.

Someone is jealous

you know most of what's said about the videos are comments written by other people and/or the show and isn't all his own original material, right?

Dude, nobody thinks rob dyrdek is funny. His show is miles below tosh.0

Im no nigger cus i dont commit crime
Get ur shit fixed m8


not everyone is on here to insult other people.

Ur just mad cus he got someone hot

he's really funny and has lots of really original ideas, but his delivery and cadence don't have much variation so he sounds one-note and the act gets stale quick. If he didn't have a TV show he'd be a top 5 standup for sure, but we get flooded with so much Tosh that he feels tired out already.

You're gonna make people suffer but in a way that's legal? Right, you're a fucking idiot.

Can we all just be friends?

Nobody watches his show, Tosh just got syndicated on multiple networks. Suck on that.

I never said i wouldn't bend the rules faggot

I'm here to shark

>Did Tosh
Looks like shit

Bend the rules nigger, it's what your kind does.



Today is 18th birthday, just look at my dick.


Well this thread derailed faster than an Amtrak train


I mean

If that gets you going


Also I don't derail threads I make them better

His stand-up is 8edgy75me

But tosh.0 is just a modern rendition of America's funniest home videos, and I like watching people do goofy shit to a commentary

Not funny/faggot

>Comparing Tosh.0 to AFV
If AFV broadcasted deep web content

Literally cancer

Not the person you replied to, but that doesn't bother me. Maybe that's why tosh.0 is better than his stand-up

This. Tosh.o is a genius. All those memes he made.








Faggots are mad we like tosh, so they're throwing a gay porn tantrum.


>Gay porn
>Clearly sees vag and tits

Fucking autist


I like Tosh.0 and nothing o posted is gay, well some lesbian but not gay.


Nice try troll. Almost looked.

It's porn only gay niggers like you jack off to, so it's gay porn. Scribble all the lady parts in you want, your father still hates you and the shame won't go away.

But as we all know, lesbian is sexy (as hentai and furry, bulldykes must die)

>AFV watching peoples home movies
>Tosh watching already-viral videos

if tosh is deep web to you then AFV should be mesh-net level web

Did u wake up this salty? Go get a drink

I think a lot of people seem to forget you're supposed to dislike the character he pretends to be in his standup. It's part of the overall joke.

He's still not funny though.

Watch his stand up, the guys pretty funny

Pfffff you saying you would not fuck this?


Wrong. You're not supposed to dislike him, you're just supposed to think he's a gay guy with strong opinions.

Cloacas are dirty and disgusting.

is he still around?


>strong opinions
So yeah, dislike him.

Keep those filthy dock workers out of this thread

Thats not true that's who he is, you can't fake funny

true I don't think he's funny, but I don't think he needs to die. just ignore him like I do. problem solved.

why does he act and dress like a nigger

This dock worker wants to be your cock worker.

That's a fucking stupid reason to dislike someone. You're basically the same, too. You have a strong opinion about someone with strong opinions. The autism is off the charts with you.

Hes a skater, they get a free pass

Not really, we all still laugh at skater kids too.

Tosh has the dank maymays boy.

Only the ones that suck


Thats reddit faggot


>they smell like shit
>they can't fucking speak up
>they carry disease
>women all sound like old ladies
>can't even mage bro